Sen. Josh Hawley: “Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter”

Protesters from ShutDown DC went to Senator Josh Hawley’s house, chanted loadly with bullhorns, approached the front door and looked in the sidelight. Hawley’s wife and newborn apparently were at home alone as the mob gathered and menacingly stood on their

The group spent 51 minutes in front of the Hawley residence.

Hawley was in Missouri. His wife and newborn daughter were home alone. It appears she and the baby came out of the house about halfway through the protest.

Considering how other protests have gone can you blame her if she got worried?

First off, candlelight vigils are quiet and subdued. Second, who cares where he lives. If that’s your argument you’re dumb.

Third, stop going to a person’s private residence. You’re not helping your cause and only going to tick off those around them.

You know, like Hawley’s neighbor. This person had to be restrained after confronting the protesters.

Can you blame him? They chanted and used loudspeakers to denounce Hawley’s declaration to oppose president-elect Joe Biden’s electoral college win.

A cop did not show up for 35 minutes. More cops came over ten minutes later and watched over the situation.

I did not see any vandalism unless you count leaving the Constitution on his front door. I find that just precious. Some of them peered through the window, which is creepy. Try doing that in Oklahoma and Texas.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Tags: Antifa, District of Columbia, Josh Hawley, Trump Derangement Syndrome