Media Using Same ‘Anonymous Sources’ Tactic for Capitol Hill Riot That Propelled Russia Hoax

Over the last four years, countless anti-Trump stories in the news relied on anonymous sources. The term ‘according to sources’ has become a punchline, and people in media are the only ones who don’t get the joke. They used this dishonest tactic to push the debunked Steele dossier, the Russia collusion lie, and more.

Now they are doing the same thing with the Capitol story.

See if you can spot the magic phrase in this New York Times report:

F.B.I. Finds Contact Between Proud Boys Member and Trump Associate Before RiotA member of the far-right nationalist Proud Boys was in communication with a person associated with the White House in the days just before the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.Location, cellular and call record data revealed a call tying a Proud Boys member to the Trump White House, the official said. The F.B.I. has not determined what they discussed, and the official would not reveal the names of either party.The connection revealed by the communications data comes as the F.B.I. intensifies its investigation of contacts among far-right extremists, Trump White House associates and conservative members of Congress in the days before the attack…The communication between the person associated with the White House and the member of the Proud Boys was discovered in part through data that the F.B.I. obtained from technology and telecommunications companies immediately after the assault.

“according to a law enforcement official”
“the person associated with the White House”

There’s something very familiar about all of this.

Here’s how this game works. The New York Times puts this out, and then all their little cronies repeat the story until it’s just accepted as truth. Here are a few examples:

The Hill:

Trump White House associate tied to Proud Boys before riot via cell phone dataA person associated with the Trump White House communicated with a member of the Proud Boys in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection, The New York Times reports.


NYT: Cellphone Data Tie Proud Boys Member With Trump White House Before Capitol RiotFederal law enforcement officials have uncovered a contact between former President Donald Trump’s White House and a member of the far-right nationalist group the Proud Boys mere days before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The FBI obtained “location, cellular, and call record data” that revealed the information, reports the New York Times, citing an unnamed source who was briefed on the investigation. The FBI hasn’t been able to figure out what the two discussed and the source wouldn’t reveal any names of the people on either end of the call.

Rolling Stone:

FBI Uncovers Contact Between Trump White House and Proud Boys Before Capitol AttackFederal law enforcement officials have uncovered contact between the Trump White House and a member of the far-right extremist organization, the Proud Boys, just days before the January 6 attack on the Capitol.According to a New York Times source, the FBI obtained “location, cellular and call record data revealed a call tying a Proud Boys member to the Trump White House.”

The dishonest and lazy media is doing this for a specific and obvious reason. So that the Democrats can use this against Republicans in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 election.

This will be the Democrat talking point. Republicans are terrorists. Even the New York Times reported it. See?

Tags: Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome