Biden, Who Said We Should Believe Kavanaugh’s Accusers, Refuses to Call for Cuomo’s Resignation
“Champion of Women” Pelosi also refused to demand Cuomo’s resignation.

Why is it so hard for politicians of any party or belief to remain consistent on anything, but especially sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape?
President Joe Biden refused to call for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation despite seven accusations of sexual harassment when a reporter asked him about the situation.
“I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us,” Biden replied.
Weird. That is not what Biden said about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time.
“But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron,” he continued then.
Biden is not the only one. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi refused to call for Cuomo’s resignation. Instead, she urged him to “look inside his heart.” It gets better:
“I think we should see the results of the investigation,” the California Democrat said on ABC News’ “This Week.”
“And what I’m saying is the governor should look inside his heart — he loves New York — to see if he can govern effectively. I think we should see the results of the investigation,” she added.
Pelosi once said she prayed for “divine intervention” to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation. She wanted him to take a lie detector test and fawned over his accusers.
Almost 90% of New York’s congressional delegation and 80% of the state’s senators demanded Cuomo resign. The New York State Assembly already introduced an impeachment resolution, “opening an investigation with full subpoena power into sexual misconduct allegations against the governor and his handling of COVID-19 at nursing homes.”

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Do politicians really care about women? Apparently not. They just want to weaponize sex harassment to smear their political enemies
“”Do politicians really care about women?””
Apparently only the ones with male plumbing.
Feelings break structure. Structure channels feelings. Women prefer feelings, men prefer structure. You want feelings running households, and structure running nations.
The intended audience of politicians is women, so structure doesn’t matter. The charge of hypocrisy won’t work for the same reason.
Politicians would target men except it’s not as easy to cheat. Structure is too constraining.
The 19th Amendment was the biggest mistake America ever made.
Whatever Cuomo did, Biden did worse, and Kamala even invited it to obtain political favours.
And Kavanaugh is a coward to wouldn’t give Texas standing and destroyed American Democracy.
Everyone is a giant sack of shit. Everyone except for the Orange Man that is.
Biden and Cuomo clearly have something in common
The hardest part is the realization that although the concerns of these women are extremely valid and deserve justice… Biden, and the left with a bias media “push”, are making sure DISTRACTION is the name of the game. The CRIMINAL lack of attention and justice paid for the murders of thousands of elderly is the real “spotlight” of corruption on the left and especially on Cuomo.
***The Comfort ship was in port with 250m beds. The Javis Center was wide open for the elderly….and it appears that Cuomo CHOSE TO crowd in the ill for political maneuvering in leftist fear mongering to raise death tolls to incite unjustified shutdowns and economic ruin. That’s the quiet part out loud. God will judge, as all will be judged. So be it. Pray for America
Kavanaugh was not a viable Justice because two days before his confirmation, a woman stated that at some point, somewhere but she’s not sure, 36 years ago he assaulted her, maybe.
Now, sure, 6 women have made serious allegations against Cuomo. But, bruh, why the rush to judgment? Everyone is entitled to due process. Kavanaugh was not entitled to due process because, bruh, it was only a job interview, so presumption of innocence does not apply.
chinabiden & pelosi believed kavanaugh’s false accusers because Kavanaugh is a Conservative Republican & therefore Guilty, has to prove innocence. They both agreed that cuomo should be given the benefit of the doubt, Innocent until proven guilty, is because cuomo is a liberal socialist communist Ds! Pure & simple!! Republicans are always guilty, liberal socialist communist Ds are Always innocent!