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Anti-Socialism Memorial Vanishes From College Campus Overnight

Anti-Socialism Memorial Vanishes From College Campus Overnight

“The whole entire memorial was gone, like no trace of it”

A conservative student group made the memorial to honor victims of socialism and it disappeared. I wonder what happened to it.

Campus Reform reports:

MYSTERY: Anti-socialism memorial vanishes overnight

The Young Conservatives of Texas at Sam Houston State University set up a memorial on the evening of Feb. 23 to honor victims of socialism only to find it gone the next morning.

The night before an event against socialism, the Young Conservatives of Texas at Sam Houston State University planted 1,000 red flags on the lawn near the Lowman Student Center to represent the more than 94 million lives lost to socialism.

The next morning, however, the flags were nowhere to be found.

“The whole entire memorial was gone, like no trace of it,” SHSU junior DianaLee Enriquez told Campus Reform.

Sam Houston State YCT chapter chairman Johnny Uribe told Campus Reform that, at first, he thought “there was some kind of miscommunication between us and the school.” However, Uribe said that the reservations coordinator for the Lowman Student Center, Anna Pursley, “reassured” him that the university was aware of the memorial due to its prior approval and did not remove it.

“I was in the office and I saw [Pursley] making calls to different departments such as the landscapers, groundskeepers and janitorial crew and they denied removing our memorial.

She called UPD to look at the cameras and investigate,” Uribe told Campus Reform.

SHSU public information officer Stephanie Knific confirmed to Campus Reform that an “internal investigation” was launched.

“As part of a university internal investigation, officials checked with the Grounds Department to see if they had removed the flags, which they had not. Additionally, staff checked dumpsters and trash receptacles to see if the flags had been discarded. None were found,” Knific said.


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Make a new one and include surveillance cameras. The defenders of freedom must, after all, always be vigilant.

to make it more realistic, they should plant 1000 land mines along with the flags…that would symbolize the lengths socialists will go to retain power, and keep their populations captive.

“Additionally, staff checked dumpsters and trash receptacles to see if the flags had been discarded. None were found”

Do it again, and hide GPS trackers in some of them.

If this had been a BLM themed display that was “harmed”, the investigation would be long, involved, expensive, and increasing in scope until they found some white people to blame.

    healthguyfsu in reply to artichoke. | March 22, 2021 at 11:12 pm

    Close but you forgot to point out that at the end of it all, it would be clearly outed as a hoax and everyone involved in the witch hunt would dominate the platform to talk about the important lesson that was learned in the event that this umpteenth fake hate crime had been real.

    Also, no apologies would be issued to the injured parties or at all because radical activists are never wrong and thus never have to apologize.