They need a catchy name for their group. ‘Professors Against Books’ has a nice ring to it. Some of these people probably called Trump a fascist. Irony is dead.
Campus Reform reports:
Profs effectively seek to ban books from Trump admin officialsA handful of professors joined a group of publishing professionals demanding that companies refuse to work with Trump administration alumni on book deals.It’s not the first time that book publishers have faced pressure from the left. Simon and Schuster Publishing canceled the publication of Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-Mo.) book after he objected to the certification of election results in certain key battleground states.Regnery Publishing later announced it would publish Hawley’s book.Now, more than 550 members of the publishing industry, some of them professors, have signed a letter proclaiming that “our country is where it is in part because publishing has chased the money and notoriety of some pretty sketchy people.””As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals,” the letter added.“Consequently, we believe: No participant in an administration that caged children, performed involuntary surgeries on captive women, and scoffed at science as millions were infected with a deadly virus should be enriched by the almost rote largesse of a big book deal,” it continued.“In that spirit, those who enabled, promulgated, and covered up crimes against the American people should not be enriched through the coffers of publishing,” the letter insisted, concluding that the publishing industry should not enrich “monsters.”