Students at Catholic Georgetown U. Protest Appearance by MLK’s Pro-Life Niece

Student activists at Georgetown University, a Catholic school, have decided that Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., should be condemned after speaking there.

Her crimes? She is pro-life and supported President Trump.

Hank Berrien writes at the Daily Wire:

Student Activists At Catholic University Protest MLK’s Pro-Life, Trump-Supporting NieceSelf-described “pro-choice” students at Georgetown University have demanded that the Catholic university “publicly condemn” the pro-life speakers who participated in the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life in late January. Among the speakers singled out by the student activists is Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whom the students accused of “promot[ing] bigotry and hatred.”“The conference, which bills itself as ‘the largest student-run, pro-life conference in the nation,’ has been held at Georgetown for more than two decades,” Angela Morabito of Campus Reform noted.

Here’s an excerpt of the petition attacking King:

Speaker Alveda King is Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece. However, unlike her uncle who preached tolerance and justice, Alveda King promotes bigotry and hatred. She uses her platform to publicly promote extreme anti-LGBTQ ideologies: she has compared same-sex marriage to genocide, compared homosexuality to fatness, and written that same-sex marriage and abortions cause natural disasters. She is also an avowed Trump supporter, and has publicly and continuously countered allegations condemning Trump for being racist, tweeting “President Trump is not a racist!! He is one of the best presidents America has ever seen! I fully support him!”Furthermore, she has referred to abortions as “womb-lynchings,” stating that “lynching is not a sacred cow reserved for the lamentations of descendants of black slaves in America.” In addition, she has publicly voiced her opposition to the Black Lives Matter Organization, inaccurately claiming that it supports “genocide and mayhem.”

Angela Morabito of Campus Reform notes that this was a virtual event, and attendance was voluntary:

Students at Catholic Georgetown feel ‘unsafe’ by pro-life speakers in optional, virtual eventPro-abortion students at Georgetown University demanded the Catholic school condemn pro-life speakers at the recent Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, an annual event organized by students at the nation’s oldest Catholic institution of higher education. The conference, which bills itself as “the largest student-run, pro-life conference in the nation,” has been held at Georgetown for more than two decades.H*yas for Choice, an organization of Georgetown students that is not formally affiliated with, or supported by, the university, submitted a petition to the school’s administration with signatures from more than 600 members of the campus community.The petition calls out Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who is scheduled to participate in a panel discussion, for her opposition to same-sex marriage – as well as her support for former President Donald Trump and her criticism of the Black Lives Matter organization. The petition also opposes Valerie Huber, another speaker and former HHS official, because she worked for the Trump administration and has supported abstinence-only sex education.

Has no one told these students where the Catholic Church stands on gay marriage and abortion?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Catholic, College Insurrection, Free Speech, Pro-Life