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New Bill Would Allow Permit Holders to Carry Firearms at Public Colleges and Universities in Florida

New Bill Would Allow Permit Holders to Carry Firearms at Public Colleges and Universities in Florida

“The current prohibition of the concealed carry of a firearm makes campuses less safe”

This would be a huge win for freedom. Good for Rep. Anthony Sabatini for pushing this.

The Hernando Sun reports:

Bill would allow permitted guns on campus

Those who have concealed carry gun permits will be allowed to carry firearms on college and university campuses under a measure recently introduced into the Florida House of Representatives.

Filed by Rep. Anthony Sabatini, HR 6001 would amend current Florida concealed carry permit law by deleting the provision forbidding permit holders from carrying a firearm or weapon on the grounds of a public college or university campus.

In a social media message, Sabitini argued that allowing law-abiding permit holders to carry firearms would make campuses safer.

“The current prohibition of the concealed carry of a firearm makes campuses less safe,” Sabatini said in a Tweet.


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This has been attempted the last several years in the FL legislature and hasn’t passed. But I enjoy watching my colleagues freak out each time.

    randian in reply to hrhdhd. | January 11, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    It won’t pass this time either, it’s pure theater. Usually the Republican committee head tanks the bill by refusing to allow a floor vote. If they really meant to expand gun rights they’d do more than just college campuses. FL law has a bunch of dumb no-carry zones, like vocational schools, professional sporting events, and the non-secure areas of airports. Arizona allows carry in those areas, no gun violence to be seen. Open carry no less, which FL also forbids as a general rule.