Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Becomes New President of Young America’s Foundation

Walker is a perfect fit to lead this organization for young conservatives. He also has extensive experience fighting the left and winning.

The Daily Signal reports:

Scott Walker Takes Helm of Young America’s FoundationLeft-wing ideologues who attempt to suppress conservative ideas on college campuses and in legislative chambers don’t genuinely believe in either unity or diversity despite what they say, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said in an interview with The Daily Signal.Walker, the new president of Young America’s Foundation, said such persons on the left mostly are interested in their own opinions.“They profess diversity, but they’re not for diversity,” Walker told The Daily Signal in the interview just days before he took over the conservative youth organization Feb. 1. “What they’re for is their own opinion. They talk about unity, but what they mean is they want you to support what they believe and to affirm what they believe.”Walker, 53, succeeds Ron Robinson, who served as president of the Young America’s Foundation for 43 years.Under Robinson’s leadership, the Reston, Virginia-based foundation inaugurated student-oriented programming and seminars for high school- and college-age conservatives.Robinson, now 70, also oversaw the 1998 purchase and preservation of former President Ronald Reagan’s Rancho del Cielo near Santa Barbara, California, and acquisition of the Reston-based National Journalism Center in 2001, which runs training programs for aspiring journalists. The Reagan Ranch Center opened in Santa Barbara in 2006.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Scott Walker