Democrats Shift From ‘Coronavirus’ To ‘Climate Change’ For Power Grabs

The news on the coronavirus front continues to trend in a positive direction, as long as you don’t cherry-pick the facts to promote a pandemic-restriction agenda.

The number of new cases in the country has declined 19% over the past 14 days (49, 728). The number of deaths has plunged in those same two weeks by 31% (to 1846). To put the number in perspective, on average, 1498 people die every two weeks in traffic accidents…or did until all the pandemic shutdowns halted the country.

Additionally, there has been a substantial acceleration in vaccine distribution.

In the past month alone, the rate of vaccinations has ramped up about 40 percent, to an average of 2.3 million shots a day as of Friday, up from an average of about 1.7 million shots a day on Feb. 12, according to a New York Times database.

As the pandemic winds down, states are beginning to open up. Oklahoma has become the most recent state to remove restrictions and public gatherings and masks mandates.

Gov. Kevin Stitt said he will issue an executive order Friday taking away any COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings and will remove the mask mandate for Oklahomans inside state buildings.His announcement comes nearly one year after he imposed his first COVID restrictions at the start of the pandemic.The executive order will end limits on public gatherings, attendance limits at indoor sporting events, and a mandate that all employees and visitors of state buildings wear masks.“The standard for ‘normal’ cannot be zero cases,” Stitt said. “In Oklahoma, the standard for normal is freedom – the freedom to worship, the freedom to go to work and earn a paycheck, the freedom to visit your loved ones in nursing homes, the freedom to send your kids to school in person, and the freedom to protect your family however you see fit. As long as I’m governor, I will protect the freedoms of Oklahomans.”

As the coronavirus cudgel used to control the American people is no longer working, Biden bureaucrats are now beginning to renew “climate change” as the touchstone of policy decisions.

On “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd brought up climate change in a question for Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Todd asserted the pandemic was the result of climate change, anticipating even more viral death and potential for the promulgation of more liberty-crushing rules and media-induced pandemic hysteria:

You know, when you think about, sadly, having to prepare for this again, right, and I know there are a lot of folks who think that, you know, due to climate change and due to the globalization in general, it’s inevitable we’re going to deal with more and more viruses like this. The biggest lesson you’re going to take away to prepare for the next one?

Fauci, of course, failed to mention the bat virus studies conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology nor indicated that there was any reasonable goalpost that was being established to mark the end of the pandemic response.

Fauci’s long-winded response to Todd’s question ended in an ode to globalism:

…Let’s take global to begin with. We have to have a better global health security network of interconnectivity, of communication, of transparency, so that we are talking to each other all the time and know what’s going on. We also have to have a continued investment in the science.If you want to look, Chuck, at the success story in this terrible year, it has been the extraordinary, unprecedented advance with the vaccine — where, you know, in January of 2020 we started the process and 11 months later, we had a highly efficacious vaccine going into the arms of individuals, which is going to be the answer to this together with public health measures. So, keep the science up, continue to support the public health infrastructure and remain global in our interactions. You know, as I’ve said so many times, a global pandemic requires a global response.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used climate change as an excuse for the current border crisis.

Celebration by Democrats over Joe Biden’s signature last week of a historic aid package combining Covid relief with economic stimulus and anti-poverty programs has been tempered by a surge in the number of young migrants from Central America and Mexico seeking asylum.Some come from families whose livelihoods have been destroyed by climate change, Pelosi said. “These people were leaving because of the drought,” she said. “They couldn’t farm and they were seeking other ways to survive.”

As a bonus, Pelosi dared to blame President Donald Trump for the current illegal immigration surge.

So, as the coronavirus pandemic peters out, Biden’s bureaucrats and the progressive government activists are turning to climate change for reasons and excuses.

Perhaps this is the clearest sign that the coronavirus has run its course.

Tags: Biden Climate Policy, Climate Change, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus