Vassar College Prof to Offer Free Lecture on ‘Surviving White Supremacy’
“Surviving White Supremacy: Towards a Radical Dharma of Staying Fugitive”

At least it’s free. It’d be interesting to see how many people attend.
The College Fix reports:
Africana Studies prof to offer free lecture on how to survive white supremacy
If you believe the Democratic talking points coming out of Congress and the new presidential administration, the gravest threat facing America today is white supremacy.
But do not fret — an Africana Studies professor from Vassar College is offering a lecture — free — early next month on how to survive the white supremacist threat.
Jasmine Syedullah, who teaches the courses “Abolitionist Theory” and “Policing the Planet,” will be Naropa University’s Fredrick P. Lenz Foundation Distinguished Guest Lecturer on February 4.
Naropa is a very small, private “Buddhist-inspired” institution located in Boulder, Colorado. According to its website, the Lenz Foundation “seeks to inspire the emergence of an enlightened American society that reflects the universal Buddhist values of wisdom, compassion, mindfulness, and meditation.”
Syedullah’s talk titled “Surviving White Supremacy: Towards a Radical Dharma of Staying Fugitive” will go “beyond binary moments of allegiance with antiracism efforts into The Radical Dharma Framework for Liberation.”
In Buddhism, dharma is “the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth.” Radical dharma appears to be Buddhism’s version of critical race theory. The latter is also a set of programs — and a book — featuring none other than … Professor Syedullah.
“Radical Dharma’s” book description reads
Igniting a long-overdue dialogue about how the legacy of racial injustice and white supremacy plays out in society at large and Buddhist communities in particular, this urgent call to action outlines a new dharma that takes into account the ways that racism and privilege prevent our collective awakening.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Free? She’d have to pay me.
Is there a GoFundMe where we can help hire a group of thugs (preferably POC) to disrupt the event with shouting, bullhorns, and chants?
Here’s a foolproof survival strategy: Leave.
The way that conferences or academic departments build their reputations is by inviting guest lecturer. A-List departments tend to invite A-List speakers. However, B-List or C-List departments can only book B-List or C-List speakers. When faculty are seeking promotions, they list their papers and speaking engagements. An academic wants to polish his/her reputation by talking at A-List schools or publishing in A-List journals. Although Vassar in general probably has a B-List reputation, its Africana Studies department may not. Similarly, I invite you to ask anyone, “Have you heard of Naropa University?” If they know of it, you can ask about reputation, and you will be lucky to hear “C-List”.