UConn Must Pay $63,000 to Victim of Title IX Kangaroo Court

One way to make colleges stop using kangaroo courts is to make it financially painful for them.

The College Fix reports:

Judge orders UConn to pay $63,000 to victim of Title IX kangaroo courtNearly a year after a male student and University of Connecticut jointly submitted a plan to end his litigation against the school for its sexual misconduct investigation, the judge in the case has figured out UConn’s legal bill.The taxpayer-funded university must pay “John Doe” $60,160 in attorney’s fees and $3,035 in costs because he is the “prevailing party” in the due process and sex discrimination litigation, U.S. District Judge Michael Shea determined in a Thursday ruling.The “consent order” the parties submitted last year, which shortly followed Shea’s temporary restraining order, “materially altered the legal relationship between the parties in favor of Doe,” according the ruling.That’s because Shea largely gave the student what he sought: UConn had to let him enroll in spring classes, formally reinstate him, remove the two-year suspension from his transcript and give him “new, fairer procedures” in his Title IX adjudication. John said he was deemed “not responsible” in the “rehearing” that followed the consent order.UConn took no position on whether John was the prevailing party, which the Supreme Court defines as a plaintiff who succeeds “on any significant issue” to achieve “some of the benefit” that person sought in litigation. Their agreement preempted a hearing before Shea on John’s motion for a preliminary injunction.The university submitted several objections to John’s sought attorney’s fees, including that they should be reduced by 75 percent because John only achieved “partial success” in the litigation. Shea largely rejected the university’s arguments but cut about 40 percent off John’s sought legal fees and costs.

Tags: College Insurrection, Connecticut, Title IX