Trump Lawyer Criticizes CBS Reporter After She Brushes Aside ‘Doctored Evidence’

President Donald Trump’s attorney Michael van der Veen slammed CBS News reporter Lana Zak after she attempted to brush aside the doctored evidence Democrats presented at the impeachment trial.


The House managers “accidentally” put a doctored tweet into evidence during the trial.

From Fox News:

Singling out Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., Lawrence tweeted earlier this week: “I’ve never been verified on Twitter so why did my Tweet used in the fact-free impeachment include a verification badge?”In an open letter, Lawrence rejected Swalwell’s implication that she meant to bring troops to the Capitol. The California congressman was criticizing her claim that she would bring “calvary,” but purportedly misconstruing it as horses or “cavalry.”Calvary according to the Gospels of the Bible, is a site outside the walls of Jerusalem’s where Jesus was crucified.

Attorney David Schoen told the Senate the Democrats changed the date of a tweet to 2021 from 2020, but they “caught this error before it was presented on the Senate floor, so you never saw it.”

CBS Interview

Zak interviewed van der Veen on Saturday.

Van der Veen said:

The prosecutors in this case doctored evidence. They did not investigate this case and when they had to come to the court of the Senate to put their case on, because they hadn’t done any investigation, they doctored evidence. It was absolutely shocking. I think when we discovered it and we were able to expose it, I think it turned a lot of senators.The American people should not be putting up with this. They need to look at who these House managers were and who they want representing them. It was shocking to me.

Zak butted in to explain the doctored evidence, but appeared to make it seem like it’s all not a big deal:

What you’re talking about now is a checkmark that’s a verification on Twitter that did not exist on that particular tweet and a ‘2020’ that should have read ‘2021’ and the selective editing, you say, of the tapes.

Van der Veen lost his mind. Zak tried to interrupt, but he did not give up:

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,’ van der Veen cut in. ‘That’s not enough for you?”It’s not OK to doctor a ‘little bit’ of evidence,” he said. “Respectfully, ma’am your question is turned. The media has to start telling the right story in this country,’ he said. ‘The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for rating, and as such you are asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that is is alright to doctor just a little bit of evidence… We won this case.””Your coverage is so slanted it’s got to stop. You guys have to stop and start reporting more like PBS does rather than a TV news show that doesn’t have any journalistic integrity at all,” he told the CBS anchor. “I’m tired of the biased media on both sides – left and right. What this country wants, what this country needs is this country to come together. To take the left and the right and find a middle ground.”

He also said:

What I’m telling you is they doctored evidence and I believe your question was, “Well, it’s only a Twitter check and changing the year of a date, here.” They switched the date of a year to connect it to this case. That’s not a small thing, ma’am. The other thing they did was put a checkmark on something to make it look like it was a validated account when it wasn’t. And when they were caught they didn’t say anything about it. They didn’t even try to come up with an excuse about it. And that’s not the way our prosecutors of our government officials should be conducting themselves.

Tags: CBS, Media Bias, Trump Impeachment