House Democrats introduce bill to ban “Twice Impeached Presidents” from burial at Arlington National Cemetery
Don’t they mean “twice acquitted presidents”

How much to Democrats hate Trump? This much.
Legislation introduced by House Democrats would ban “twice impeached presidents” from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Don't they mean "twice acquitted presidents"?
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 18, 2021

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Impeached (e.g. character), yes, but not removed (e.g. validated).
The first impeachment was self-incriminating. The sequel was less dramatic, but there was social and civil progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
That said, the narrative of Capitol is reminiscent of Cuomo, the man from Planned Parent/hood, and resources rejected. And Katrina, resources offered, and rejected. And Atlanta, Georgia, of Every Child Left Behind fame. Et cetera.
I am so–ooo tired of Dems and their hate. I have had plenty of people hate me when I stood strong and extracted what I was owed. Frankly I don’t give a about what they like and dislike. Most of the time I kept beating them into the ground, the more they hated, the better.
That is what we need to do to these people. Keep rubbing their noses in until they their hate either destroys them or or they get tired of the hate.
One of the best ways to deal with their hate is to cause them to turn on each other.
Hey, next they can pass a law that allows anyone who’s twice been accused of a crime, and then acquitted, to still be sent to prison.
Don’t give them ideas!
Like China.
Rather like how the UK abolished double jeopardy for certain crimes. The government can keep trying until it finds the “right” jury, in the meantime bankrupting you and keeping you in prison for years while the trials play out.
Cute little suckers aren’t they? And then once The Donald is safely dead and buried somewhere, they’ll organize tour buses so all of the Pelosi acolytes can come and “water” his grave. These people are lower than whale feces on the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
They are the sickest people on Earth.
Since the Dems are doing everything possible to emulate Stalin’s Soviet government, why not just do a Nikolai Yezhoy and Photoshop President Trump out of all official photos ? That would really utilize the old memory hole.
“Those who do not learn from history are domed to repeat it.” Santayana
You don’t think that is coming?
Do your f-king jobs
Oh that’s right Biden is doing it for you with his EO’s that you don’t give crap about
“Do your f-king jobs”
They are doing their jobs. This is what they do.
Just when I think their pettiness cannot be surpassed, they prove me wrong …
Never assume a communist can’t go lower.
Point! (And, a swish shot at that.)
DieJustAsHappy beat me to it! Yes, pure pettiness and spite on open display.
? And yet, it’s Trump’s behavior that is supposedly so very terrible …
Trump is developing free real estate in the Dems heads.
He has the Presidential Suite in the Trump Hotel in their minds!
Shh…nobody tell the Democrats that the cemetery is actually on the grounds of a slaveholder, then the will have to change the bill to FORCE him to be buried there…
Slave owner AND supreme Confederate general. Doube gasp!!
It’s going to take this type of craziness to wake people up to the mental illness in our current administration.
It’s cute that they have to say “twice impeached” so as to exclude Billy Jeff. It forces them to expose themselves for the hypocrite they are. But why don’t they just name Trump and be done with it?
Anticipating future Republican presidents?
It would at least prevent them from spending all of the next Republican President’s term impeaching him. Because if one was a thrice impeached president, this bill would obviously not apply.
And as my daughter just pointed out, we better not let them know that a former member of the Waffen SS (died in ‘Nam a much-decorated Green Beret) is buried there….
Well, by the precedent they set, a future Republican house of representatives can simply impeach Bill Clinton again.
They appear to be assuming that our courts won’t rule it a bill of attainder, which it clearly is, if Trump isn’t explicitly named in the bill.
“This bill is called the ‘No Glory for Hate Act.'”
We should make a point of referring to it by its shorter name, the “Hate Act.”
Democrat & Rino Hate Act, a bill.
So it should only apply to presidents impeached for hate, as opposed to Billy Jeff who was impeached for love
Sorry, missed the mark. BJ’s and cigar insertions are sex, not love.
Slick was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice.
Milhouse, you could do humor better if you weren’t so typically caustic.
I look at the bright side. While they’re doing the sort of childish nonsense, they don’t have time to debate the next tax increase.
Beat me to it.
I hope they waste time on it and conservatives focus their energy on where to fight back …
… I fear these are shiny objects meant to distract us from other crap they are up to …
They no longer have to debate it. Joe just signs it, and poof.
Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 of the U.S. Constitution: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.”
According to the Supreme Court, a bill of attainder is “a legislative act which inflicts punishment without a judicial trial.”
The question is whether any of these things are punishments. You could argue they’re merely denial of privileges. Congress can say these privileges only go to former presidents who haven’t been impeached more than once.
Two problems with this, showing that it was probably not written by a lawyer;
1) If it passes (which it won’t) it will take effect, both, after each of the impeachments, and after the swearing in of, President Trump. Since laws are not retroactive, when the law takes effect, it will only apply to those Presidents sworn in afterwards. Not before. This won’t even get to the Supreme Court.
For example, when the 22nd amendment was passed, it didn’t affect President Truman (it limited Presidents to no more than two terms). It was passed after he became President. Laws are never “retroactive.”
2) Presidents and many other elected officials are personally exempt from actions being taken against them for decisions they made while in office.
For example, after President Nixon resigned, he was “untouchable” from prosecution for any misconduct, while in office.
This is never going to pass. The value is here, that it exposes the stupidity and ignorance of the politicians who drafted and endorsed this bill.
Thanks for the content.
Keep up the good work. בס״ד
There you go reading that pesky Constitution again.
Just have Biden issue an EO. Problem solved.
It’s not true that laws are never retroactive. The constitution only bans retroactively turning a lawful act into a crime, or retroactively increasing the penalty for a crime. This bill wouldn’t do that. It would simply condition future benefits on a president not having been twice impeached in the past.
The 22nd amendment would have applied to Truman, had its language not specifically excluded him; that was a political decision by its sponsors. In fact, it specifically provides that if it comes into effect during a president’s third term he should nevertheless finish out the term; without that language it would have forced that person out mid-term.
It’s customary for such changes to take effect only in the future, to avoid suspicion that they’re being made for current political advantage; in this case that’s explicit anyway and they’re not bothering to hide it.
And no, former presidents are not immune for misconduct while in office; they’re only immune for official decisions. Nixon could have been prosecuted, were it not for his pardon. But even the pardon could not have prevented congress from passing this sort of act against him; it didn’t because Ford would have vetoed it, and by the time Carter came nobody wanted to revisit it.
א גיטן שבת
Lichau, Biden could probably do this by EO, but whoever is president when Trump dies could undo it. An actual law would bind that future president.
Yeah, lawyers can argue their way out of anything. Remember the Lautenberg Act, making people who had ever been convicted of domestic violence unable to possess guns? Ex post facto as hell. Nope, said the courts, it’s not a punishment. Sounds like one to me.
At the time it wasn’t a punishment, because the presumption was that owning a gun is a privilege, not a constitutional right. If and when we have a court that takes the 2A seriously, that decision may be revisited.
It’s a Bill of Attainder –
If not:
Any President who sexually harassed interns, raped women and whose wife hid subpoenaed documents in the White House can never – forgedaboutit – he’s suffered enough
Any President who can’t produce a valid birth certificate and ruined American Health Care forfeits any money he earned as a result of his political career
Any woman Speaker of the House who has had more than 15 facelifts and 20 Botox injections has to retire in Baltimore City where she was spawned
And so on
Obama did produce his birth certificate and was born in the USA, and because his mother is a citizen that isn’t relevant anyway. What the constitution mandates is being born a citizen not born on our soil.
He produced it eventually, but only after several years’ of messing with people’s heads. That could be grounds for denying him the privileges of former presidents
As for the exact meaning of “natural born citizen”, it’s an open question. It certainly doesn’t mean the person’s parents have to be citizens, but there’s a good argument that it does require birth under US sovereignty.
The birth certificate was fake. I know that for a fact (I’m a documents and graphics professional). I downloaded the PDF, opened it in Adobe Illustrator, and could see it was assembled from parts. A scan of a document doesn’t have parts. It just has an image embedded in the document. One image. It was fake and this was pointed out at the time by others. I had to see for myself and did so. It was created by some dumbass who didn’t know enough to flatten the document before outputting it to PDF.
Q: If the birth certificate was fake, does that mean Obama wasn’t a citizen?
A: No. The purpose of the birth certificate was not just to provide a false proof of citizenship. It was meant to conceal the true source of his citizenship.
While it’s true his mother was a citizen, under the law of the time she was not able to pass her citizenship status to little Barry because she had not spent the statutorily-required number of consecutive months in residence (i.e. in the US) before and after her 18th birthday. Therefore Barry was not eligible for US citizenship by way of his mother.
Q: Then did he get his citizenship from his father? Wasn’t his father African?
A: Yes and no.
Barry’s father was an American. A communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis.
Now, imagine trying to get elected president, or advance in any way in America, as a black man with a commie for a dad. So Barry concealed the fact that Davis was his biological father and concocted the story that Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was his dad.
But this created a new problem. Barry was born in Africa. How could he claim US citizenship if he couldn’t claim it directly through his mother nor by his place of birth? (Remember, he doesn’t want to claim it through his actual, biological father.)
Solution: Create a fake narrative, and equally fake documentation, of his birth in Hawaii.
Just as a “for instance,” one of the problems with the fake birth certificate is that it was likely created by a 20-something no-nothing. The race of Barry’s faux dad was listed as “African American.” Barack Obama was born in 1961. In the US at that time, his father would have been referred to (esp. on official documentation) as a “Negro.” The term “African American” wasn’t in use until much later. (And his faux dad wasn’t an “African American” at all. He was just plain “African.” But that’s not a race, so the term that should have been, and would have been, used was “Negro.”)
Of course, this story includes both some speculation and some hard facts. And it explains a lot about Obama’s citizenship status, how he acquired it, and why he had to fake a birth certificate. Of course, he may have faked a birth certificate because he was born in Kenya of a Kenyan father. But I don’t believe that’s (entirely) true.
Correction: “20-something know-nothing”
That is all high-grade bovine waste product.
1. It is not true that “a scan of a document doesn’t have parts. It just has an image embedded in the document. One image.” On the contrary, the layers in the birth certificate are exactly the sort of weird random layers that you get when you scan a document with software that tries to OCR it, or when you optimize a PDF and then open it as an image. See here, here, and here.
2. There is not a shred of evidence or any reason to believe Davis was his father. But had that been the case there is still no way he would have appeared on the birth certificate. Ann Dunham was a married woman (or at least so she and everyone else at the time believed, not knowing about the bigamy), so her husband was automatically her child’s legal father, and would have so appeared on the birth certificate.
3. The race of Barry’s faux dad was listed as “African American.”
This is just an outright stupid lie, as anyone can verify for themselves. His race is given as “African”, which was indeed the then-correct term for a black person from Africa. “Negro” was used only for Americans of African descent.
If I wrote for the Babylon Bee, I’d write about a new Pelosi bill that mandates that all Trump’s property be destroyed by fire and crushing, and Trump himself be set adrift in the Atlantic on a log raft, which after three days would be targeted by a Hellfire Drone and sunk. The Bill would be called the Stop Hate Act II.
Are they going to tell us we cannot hate anyone? Really? They must surely be insane to believe they can legislate this. Unfortunately, there is bad news regarding the powermongers at the top who are pushing this agenda on the “useful idiots” that elected them: they know they cannot legislate morality, but they can sure put many to death exactly like their predecessors have throughout history.
Beware your “friends” on the left, they are not your friends.
Who’s telling you you can’t hate anyone? This stupid bill certainly isn’t trying to do so.
Next… A bill to
1) purchase the house he was brought home to from the hospital he was born in;
2) burn it down;
3) salt the earth is was built on.
If this passes…Add to the GOP ToDo impeachment list…
— Two impeachments for the Obamessiah.
— One more for Slick Willy.
— Two for China Joe.
Shouldn’t take more than a few weeks based on the new impeachment criteria and procedure precedents the Dems have established..
If we retake congress I think I would prefer keeping congress so Democrats can’t get anything done again.
And you think doing this would endanger that?! I think the opposite; it would gratify the voters who elected the R majority.
If we campaign on impeachment that would be a good argument but if we campaign on something else then just turn to impeachment it would be considered a broken promise wouldn’t it?
Not unless we promised not to impeach, which would be a stupid thing to promise.
We can never peacefully share a country with these psychopaths.
Whatever animus they have towards Trump is animus they have towards you and I.
America has become a very dangerous, sick place. Let’s get the hell out.
Go, please, will you? And stop trying to get us to caravan with you.
From Wikipedia: Only two U.S. presidents, William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. (Most presidents have chosen to be buried in their home states.) There’s the secret: you can’t have President Trump buried anywhere near the sainted JFK.
So, who cares. The Democrats are saying if you are not buried in Arlington you are unworthy. Tell that to the thousands of Americans buried in foreign lands and the many US Presidents and other great Americans not buried in Arlington. For most interments, being a Washington elitist is a prerequisite. Real Americans do not need honors bestowed by the deep state.
The sheer pettiness on display at times leaves one speechless.