Student Body President at UConn Faces White Supremacy Accusations for Opposing Defunding Police

The student in question is Hispanic and a Democrat, but that doesn’t matter. Anyone who deviates from the left’s position becomes a target.

Campus Reform reports:

UConn student body president accused of white supremacy after opposing effort to defund the policeMike Hernandez, president of the University of Connecticut’s student government, is being accused of supporting white supremacy due to his recent veto of a senate resolution that called on the university to defund its police department.In addition to serving as president of UConn’s Undergraduate Student Government, Hernandez is the vice president of the Connecticut Young Democrats and an Hispanic immigrant.The resolution, titled “A Statement Denouncing the Capitol Riots and white Supremacy,” sought to reaffirm the body’s commitment to “empowering and supporting all students of color,” established that the undergraduate student government “supports efforts to impeach and convict Donald Trump,” and called on the university to defund its police department. It also contained criticisms of white supremacy and the events that occurred on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol.According to Hernandez, he vetoed the resolution because he believes the Undergraduate Student Government “must remain a nonpartisan organization” and that calls to defund the police are “inextricably tied to partisan politics.”He also stated that it is not “appropriate for this organization to take any stance on the pending trial of former President Trump” as the trial was also “tied closely to partisan politics” and called the assertion that there was an “abject failure and derelict of duty by the US Capitol Police” in the resolution “an insult to the sacrifice and bravery of the many officers who held the line on that fateful day.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Connecticut