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Branco Cartoon – Help! They’ve Fallen And They Can’t Get Up

Branco Cartoon – Help! They’ve Fallen And They Can’t Get Up

Ratings Death Alert

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I hope ALL fake alt left news goes under and all their “reporters” end up on street corners groveling for spare change and getting NONE. Not one journalist among them.

Maybe they can learn to code…

Likely the Joseph Goebbels media is counting on the Biden* administration giving them a bailout. Which may in fact happen.

OT: notice how the Pound Me Too allegations against Cuomo have pretty much vanished? The only thing recently about Cuomo that the Joseph Goebbels media saw fit to make some noise about was allegations that he secured Wuflu testing for family members. In the open sewer that is NY politics that lame charge would not attract a single fly.

So it looks like the Ralph Northam defense worked for Cuomo. The Communist Party faction that tried to purge Governor Granny Killer has fallen short (Letitia Jones hardest hit).

    or the Democrat Party put the word out that their media reps wouldn’t get anywhere near Biden or Harris for any pressers (Trump averaged one every day and a half–Biden is averaging one every two and a half months). Biden and Harris: Pressers 0, Pressures constant!

So much this

Yes. They are probably already starting to miss the evil orange man.