Kristi Noem: “COVID didn’t crush the economy. Government crushed the economy.”

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was a big hit at CPAC this weekend. One of the most popular parts of her speech came when she talked about how she didn’t shut down businesses or churches because of COVID.

She emphasized that the destruction of the economy was a choice made by government.

Andrew Mark Miller reports at the Washington Examiner:

Kristi Noem rips virus lockdowns in CPAC speech: ‘COVID didn’t crush economy. Government did’Gov. Kristi Noem received several loud applause breaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference after slamming the government-imposed coronavirus lockdowns and touting her handling of the virus in South Dakota.”COVID didn’t crush the economy. Government crushed the economy,” Noem told the crowd of conservatives gathered in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday. “South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close.”…“I took an oath when I was in Congress to uphold the United States Constitution,” Noem said last April. “So, I believe in people’s freedoms and liberties, and I always balance that with every decision that I make as governor. I get overly concerned with leaders who take too much power in a time of crisis because I think that’s how we directly lose our country someday by leaders overstepping their proper role.”

See the video below:

Noem also got cheers for going after Dr. Fauci.

Charles Creitz writes at FOX News:

Going on to slam Fauci, who served on both Trump’s and President Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force, and currently leads the latters’ efforts, Noem said the NIH physician routinely offered flawed guidance and predictions.”In South Dakota, I provided all of the information that we had to our people, and then I trusted to make the best decisions for themselves [on how to prevent the spread of the virus] for their families and in turn their communities,” she said.”We never focused on the case numbers. Instead, we kept our eye on hospital capacity. Now, Dr. Fauci, he told me that on my worst day I’d have ten thousand patients in the hospital on our worst day, we had a little over six hundred.””I don’t I don’t if you agree with me, but Dr. Fauci is wrong a lot.”

Here’s the clip:

If Trump decides to run again in 2024, Noem wouldn’t be a bad choice for a running mate.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Conservatives, Economy, Kristi Noem, Republicans, South Dakota, Wuhan Coronavirus