Biden Administration Drops Trump Plan to Track Campus ‘Confucius Institutes’
“which some U.S. officials allege are front groups for Chinese Communist Party propaganda”
Campus ‘Confucius Institutes’ have been repeatedly accused of spreading Chinese Communist Party propaganda in the United States for years. Trump took action on this issue last year, following the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Biden is now turning back the clock and reversing this policy, which makes no sense.
Over the past year, there have been multiple cases of people in American academia arrested for unlawful contact with China, even at the top of Harvard’s chemistry department.
Chuck Ross reports at the Daily Caller:
Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools
The Biden administration quietly withdrew a rule proposed by the Trump administration that would have required American schools and universities to disclose their partnerships with Confucius Institutes, which some U.S. officials allege are front groups for Chinese Communist Party propaganda.
The Trump administration submitted a proposed rule to the Department of Homeland Security on Dec. 31, 2020, entitled “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose Agreements with Confucius Institutes and Classrooms.”
Around 500 K-12 schools and 65 colleges in the U.S. have partnerships with the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, a U.S.-based affiliate of the Beijing-based Confucius Institute Headquarters. The institute, also known as Hanban, is affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Many of Hanban’s directors are members of the Chinese Communist Party or have close ties to the organization, The Daily Caller has previously reported.
Ted Cruz and other Republicans have been actively working to defund Confucius Institutes on American campuses.
Approximately a year ago, I wrote a post here reminding people of all the times in recent years that Joe Biden has downplayed the threat to America presented by China:
In the last ten months, Joe Biden has downplayed the idea of China as a threat to the United States at least five times. See below…
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Joe Biden on China in May 2019 – Come on, man.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Joe Biden on China in October 2019 – Not our problem.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Joe Biden on China in October 2019 – Not a problem.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Joe Biden on China January 2020 – We should be helping China.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Joe Biden on China in February 2020 – Idea that China is competition bizarre.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 23, 2020
Biden’s decision to stop scrutinizing Confucius Institutes on American college campuses speaks volumes. It is a massive gift to the Chinese Communist Party. This should alarm you.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
What do you mean it makes no sense? It makes complete sense if you are bought and paid for by the CCP.
$1.5B and 10% to The Big Guy will buy a lot of shoulder rubs and ear sniffs for Winnie the Pooh.
Secession discussion, anyone?
Since we’d all be seceding from the same entity, the People’s Republic of China and their bought-and-paid-for domestic subsidiary the Democrat party, we could maybe secede along with Taiwan and Hong Kong as two additional states.
No, at least half of us would happily stay with the Junta-ruled hellhole our nation is becoming.
If we seceded, we’d be in paradise. Just ask anyone who’s living in Florida: it’s the future. California is the past. The ugly past.
I’m thinking of a belt from Texas across to Florida. I have a hunch a good number of other states will be eager to join.
Sure, if you insist.
Secession doesn’t work, unless you have a plan to prevent freeloader immigration. Freeloaders will swarm to your “new country” in numbers, outvote you to allow freeloading, then freeload. As has already happened in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Virginia, and soon Arizona, Idaho, and maybe even Wyoming and Texas.
I’m going to post this every time I see you post this, until you present a plan that works.
WENQING: You sniveling jerk!
POTUS: I am sorry I have failed the Paramount Leader. I shall strive to do better.
WENQING: We are withholding this year’s bonus until your performance improves.
POTUS: Yes, yes, I fully understand. I deserve the wrath of the Paramount Leader. Is Hunter’s bonus also suspended?
WENQING: You ponderous fool! A dog won’t forsake his master because of his poverty. If you want your dinner, don’t insult the cook!
POTUS: Yes, yes, I understand.
WENQING: Spies! I want more spies – all across America!
POTUS: But master, you have me. What do you need with more spies?
WENQING: Elephant tusks cannot grow out of a dog’s mouth.
POTUS: Yes, yes, I understand.
WENQING: The path that can be walked is not always the path; the name that can be named is not always the name. These things, you do not understand.
POTUS: Yes, yes, I understand.
WENQING: FOOL! (emphasis in original) Then why do you defy your master! The Paramount Leader has given you this house? Why do you threaten to close ours? Make sure our Confucius Centers are not molested.
POTUS: Yes, yes, I understand, master.
WENQING: Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly!
POTUS, Yes, master. Yes, I understand.
WENQING: Arg! Easier to rule a nation than a child!
Beyond alarming. SOP. The Dem path to self-enslavement. Wilfull blindne$$.
I’m sure they are sure that they will be accepted in the CCP elite. Either that or they’ve bought into the “China will rule the world!” idea and hope that, as with appeasing crocodiles, they will be eaten last?
“”hope that, as with appeasing crocodiles, they will be eaten last?””
Without the slightest inkling that the untrustworthy, i.e. the traitors who opened the door for them, will be the first to be eliminated.
Why would the CCP let a white man into the club?
You say that as if they’re not taking us with them. They are. And most of us seem to be going.
Comrade Chairman Zhou Biden is doing his master’s bidding.
Hunter’s Big Guy knows Chinese Communist payola has a price. Or else. The Chinese Commies have enough leverage to destroy him overnight.
He who fling mud lose ground.
I’d be a lot more impressed if Trump had proposed this rule in January 2017. He proposed a lot of things on his way out the door that will never see fruition.
At first he was trying to work with them…
Do you need any more evidence a traitor is in high office? Literally? The damage Biden (his handlers, really) are doing will be un-doable.
The options for us to remain a free and secure people are very, very limited, and not likely to ever succeed. Consider that yet another generation of young zombies is being created (as voters and rioters), and hoards of illegals will soon be flooding across our border – and voting.
Secession is our only hope for freedom and security. Think about it: no democrats, no rinos, no blm psychos, no Soros, no Antifa, no nothing.
It will be hard work, but it will be OURS. The longer we wait, the more horrible the battle will be to get out.
Also imagine: a re-work of our Constitution – it’s be rather straighforward.
We could correct all the flaws that the lunatic left has used to destroy our nation in the courts.
Yes, let’s create a totally new document that will fix the problem we have, which is that evil people completely ignore what is in the old document. Because doing the same thing again and expecting a different result is true wisdom.
We need an army and Airforce , you got either of those?
Where do you think 99% of military people would be going? With us.
Juntaland would be left with the b.s. soldiers like Lloyd Austin.
We’d split the nukes. And probably have a defense pact for the mainland, which would work.
BUT: after a split, our new conservative nation would become a powerhouse very quickly – much like Israel’s development – but with a 100 million people. The Juntaland we leave behind will be a basket case, and its currency trash. But that’d be their problem.
God help any one of them that try to crash our new border….
Do not forget that the army and airforce we currently have is being purged and re-instituted for one purpose, and one purpose only: to train its weapons on you and I.
Biden is treasonous scum, but so is Pelosi. It gets worse and worse. And it will get ever ‘worser’.
Pelosi Banned Congresswoman’s Military Officer Son From Attending Her Swearing-In:
Then, there’s the First Slut threatening to kill President Trump:
Video Of Kamala Harris On Ellen Show Resurfaces Showing Then-Senator Joke About Killing President Trump:
Secession doesn’t work, unless you have a plan to prevent freeloader immigration. Freeloaders will swarm to your “new country” in numbers, outvote you to allow freeloading, then freeload. As has already happened in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Virginia, and soon Arizona, Idaho, and maybe even Wyoming and Texas.
I’m going to post this every time I see you post that, until you present a plan that works.
Probably for the best. People… persons know national and international socialist policies and yet they progress in fits and throes anyway.
And they don’t know those policies, but with the benefit of semantic games, conceptual corruption, and conflation of logical domains, they progress in fits and throes anyway… again, and again, and again.
Allege? I’m pretty sure we have more substantial proof than that.
When trying to make sense of it all you simply have to remember that Biden, Harris and their handlers are still suffering from Orange Man Bad Syndrome (OMBS) so anything that Trump initiated or did while president must be reversed, negated, and voided no matter the negative short/long term consequences for the United States. And as we are seeing OMBS is a powerful thing. There’s no telling where the Biden regime will stop. If they ever do.
Making sense has never been a prerequisite for Biden signing something.
He’s also learned that knowing what it is that he’s signing is no longer a prerequisite either.
Chinese communist-installed Chairman “Big Guy” Xi-den is dutifully performing as expected, as an utterly compliant and emasculated Chinese vassal/puppet/marionette/dotard.