Do the people who believe in this stuff even see how backward it is? They’re singling out one group to teach them how not to be racist?
Campus Reform reports:
Tufts University promotes ‘retreat’ to ‘root out racism’ among ‘White Christian folks’Tufts University promoted an event intended to “Root Out Racism” among “White Christian Folks.”The event, titled “Rooting Out Racism: An Online Retreat for White Christian Folks,” was marketed as a “retreat about white supremacy.” The event’s host, Spiritual Grounding, which does not appear to be directly affiliated with Tufts, insisted upon the necessity of the retreat as “George Floyd’s murder has highlighted once again the need for white folks to do their work.”Spiritual Grounding stated that the event prompts “White people to search their souls” and to “understand how Christianity has contributed to racial inequity.” The organization invites participants to “repent, lament, and uproot racism from [their] own heart.”After Campus Reform reached out to Spiritual Grounding, some of the phrasing on its website was removed…Tufts University’s event page lists the contacts for the retreat as the university’s Protestant Chaplain, Daniel Bell, and the university’s Catholic Chaplain, Lynn Cooper. Tufts also lists the event’s sponsors as the university’s Protestant and Catholic Chaplaincies.