Hello, is anyone out there? Welcome to the “new” Legal Insurrection website
You are free to move about the website. Please clap.

The last time we we rolled out a new website was in June 2011, when we left Google blogspot to our own hosted website at our own url. While there was much trepidation, it went smoothly, Legal Insurrection has landed, you are free to move about the blog.
So it’s not like we do this often. The difference this time is that we’re bigger, with 10 years more posts (39,800), comments (861,000), and data (several hundred gigabytes). We’ve also put in place some “stuff” that hopefully will help protect us, recognizing that no one is completely safe.
If you encounter technical issues, please leave a mention in the comment section to this post, which we will monitor and try to correct quickly.
Once again, you are free to move about the website.
Please clap.
UPDATE: I should have mentioned that the new website was built by Andy LoCascio and his team at Sound Strategies.
[Featured Image: Coyote in my backyard in Rhode Island]

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Net positive. Can’t please everyone. One foot in front of the other…
Here’s another one. When you press the “Reply Button” to make a reply to a someone the “Leave a Comment” box at the bottom of the comments disappears and doesn’t reappear until you either make an inline comment (which evidently forces a reload of the whole page) or force a reload of the page by clicking the reload button on your browser. There is no apparent way to cancel the reply once you hit the reply button and have the “Leave a Comment” box reappear at the bottom. You have to use the browser reload button to reload the page to get the comment box back.
Maybe they fixed it already? Latest comment I posted immediately showed up on the post.
Thumbs up. Thanks
scroll issue here too. only thing thats bugged me so far, looks good.
Scrolling … it scrolls properly when I log in with my username, but if I am not logged in, the scrolling is too touchy.
when i click on comments, they do not populate. only the most recent comment.
That issue has been fixed, thanks.
New layout is fine, dunno what other changes there were, but I do have to say: The javascript loading has got to go. A reader shouldn’t have to wait several seconds for a page to open without rendering text.
I’m with ya on this page loading delay. Gotta fix that.
Thanks Mr. Jacobson for working to improve our experience on your site. It is appreciated!
Insert “sounds of loud clapping and cheering”
Many claps. New site is working fine for me so far. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for fixing the scrolling. It makes a huge difference.
A couple more things:
The dancing squares have worn out their welcome.
I like the Back ro Top. But, instead of scrolling, how about just going back to the top?
Seeing ads located after the first paragraph cutting off the first (few?) lines of the next paragraph. On the page about Portland State’s censorship… Next paragraph starts with:
“recently filed a copyright strike against”
Who recently filed? Most people want to know.
Nah. Old site was better. This one won’t load on my iPad, and is horribly slow on the MacBook.
Essentially unusable.
I left a comment the first day. It is gone.
So, I shall repeat it:
Why did you fix what wasn’t broke?
The new site is horrible. Bouncing black blocks, but no information.
It is to the point that I dread opening it, and now avoid the site as much as possible. I am down to once a day, and will try for every other day.
Final comment on the new site. We got:
Dancing squares every time a new page loads or one refreshes the current one.
Slower load times.
A “bouncing ball” graphic on the button under the “slide show” of current articles.
We didn’t get:
Ability to reverse down- or up-ticks.
No separation of down- and up-tick links.
Both ticks are still right next to Reply.
No comment editing provisions.
This is my favorite site by far, but I’d say that – all things considered – I preferred the old site.
One bear’s opinion.
I don’t know if people are still reading articles that are so old they’ve fallen off the far end of the desk but…
Within the past two days, I seem to have been blessed with a truly magic mouse. I click on a thumb that has a 1 count, and it magically increments to a 3 count. I did this twice in a row in an article posted today.
I tried it here in this article, and got only a 2 count. I’m wondering if the CSS has changed between then and now to introduce this bug.
I suspect that, while you’re reading, someone else gave a tick. It then only updates the count when you add yours.
Yeah, I believe you. I just experienced some +5 upticks in a single bound. I refreshed the page, and the behavior went away for the next few minutes.
Slow & clunky, this ain’t My legal monkey.