Migrants Crossing Border and Being Released Into the U.S. Test Positive for COVID

Schools and businesses are still closed in many places. There are still issues with vaccine distribution.

Yet, immigrants crossing the southern border who test positive for COVID are being allowed to move freely into the United States.

This defies common sense and everything we have been told about the danger of COVID for a year.

Note that the COVID tests are being administered after they are released.

NBC News reports:

After Border Patrol release, asylum-seekers test positive for Covid in Brownsville, TexasMiriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old asylum-seeker from Honduras, crossed the Rio Grande at dawn Monday with her young son and turned herself in to the authorities.A few hours later she was released, and the first thing she did was take a rapid test for Covid-19 at the Brownsville bus station. They told her her test came out positive.”Right now we were tested for Covid and they separated about eight of us because we were positive,” she told Noticias Telemundo Investiga. “We are waiting right now.” She was waiting to catch a bus to Houston.Other migrant families who also said they had tested positive were waiting to go to other destinations: North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey.The city of Brownsville administers these rapid tests at the bus station, after migrant families are released by the Border Patrol. A spokesperson for Brownsville confirmed that, since they began doing these tests Jan. 25, 108 migrants have tested positive for Covid-19, which is 6.3 percent of those who took the test.

All of this is unfolding as the number of children coming to the border is breaking records.

The New York Post reports:

Number of migrant children crossing the border on pace to shatter all-time recordMembers of the Domestic Policy Council were set to tell President Biden Tuesday that the number of migrant children who cross the southern border this year is on pace to exceed an all-time record — by 45 percent — citing unreleased data from the Department of Homeland Security.In a presentation made up of nearly 40 slides obtained by Axios, the DPC cites data from DHS and the Department of Health and Human Services to warn that the Biden administration is 20,000 beds short of what it needs to properly house the 117,000 unaccompanied child migrants expected to cross the border this year.Despite establishing multiple new tent-style shelters and loosening COVID-19 restrictions, the DCP is telling Biden that the administration will fall short of its needs by a couple thousand.

This is madness.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus