Pelosi Will Deliver Article of Impeachment Against Trump to the Senate on Monday

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will deliver the article of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Monday, January 25.

The House voted to impeach Trump for inciting the Capitol Hill riots on January 6th.

Senate rules state that the chamber has to begin “consideration of the articles” by 1 PM on the day it receives the article.

*UPDATE: The trial starts on February 8th.

Chad Pergram at Fox News is the person to follow when it comes to all things government. If you use Tweetdeck give him a column.

He tweeted out a great thread. Here are some highlights.

However, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell “were still negotiating over the terms of the trial and did not say when it would begin.”

McConnell wanted the trial to begin in February. He admitted the arrival would force the Senate to begin right away, which means “delaying confirmation for President Biden’s nominees and his administration’s other priorities.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made it clear that the Republicans will not split the days between the trial and regular business.

Some Republican senators denounced an impeachment trial for a president no longer in office, but Schumer brushed it off:

Some Republican senators, who will serve in the jury, have said that it would be unconstitutional to hold an impeachment trial of a president who has already left office, arguing the Senate lacks jurisdiction to try him because he would be a private citizen.Mr. Schumer rejected that criticism. Part of the trial process allows for a vote on barring the president from holding federal office again, and Mr. Schumer said not conducting a trial would set a dangerous precedent.“It makes no sense whatsoever that a president or any official could commit a heinous crime against our country and then be permitted to resign so as to avoid accountability and a vote to disbar them from future office,” Mr. Schumer said. “There will be a trial and when that trial ends, senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited … insurrection against the United States.”

McConnell slammed the “fast and minimal process over in the House.” He also claimed that this second impeachment trial “cannot be an insufficient Senate process that denies former President Trump due process or damages the Senate or the presidency itself.”

The Democrats have a slight majority, but the chamber needs a two-thirds supermajority to convict Trump. That means 17 Republicans would have to cross the aisle if all Democrats voted to convict Trump.

Trump supposedly picked South Carolina attorney Butch Bowers to represent him.

Pelosi picked her impeachment managers:

Tags: Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Impeachment