Survey Finds Communist Manifesto Among Top Ten Texts Assigned at Ivy League and Public Colleges

This makes perfect sense. Higher education has become a an institution ruled by the radical left which poisons the minds of our young people.

The College Fix reports:

‘Communist Manifesto’ among Top 10 texts assigned at Ivy League and top public colleges, survey findsA new survey found that “The Communist Manifesto” is among the Top 10 most assigned books in Ivy League institutions and the top-ranked public colleges in the nation.The book, written by Karl Marx in 1848, was ranked as the top-fourth text assigned at public colleges and universities, and the seventh-most assigned at Ivy League institutions.The other two reading assignments that also overlapped on the top 10 lists are “The Elements of Style” and the “Tragedy of the Commons.”Results were published by DegreeQuery, a Utah-based company that numerically rates and ranks college degrees, career paths and universities, according to its website.The company used the Open Syllabus Project database to determine its results. The online database provides access to the syllabi of over 2,500 U.S. colleges.“To determine the most-popular books at Ivy League schools and public schools, we aggregated the ranks of the top 100 books at each Ivy League school and the top 8 schools on the list of the 2021 Top Public Schools of the U.S. News & World Report,” the company stated.Asked to weigh in on the popularity of “The Communist Manifesto,” David Randall, director of research for the National Association of Scholars, said there’s some justification for teaching it in a political science or history course.But the fact that it’s showing up among the Top 10 of the most assigned books on both lists suggests it’s being taught in a much wider swath of subjects, Randall said via email to The College Fix.“In general, it seems to be assigned more than you’d expect,” Randall said. “…Again, it’s not crazy that some teachers would assign ‘The Communist Manifesto,’ but it’s strange that so many would, while so many other notable texts fall by the wayside.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Communism