Student Op-Ed Says Joe Biden Must ‘Repair Nation’s Soul’ Then Bashes Trump

Anyone who relies on Joe Biden to repair anything is going to be sorely disappointed.

The College Fix reports:

Student op-ed: Biden must unify us, ‘repair nation’s soul’; oh, by the way, Trump is evilWhat does it say when those working at our college newspapers may be even worse than those in the mainstream media when it comes to ideological intransigence?Alin Maimon in USC’s Daily Trojan is but the latest to feign desire for unity and healing in post-Trump America.I say “feign” because, like his DT colleague, he wants unity and healing — without any type of understanding.Not to mention an acknowledgment of hypocrisy.“Former President Donald Trump has not served to make matters any easier for [President] Biden,” Maimon writes. “His divisive rhetoric over the past four years empowered the racists, conspiracy theorists and insurrectionists in the United States. It only worsened in his waning months as he baselessly claimed he won the election — which polls say over 50% of Republicans believe — and incited the riot and invasion of the U.S. Capitol.”Alas, nothing says “unity” and “healing” better than calling 75 million of your fellow Americans “racists, conspiracy theorists and insurrectionists,” in addition to indulging in fantasies that QAnon actually plays a significant role in our culture. Or that there are “constant threats of rebellion from alt right groups” across the land.Still more “unifying” is Maimon’s parroting of the Democratic Party’s wish to crackdown on so-called “fake news” (which makes sense given he served as an intern to Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Bob Casey Jr. and fellow for the Hillary for America Campaign). He says President Biden should make use of “speeches and messaging [and] executive actions to stop the spread” of allegedly ersatz facts “without infringing on First Amendment rights.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump, Joe Biden