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Russia-gate Transcript Release: ‘Incompetent and Corrupt’ Investigation

Russia-gate Transcript Release: ‘Incompetent and Corrupt’ Investigation

The transcripts confirmed what we found out in the IG report: There was nothing there in the first place to warrant the Trump-Russia investigation.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham released 11 transcripts of interviews during the investigation into Crossfire Hurricane.

Graham blasted former FBI Director James Comey and others in charge of the investigation into supposed collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia.

Graham described Crossfire Hurrican as “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.” He wrote:

“The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes. The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America.

“The leadership of the FBI under Comey and McCabe was either grossly incompetent or they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds. There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers. At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information.

“The FISA warrant applications against Carter Page were a travesty, and those who signed them have acknowledged that if they knew then what they know now, they would not have signed it.

The interviews took place between March and October of last year.

The FISA warrant on Carter Page has received quite a bit of criticism since we had knowledge of Crossfire Hurricane.

The FBI received the first warrant on October 21, 2016. The inspector general, Michael Horowitz, found that the FBI misled the FISA Court and relied on the Christopher Steele dossier.

The transcripts confirmed what the inspector general said in his report: evidence showed the FBI had an “adequate basis” to begin a collusion probe.

The interviewees claimed they had relevant information to ask for a warrant on Page, but the transcripts show them either being told by counsel not to answer the question or use vague descriptions.

One agent left Crossfire Hurricane because the FBI denied his request to validate the information in Steele’s dossier.

The agent known as Supervisory Special Agent 1 said after the Mother Jones article came out on October 31, 2016, he asked for a validation review through the Director of Intelligence.

Bill Priestap, the assistant director of counterintelligence, denied his request.

The agent wanted an enhanced validation because it was something they have always done:

I recognized the significance of his reporting, the use in a FISA application. I had questions about out intel validation was ongoing in the Counterintelligence Division, and all of that contributed to my professional disagreement.

The agent wanted deeper validation because Steele “had a subsource network that provided him the reporting.” He said it was important to identify the source network so they could “have probable cause.”

Priestap and former FBI deputy director of counterintelligence Peter Strzok told the agent that it was “turned off” because of leaks and wanted to keep everything in the investigation within counterintelligence.

The agent did not agree with the decision and left the case.

Overall, it confirmed what Graham and everyone else knew:

“There was no ‘there’ there. The investigation was pushed when it should have been stopped and the only logical explanation is that the investigators wanted an outcome because of their bias.

“Former FBI Director Comey and his deputy Mr. McCabe, through their incompetence and bias, have done a great disservice to the FBI and DOJ, and the senior DOJ leadership who signed off on the work product called the Crossfire Hurricane investigation have created a stain on the department’s reputation that can only be erased by true reform.

Graham will no longer occupy the chairmanship of the committee after the inauguration. No one knows if anything more will come from these transcripts or investigation.


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Schumer will probably rehire Comey and McCabe as special counsel to the Senate, grant them immunity and even offer them a witless idiot protection program.

Nothing will come of it. The Democrats will ignore it, and move on to other, similar abuses of power.

The Republicans lost all hope of righting any of this because they would rather insult a sitting President of the United States from their own party, than do justice.

Shame on them.

    ^^^ +1000 ^^^

    Dathurtz in reply to Valerie. | January 15, 2021 at 10:20 pm

    False uniparty narrative. Yeah…that’s the big problem.

      mark311 in reply to Dathurtz. | January 16, 2021 at 4:02 am

      Given GOP has spent years undermining every policy platform carried out by the Democrats yes it is. It’s not a particularly justifiable position.

        Connivin Caniff in reply to mark311. | January 16, 2021 at 10:54 am

        If you photo-shopped Trump’s head for Caesar’s head in a picture of Caesars assassination, there wouldn’t be enough stabbers in the picture.

        healthguyfsu in reply to mark311. | January 16, 2021 at 1:17 pm

        This is a dem concern troll. Mark “mark” every time he posts for what he is.

    stablesort in reply to Valerie. | January 15, 2021 at 10:47 pm

    What makes you believe that a vote is ever going to matter again?

      We, I believe can still grow our presence in the states and we should be able to take the house and senate in 2022. Question is, what will the new party be named and when?

        stablesort in reply to stl. | January 16, 2021 at 10:24 am

        Fair elections are over; our government will continue to run elections but will determine the winners despite our votes.

    Olinser in reply to Valerie. | January 15, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    If they allow Cheney to remain in power, then yes, the GOP is unsalvageable.

    mark311 in reply to Valerie. | January 16, 2021 at 4:00 am

    You make some good points particularly about the uniparty narrative and Qanon. It’s a distraction at best and at worst well let’s say it’s off-putting.

      healthguyfsu in reply to mark311. | January 16, 2021 at 1:18 pm

      I’m not bought in on the uniparty narrative either but anytime you want to see what the Dems want you to think about any particular subject, just see mark’s post.

    henrybowman in reply to Valerie. | January 16, 2021 at 4:18 am

    Two entire years of TOTAL control of the government, entirely characterized by “OMG, what excuses can we think up for NOT making good on all our election promises? We have the total power to build a wall, repeal Obamacare, and legislate interstate concealed carry, and WE NEED TO FIND WAYS NOT TO!”

    I will never forgive those slimy bastards. Never.

    A barrel with only “a few good apples” in it is hog food, not pantry food.

      You are forgetting about Paul Ryan

      Total control?

      The Republican majority in the Senate was so small that nothing could be passed without the votes of McCain and the women from Alaska and Maine. Do you remember when McCain rushed to Washington from Arizona to vote against repealing Obamacare?
      So you claim its the entire Republican party that should be dismantled for the benefit of the Democrats to overcome the failures during that period. The successes were enormous, and yes not everything could get done, but, given a disloyal civil service and no cadre of reliable and loyal office seekers Trump was able to accomplish more good than even Reagan or any previous president. Shame on you.

      mark311 in reply to henrybowman. | January 17, 2021 at 8:01 am

      And replace Obamacare with what? It’s a popular policy so repealing without anything in its place isn’t any good is it?

    Connivin Caniff in reply to Valerie. | January 16, 2021 at 6:43 am

    The main blame should not be just against the GOP. Trump should have declassified forceful, exculpating documents at least a year ago. Why didn’t he? I suspect some trusted person or people near to him gave him bad or even malicious advice not to defend himself with his best weapons. Graham could have done that too.Why they would do that I don’t speculate. In many ways the President sat back and did basically nothing, even though it was obvious that stonewalling was occurring. In contrast, see how fast the Feds can press criminal charges now, when they want to. Very strange.

    retiredcantbefired in reply to Valerie. | January 16, 2021 at 9:03 am

    Lindsey Graham has slow-walked any investigation of the dossier, Crossfire Hurricane, Russia-collusion because of his own involvement in what he kept saying he wanted to investigate. When John McCain was shopping the dossier around, do you think Lindsey wasn’t?

    Meanwhile, we will learn soon enough that John Durham will do nothing, as was his mission all along. (If he tries to bring indictments against anyone beyond Clinesmith, whoever is writing the letters for Joe Biden to sign that day will fire him, and the media will bless the act.)

    Mac45 in reply to Valerie. | January 16, 2021 at 12:10 pm

    Republican Party? What Republican Party?

    DC is under lockdown. The city is shutdown with National Guard troops manning the checkpoints and demanding identification of all who try to enter or leave. Did we see this for the “demonstrations” [read riots] during the Summer of Burning Love? Did we see this during the last inauguration? Have we seen this anywhere in thee United States in thee last 50 years?

    Where is the Republican Party screaming that this is nuts? Nowhere. The Republican Party controlled the entire Congress and had a President who was willing to sign any bill rolling back Progressive measures put in place by the Obama Administration. It did NOTHING. It brought no political pressure to bear upon the federal bureaucracy.

    There is essentially one political party in the US. It is thee Democrat-Republican Uniparty. It is controlled by the same elite Establishment. The only difference between the Dems and the GOP is that the Dems are now the radical fringe of the party, while the Republicans are the liberal-moderate branch. There is no traditional conservative political party anywhere in this country.

    The people sent message after message after message, to the Republicans, via the ballot box. The Republicans ignored them. Those politicians that saw the handwriting on the wall, simply retired, resigned or did not seek reelection.

    So, you get your choice; Liberal[Democrat] or Liberal Light [Republican]. Take your choice. Just remember the old joke: No matter which party is in power, there will be grass growing in the streets in ten years. The only difference is, the Republicans can do it cheaper.

“The transcripts confirmed what the inspector general said in his report: evidence showed the FBI had an ‘adequate basis’ to begin a collusion probe.”

I think you mean that the FBI *lacked* an adequate basis for its political persecution of the president and his aasociates.

Antifundamentalist | January 15, 2021 at 9:46 pm

But we knew that. Everyone not engaged in corruption or willful ignorance knew that.

Wow, I’m sure glad that Graham decided to release the transcripts at almost literally the last possible moment it was in his power to do so.

Why, one MIGHT think that Graham is a backstabbing piece of shit that intentionally sat on this information until Trump had safely lost.

    henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | January 16, 2021 at 4:20 am

    I’m of the firm opinion that you could replace Graham with a Roomba and get the same quality of performance.

“Incompetent and Corrupt’ Investigation…”

So it revealed nothing new…

Oh look, we’re still talking about the Mueller/DoJ/deep state fraud investigation. The fix was in, everybody has known that for four years and that nothing has happened, nothing will happen. Talk about fighting the last war. Why the hell isn’t anyone talking about the election fraud we witnessed six short weeks ago, calling for – demanding – investigations? Why? Because they’ve all foreclosed the ability to do so by strutting around pontificating and displaying outrage at the velvet ropes riot in the “Peoples House” to ensure being on the record as being on the side of the angels. Suckers.

Now look what’s happening, dems are set to say “Lockdowns bad, open up the economy!” EVERYTHING is 100% politics with these people 100% of the time. Now that they believe biden has a chance to pull this off, all of a sudden the economy matters. We’re seeing all of their lies in real time. Sides have been chosen. Patriots versus traitors. I feel that excising the GOPe and RINOs out of the Republican party and reforming it is the way to go. My guess is that is what PDJT will be doing the next 4 years.

Feinstein believes there were no issues and it was justified

Look, it’s easy, normal Americans are Americans in our life, our actions, our being.

do you not realize that this is EXACTLY what the leftists/fascists/dems have relied upon for the last twelve years or so?–are you really that naive?–“normal americans” are doomed if we continue onward with childhood delusions of good guys always finish first, the truth will prevail, justice will triumph, etc.–you should take a really hard look at our opponents–they are nearly all narcissists, sociopaths, pathological liars and lust for one thing only:
power–we are the only thing that stands in their way–the only thing–think about that and their litany of the last several years: ” by any means necessary “–we ignore them at our peril

As Hillary put it, “What difference does it now make?”

You mean Russiagate was a big fraud?!?! I’m shocked, shocked …

Graham is somewhat biased. Given the number of arrests involved in the whole saga I’m not sure it’s a justified position.

    healthguyfsu in reply to mark311. | January 16, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    Once again see mark the dem mouthpiece

      mark311 in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 17, 2021 at 8:07 am

      And yet you’ve not addressed a single point raised. I’m just pointing out the problem with saying Russian hoax. Given the arrests and convictions that doesn’t seem justified. Seems to me you’ve given a free pass to people because you agree with their policies. When the shoe was on the other foot with the whole Hilary email server debacle the right screamed and raged lock her up lock her up and why because she didn’t use an official server. When you drilled down into the details she was stupid not criminal but the right went mental. Now when Trump does something dodgy you wave it away as a nothing burger. It’s hypocrisy.

        Name one arrest and conviction associated with the Russian collusion hoax and President Trump that was not a process crime or otherwise completely unrelated to Russia. Or to collusion. You get triple points for naming a single one convicted of colluding with Russia.

        What did Trump do that was “dodgy” related to Russia? Again, name one thing (that is an actual fact, not the rabid ramblings of the Trump deranged).

        Here’s the problem, mark311, you keep complaining that no one refutes your points, but the truth is that you just don’t know what you are talking about. That makes people not take you seriously, so the lack of “proof” is not, as you seem to imagine in your special little world, proof that you are right, it’s just indicative that no one here is interested in wasting their time going over truly basic things with you. It’s like when your kid swears she heard Santa on the roof and insists that’s proof of his existence, you just kind of smile fondly and tuck her back in.

        I’m on comment watch right now, so I have a few mins to spend, but really, you do say the dumbest things you probably heard on MSNBC or on CNN and then are all triumphant when everyone here just rolls their eyes, pats you on the head, and sends you back to bed because Santa only comes when all the good children are asleep in their beds.

          Name one arrest and conviction associated with the Russian collusion hoax and President Trump that was not a process crime or otherwise completely unrelated to Russia. Or to collusion. You get triple points for naming a single one convicted of colluding with Russia.

          1) Paul Manaforts arrest was directly as a result of the Mueller investigation , for lobbying Pro Russia politicians in the Ukraine,

          2) Rick Gates for similar crimes as 1) except he made a pleas bargain

          3) 13 Russian nationals ie the Internet Research Agency which acted as a troll/comment farm interfering with the 2016 election

          4) 12 Russian GRU officers for hacking and releasing Clintons emails

          5) Roger Stone for lying his head of and in relation to conact with Wikileaks coordinating damaging information releases from a know Russia proxi.

          What did Trump do that was “dodgy” related to Russia? Again, name one thing (that is an actual fact, not the rabid ramblings of the Trump deranged).

          1) The phone call was pretty dodgy in context of withholding military aid to Ukraine
          2) Trump invited China to investigate the Bidens to exert undue political pressure on an opponant from a certainly unfriendly power.

          Here’s the problem, mark311, you keep complaining that no one refutes your points, but the truth is that you just don’t know what you are talking about. That makes people not take you seriously, so the lack of “proof” is not, as you seem to imagine in your special little world, proof that you are right, it’s just indicative that no one here is interested in wasting their time going over truly basic things with you. It’s like when your kid swears she heard Santa on the roof and insists that’s proof of his existence, you just kind of smile fondly and tuck her back in.

          Yeah thats just dishonest isnt it, ive had plenty of good discussions on here with merits on both sides. My specific point is two fold 1) you dont refute my points when you comment, your only arguement is a ad hominem and 2) no good source for the argument for election fraud. The problem is you dont have much of an argument so for all your talk of santa (another ad hominem) you dont have the argument to back up your position.

          I’m on comment watch right now, so I have a few mins to spend, but really, you do say the dumbest things you probably heard on MSNBC or on CNN and then are all triumphant when everyone here just rolls their eyes, pats you on the head, and sends you back to bed because Santa only comes when all the good children are asleep in their beds.

          Dumb things eh like facts, and evidence and logical arguments. Their are plenty of points on principle where people are bound to disagree thats fine, people have different views. Whereas there are points where observable and verifiable facts matter and if you cant counter them then the logical conclusion is you are wrong, unless you can actually counter them.

          So in conclusion for all your talk and bluster sorry but no, ad hominem attacks on me are water of a ducks back. So ill carry on debating points and having interesting discussions with those willing to participate in a reasoned discussion. I’ve had a few here and they have been informative.

          Again, who was convicted of anything that was not a process crime (lying to FBI, etc.) or that had anything to do with Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Mueller himself concluded that there was no collusion.

          There was nothing dodgy about Trump’s Ukraine phone call, there was no quid pro quo. The Russian interference in the 2016 election and Hillary email/wikilinks thing took place on Obama’s watch, not Trump’s. We have covered all of this here at LI. Why not just read our posts so you have at least the basics?

The FBI is going to get away free and clear of all crimes committed. The Democrats know how to run a DOJ like a watch dog protecting their friends.

and no consequence for ruining innocent people’s lives

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Lindsey in a nutshell.

Far too little, far too late. We have had this information, in the public sector, since 2018. There is nothing in it that Horowitz did not provide in 2019. This is all being done to make Lindsey Graham look better. And, nothing can do that.

Sorry, there is no more right and left, liberal and conservative. The new political dichotomy is Establishment and Populist. And, the Establishment holds all of the political cards, by virtue of controlling the Federal Government and most of the state governments.

Conservatives did not elect DJT, in 2016 and certainly not in 2020. It was a Populist coalition containing conservatives, traditional liberals and moderates. What they all had in common is their distrust of the Establishment.

I know people want to cling to their traditional identities, such as conservatives. But, the political train has left that station. It is time to enter the 21st century.

    Dathurtz in reply to Mac45. | January 16, 2021 at 4:00 pm

    People are extremely slow to realize this. It is happening, but slowly.

    Yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s accepted truth.

Woah! Are we censoring the site now?

In retrospect, Trump should have seem to the appointment of a Special whatever to investigate the Mueller investigation and its predecessors. And it should have been packed with rabid populists and/or Republicans.
Otherwise how can one get evidence against the creeps like Comey in the FBI and DOJ? Who would testify? IF they were going broke because of legal fees, and were arrested at 6 aim with armed forces using tanks, before a private audience of reporters, they might talk, otherwise they would have forgotten what happened, and the records strangely disappeared. Even when all that blackmail material was found on the laptop of the sex offender, the FBI could bother to look at it but could report that they had found nothing useful on it. And that was even true, because they hadn’t looked at it.
To tell you the truth, Trump was too honorable to destroy people’s lives for political purposes and the democrats have no honor at all.