Media-Hyped March 4 Capitol Attack Never Happened, So Now They’re Hyping Future Dates
Glenn Greenwald: “if this ‘armed insurrection’ and threat of domestic terrorism are so grave, why do media figures and politicians in both parties—from Adam Schiff to Liz Cheney—keep lying about it and peddling fictions?”

Democrats and their media cohorts are furiously trying to spin out their Capitol riots Reichstag moment by hyping lunatic conspiracy theories as if they have any basis in reality. The goal is two-fold: demonize Republicans, particularly Trump supporters, and create a climate of fear in order to justify a new war on “domestic terror.”
However, for their fevered dreams of rampant civil rights-violating policies used against American citizens on American soil to come to fruition, they will have to come up with something better than a pretend “threat” from a lunatic fringe group. This time the made-up insurrection against the Capitol was to take place on March 4th. It didn’t.
In fact, so much nothing happened that the headlines warning of the March 4 armed insurrection read like ludicrous parodies of news.
- The BBC: “US Capitol police warn of possible militia plot to breach Congress”
- ABC News: “Capitol Police officials say intel on possible March 4 plot being taken ‘seriously’: QAnon followers believe that Donald Trump will return to power on March 4.
- USA Today: “Police bolster security at US Capitol as QAnon theory claims Trump will become president March 4”
- NBC News: “D.C. police, FBI on alert ahead of QAnon’s ‘true Inauguration Day'”
- CBS News: “House scraps Thursday session after intel warns of potential violence at Capitol”
Apparently, the crazy took hold because some QAnon followers were blathering on social media and in obscure online forums about March 4th being the day Trump would triumphantly ride into DC and resume the presidency. I think a brain cell or two died just typing that sentence. Anyway, yep, that’s the ‘threat’ that got DC Democrats, the FBI, the Capitol police, and the increasingly clownish legacy media all wee-wee’d up.
Some QAnon followers reportedly believed that Trump will return to Washington, D.C. and assume the presidency on March 4, according to The Washington Post. Department of Homeland Security Acting Undersecretary Melissa Smislova said the agency is working with the FBI to monitor “extremists discussing March 4th and March 6th,” according to an internal bulletin.
. . . . March 4 was the traditional inaugural day for presidents before the 20th Amendment was passed in 1932 and has become a significant date in QAnon conspiracy theories, The Post reported.
The U.S. Capitol Police did not name a specific group but announced an increase in security around the U.S. Capitol building in preparation for any potential threats Thursday, the department said in a statement Wednesday.
“We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4,” the Capitol Police said. “We have already made significant security upgrades to include establishing a physical structure and increasing manpower to ensure the protection of Congress, the public and our police officers.”
And all of that was for naught, the DC Caller explains that on March 4th, “the only people seen around the Capitol building besides staff and the National Guard were media crews and people exercising.”
Tucker did an excellent (and hilarious) segment on the leftwing crazies who stoked the fear-mongering fires with this nonsensical “QAnon Inauguration Day” hysteria.
Glenn Greenwald penned an insightful piece at his substack entitled, “As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever.” Greenwald asks (and answers) the following pertinent question: “If the threat of ‘armed insurrectionists’ and ‘domestic terrorists’ is as great as some claim, why do they have to keep lying and peddling crude media fictions about it?”
This is how apocalyptic cult leaders always function. When the end of the world did not materialize on January 6, [NBC News’ Ben] Collins insisted that January 20 was the day of the violent reckoning. When nothing happened on that day, he moved the Doomsday Date to March 4. The flock cannot remain in a state of confusion for too long about why the world has not ended as promised by the prophet, so a new date must quickly be provided with an explanation for why this is serious business this time.
This March 4 paranoia was not confined to NBC’s resident millennial hall monitor and censorship advocate. On March 3, The New York Times warned that “the Capitol Police force is preparing for another assault on the Capitol building on Thursday after obtaining intelligence of a potential plot by a militia group.” All this, said the Paper of Record, because “intelligence analysts had spent weeks tracking online chatter by some QAnon adherents who have latched on to March 4 — the original inauguration date set in the Constitution — as the day Donald J. Trump would be restored to the presidency and renew his crusade against America’s enemies.”
. . . . This formulation was crucial not only for maximizing fear levels about the Democrats’ adversaries but also, as I’ve documented previously, because declaring an “armed insurrection” empowers the state with virtually unlimited powers to act against the citizenry. Over and over, leading Democrats and their media allies repeated this phrase like some hypnotic mantra . . . .
. . . . But this was completely false. As I detailed several weeks ago, so many of the most harrowing and widespread media claims about the January 6 riot proved to be total fabrications. A pro-Trump mob did not bash Office Brian Sicknick’s skull in with a fire extinguisher. No protester brought zip-ties with them as some premeditated plot to kidnap members of Congress (two rioters found them on a table inside). There’s no evidence anyone intended to assassinate Mike Pence, Mitt Romney or anyone else.
. . . . That is the core formula of authoritarianism — to place the population in a state of such acute fear that it acquiesces to any assertion of power which security state agencies and politicians demand and which they insist are necessary to keep everyone safe.
Greenwald concludes:
Ultimately, if this “armed insurrection” and threat of domestic terrorism are so grave, why do media figures and politicians in both parties — from Adam Schiff to Liz Cheney — keep lying about it and peddling fictions? Politicians and media figures do that only when they know that the threat, in reality, is not nearly as menacing as they need it to be to fulfill their objectives of political gain and coercive power.
Read the whole thing.

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Is the insurrection narrative something we should fear? It isn’t directly related but New Yorker’s still applaud Cuomo’s handling of the virus despite the fact that even without the extra nursing home deaths revealed his record is abysmall.
Media coverage does shape perceptions so should we fear media’s pro-Democrat coverage of these hoaxes?
Because if you liked the Reighstag Fire, you’ll love this dog and pony show by Pelosi – who incidentially, is running our country.
The Reichstag Fire:
On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship:
Maybe more to the point, it was Pelosi who got Honore to do the risk assessment of this QAnon crazy, and it was Pelosi who was behind the Democrats scurrying away from DC on Thursday “in fear.” Hrmph. She knew there was nothing happening; our intl agencies definitely knew (and shame on them for playing this ridiculous nonsense).
That said, Pelosi’s a politician, seeing opportunity and grabbing it; she’s most definitely not running our country, though. We have no idea who is pulling Biden’s strings, but we can be sure it’s not her. She’s just another grasping pol, hoping to sell out the American people to destroy America. In that sense, she’s just another Democrat. She has more power than most, but she is serving someone/s; she’s the puppet not the puppet master. Money on it.
Re: “We have no idea who is pulling Biden’s strings”
Actually there’s little doubt as to who is pulling Xiden’s strings. Through their proxies, Obama and Xi are in control. The ChiComs have an inordinate degree of influence in the Xiden administration and former Obama administration officials dominate in the Xiden administration. Finally, in a public interview Obama is on record stating he’d love to be the man behind the curtain in a near-future democrat administration.
I couldn’t disagree with you more:
Get Ready for President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi:
If this happens, Harris will be pushed aside in months. (She’s inept, inexperienced, talentless, scandal-ridden and unlikeable. Pelosi is merely unlikeable – her scandals have been well insulated by $$$$$. Harris is a piker.)
Pelosi will be president within a year.
Not sure about the Pelosi part of that. She’s even older than Biden. It could be difficult for her to get majority votes in both Houses, especially since there would be no VP to break a tie in the Senate.
Fuzzy: “We have no idea who is pulling Biden’s strings…”
Yes we do. Susan Rice.
Is there any way to really counteract the narrative they are building?
Yes. We have to keep pushing back, sharing our links, and being brazen and fearless in stating what is right and true. Do they have the majority? Well, yeah, but we can and must find a way to combat that. We have to get into every living room, every hand. We can do this; we just have to move beyond the norm.
The perfect rationale for postponing the SOTU – or having our demented CinC do it via videotape
Very likely it will be a written submission rather than a public address.
All these leftist fevered conspiracy theories are nothing but crazed Blue Anon.
They’re not ‘theories’, but lies created to rationalize the sickness that is going on in DC at the hands of Pelosi.
Look up BlueAnon to understand what I was doing with comment…btw not on google they won’t allow it
Why are the democrats acting so paranoid? It’s almost like they hiding a big secret hoping no one will figure it out.
Why did the communists act paranoid, well into their seizing absolute power? It’s because fascists – like mafia godfathers – know there is always a target on their backs.
Joseph Stalin’s Paranoid Purge:
Lost file reveals Hitler’s paranoia:
Inside the bizarre world of paranoid dictator Kim Jong-un :
Mao’s paranoia:
Predictable Paranoia in Tyrannical Minds
Michelle Obama Describes Racism She Faced As First Lady:
The pervasive paranoia of Hillary Clinton strikes again:
Nancy Pelosi’s Delusional Paranoia:
Then finally, there’s barry projecting himself:
Obama: Sarah Palin made ‘paranoid conspiracy theories’ mainstream in GOP politics:
They know that most of the country will disagree with what they have planned.
Most of the Dem Party Ideologues are fully in favor of a ONE PARTY STATE run by Progressives/ Dem Socialists. They are pushing to: (1) stock the Supreme Court; (2) Add new States for a perpetual majority in the Senate; (3) Changing voting rules to ensure votes go Dem; (4) Add million of Mexican/Central American hispanics to voter rolls b/c 90% tend to vote Dem.
I have a way to drive the left totally insane (even more than now). Get a set of stick-on letters, and take the “Q”s and stick them on federal buildings and structures, especially in DC. This will drive leftists completely paranoid to the point where it will be obvious that they are unhinged conspiracy-theorists who see “domestic terrorists” under their beds. Normal rational people who witness this pure lunatic behavior may not revolt against it, but they certainly will be revolted by it.
Someting similar was done in Denmark during the German occupation. Danes started scrawling the characters “O5” in various places. Oh not zero. They also – just within hearing range of German troops, throw “O 5” intop otheir dialog, and then carry on with the conversation.
It drove the Germans to distraction trying to figure it all out when, in fact, there was nothing TO figure out.
Fascists are paranoid, because they know there could be people out there a sick as they are, looking to destroy them and take over by any means. It’s just like mafia life.
Reminds me of when Londo poisoned Lord Reefa’s drink.
“Why? Why did you do this?”
“To guarantee your cooperation. And because, sooner or later, you would do it to me.”
“some QAnon followers were blathering on social media and in obscure online forums about March 4th being the day… that’s the ‘threat’ that got DC Democrats, the FBI, the Capitol police, and the increasingly clownish legacy media all wee-wee’d up.”
And why not? That’s one small step above how the OK sign became a “white power symbol.” In that case it was a total troll job, whereas some of the QAnon people might actually have believed their own narrative.
Speaking of which, I have heard ZERO reports about the Antifa day of organized criminal mischief, which was advertised as being March 6. Did it happen and the MSM suppressed it, or was that also smoke and mirrors?
So how did the armed insurgency miss out on March 5th, 151st anniversary of the Boston Massacre ?
The mob used clubs, stones, and snowballs. (unarmed)
The British soldiers used Flintlock muskets, (armed)
They’re gonna try and ram through massive gun control- this is why.
Yep, and that’s just the start. A “war” on “domestic terrorism” means nearly unlimited surveillance of American citizens suspected of wrong think or known to be conservative/GOP/Trump supporters, attacks on these regular citizens by every alphabet agency (the IRS, the FBI, the NTSB, the ATF, and etc.), and possible indefinite detention of “suspected domestic terrorists.”
Whoa, and if they do try that (suspend habeas corpus) and start throwing people into “indefinite detention” with no recourse to lawyers or the courts then the paranoid delusions of the current regime might actually come true and they might be looking down the barrel of an armed
insurrectionrebellion of the people. And the results of that wouldn’t be pretty on either side.Keep in mind that this is now happening in Canada using COVID as an excuse (1, 2), and the sheeple up there haven’t done baa about it.
In classic socialist style, Trudeau has made public pronouncements that the rumors of “internment camps” are a complete hoax… because their official title is “quarantine hotels” (he doesn’t say that part).
You realise there is a delayed effect with Covid. Testing at the early stages won’t tell you if you have Covid hence quarantine which I what the link describes. It’s being used around the world to mitigate risk from those travelling in.
No woah here. This is exactly what the Obama-Bjden admin, its alphabet agencies, did to the Tea Party, and yes, Obama 2.0 will likely wield the Obama-era indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil policy Obama rarely managed:
That was never about actual terrorists, jihadists as an example, that was always about targeting domestic political rivals.
Sorry we didn’t show up. By the time we got off work, cleaned up, ate supper, spent time with the kids then changed into our fatigues it was too late to really pull off a good insurrection.
Hee! So needed a giggle! Thanks @harleycowboy
So, will the next panic date be the Ides of March?
The press has gone all-in for QAnon junk so much that a new phrase has been waved about and it actually trended on Twitter for a while (until the Twits In Power squelched it)
Blue Anon. It’s like QAnon, only its the fantasy fever dreams of the Left, like Russian Collusion, or the Kavanaugh accusations, et al…
Yep all a bit frustrating, they even cancelled government business because of the possibility. Daft really, given the level of security in DC
The level of security in DC is, basically, kabuki theater; it’s intended to make Americans think they are, that their base of government is, under threat of imminent danger. It’s a ridiculous fakery that cannot hold. No thinking person imagines for a minute that some random roving QAnon freaks and assorted Proud Boys slash Oath Keepers are actually coordinating some kind of peasant revolt. This is a fiction sold by people who benefit from the fiction.
An American “peasant revolt” is what these people rightly fear, and it’s not something that will happen on Twitter or be organized by morons on Facebook. God willing, it will never happen, but if it should, my money’s on America’s patriots.
I agree with the sentiment for sure
It’s right out of the fascist playbook:
The Reichstag Fire:
On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.
Read the obamacare law (I did). It’s the enabling act.
The Enabling Act:
The Enabling Act allowed the Reich government to issue laws without the consent of Germany’s parliament, laying the foundation for the complete Nazification of German society. The law was passed on March 23, 1933, and published the following day. Its full name was the “Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich.”
Glenn Greenwald is the rarest of creatures, an honest journalist. His reporting is becoming indispensable.
A question: does anybody know someone who is not a leftist journalist that actually takes QAnon (or however that is supposed to be spelled) seriously? I know nobody who does and is not a leftist.
He’s a liberal, but I totally love him. He’s not only a clear thinker but a fearless fighter for old-school liberalism.
As to your question, no, I do not know anyone who takes that QAnon stuff seriously. It’s freaking crazy town lunacy based on . . . what? A supposed Deep Stater who went silent months ago? Sorry, but if you hear, “gee, Trump will ride into DC and be anointed President by some unknown procedure,” and don’t think, “this is the craziest batshit nonsense of all time,” there is something wrong with you. What normal person thinks this is remotely reality?
The same people that take “The Fireside” seriously??
Add Sharyl Attkinsson to the list:
And Lara Logan.
Alex Jones?
If you are listing Alex Jones as a credible source you have serious issues.
It’s all projection.
If PDT had properly been inaugurated for his second term, you and I both know that the things that the progs say we are planning to do would have been executed by them…in spades.
Let me get this straight. The government has started its own fictitious communication campaign to compete with Q. There is not really much difference.
A soothsayer said the new date was the 15th, on the steps of the Capitol.
Or was that something I read in junior high school?
I am enjoying the Dog and Pony show
March 15 of course is the Ides of March
Next I would go with is April 1
This is quite far down the line of the telephone game.
The Daily Caller reports on what The Washington Post wrote.
The Washington Post reports on what an anonymous source reported (i.e. there is at least one anonymous subsource) that some QAnon followers as identified by the anonymous subsource of the anonymous source of The Washington Post believe according to the anonymous subsource of the anonymous source of The Washington Post. If the anonymous source of The Washington Post‘s journalist writing up the story exists in the first place and were not dealing with another Stephen Glass, Dan Rather or Claas Relotius situation.
Bottom line: Graham Greene’s excellent novel Our Man in Havana warns against unjustified trust in unreliable sources. Today’s MSM are even less reliable than Mr. Wormold when the story fits their preferred narrative.
Oh please, the democrat party and the media has to maintain the fiction that there is a group of “insurrectionists” that are going to stage an “insurrection” (coup?) against the federal government to justify their current hysterical overreaction (razor wire topped fence around capitol complex, continued presence of national guard troops in DC) as well a to justify any further hysterical nonsense that they can come up with (eg. individual bodyguards for each member of Congress 24/7 at taxpayer expense). And the sad part is that most of the democrat sheeple actually believe this nonsense and actually encourage it.
Hold on to your hats people, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
With the press serving as complicit co-conspiritors, I fear the worst is yet to come. Without disarming America fist however, they can’t do much. Therefore, we must never surrender our arms.
The goal is two-fold: demonize Republicans, particularly Trump supporters, and create a climate of fear in order to justify a new war on “domestic terror.”
There is a third purpose: They fear of rioting when they 25th Amendment Joe so the fences and troops have remained in D.C. The false threats (e.g., the fake 3/6 scare) are being given as cover for the actual purpose and to provide justification for maintaining the posture. When the fences and troops “just happen” to come in handy upon Joe’s ouster, Congressional leadership will feign that “good luck” was responsible for defenses already being in place.