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Merkel’s Government Seeks to Revive Hate Speech Law Citing Capitol Hill Events

Merkel’s Government Seeks to Revive Hate Speech Law Citing Capitol Hill Events

Proposed German law “will require platforms to send suspected criminal content directly to the Federal police.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government wants to revive a controversial hate speech law citing the recent mayhem on the U.S. Capitol Hill.

According to the draft legislation, social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube will be obliged to hand over user data to Germany’s Federal Police (BKA) — merely on the basis of complaint and before any wrongdoing has been established, news reports say.

The bill to this effect has already been passed by the German parliament Bundestag in June 2020. But the public outrage surrounding its provisions forced Berlin to shelve the bill. With reports of violence in the Capitol Hill dominating the headlines, Chancellor Merkel’s government is pushing for new legal powers to stamp out undesired content on the social media and the web.

The proposed law will be in addition to the existing online hate speech act passed by the Bundestag in 2017. Germany’s Network Enforcement Act obliges social media platforms, including Facebook and Google, to remove objectionable content within 24 hours or face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million).

The German state broadcaster Deutsche Well, on Friday, reported the government’s push:

In June 2020, the Bundestag approved the legislation that would ensure prosecution for those perpetrating hate or provoking it, online.

According to the draft legislation, social networks would be obliged to hand over the data of users who post threats or incite hatred, to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).

“We must dry up the breeding ground where this extremism flourishes,” Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht said at the time.

But data protection and privacy provisions in Germany’s Basic Law led to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s reluctance to sign off on the legislation.

The law, which had already been passed by Germany’s two parliamentary chambers, was stopped in its tracks because of guidelines issued by the Constitutional Court. At the time, Steinmeier urged for the necessary changes to be “drafted and introduced as soon as possible.”

At the heart of the dispute was a requirement for social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to report hate comments to police, who would then be able to access the data, such as the IP address, of the author.

Revisions to the legislation are to be debated by the Bundestag in a first reading next week and could be passed at the end of the month to allow Germany’s upper house, the Bundesrat, to pass it in early February.

“The attack on Capitol Hill shows us again how powerful social media networks are,” CDU parliamentarian Thorsten Frei told the Rheinische Post newspaper. Therefore it was a matter of urgency to enable police to investigate all channels and identify perpetrators.

The proposed bill requires social media platforms to hand over personal information on individual users to police even before a violation of the hate speech law has been established. One of its provisions “will require platforms to send suspected criminal content directly to the Federal police at the point it’s reported by a user,” the TechCrunch reported in June 2020.

Noting the flaws of the proposed German law, the Belgian news outlet Euractive reported last June: “Social networks must now not only delete potentially criminal content but also report it to the [German] Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).” The publication cautioned that “some data will have to be forwarded to the authorities, even before they have established suspicion.”

Chancellor Merkel’s government began tightening Germany’s hate speech laws in the wake on the Migrant Crisis. The push to clamp down on undesired social media content gained urgency in the aftermath of the 2015 New Year’s Eve mass sexual assaults carried out by immigrants in Cologne and other German cities.

While Merkel’s government has been busy policing online speech critical of its migrant policies, it has turned a blind eye to violent Islamism. Mosques across Germany go unpunished for inciting violence against ‘non-believers’ by preaching the Islamic doctrine of jihad.

While undesired speech is treated as a violent crime in Merkel’s Germany, the actual acts of violence are justified as free speech. In 2017, the Wuppertal regional court acquitted three Palestinian arsonists guilty of setting fire to a synagogue. The court it its ruling justified the violent act as a legitimate political protest to draw “attention to the Gaza conflict” with Israel and “deemed the attack not to be motivated by antisemitism.”


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Yes, diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment) is a bigoted philosophy engenders social contagion is a first-order forcing of adversity. Here’s to progress: one step forward, two steps backward. That said, we live in interesting times, but nothing has changed. Not really. All’s fair in lust and abortion.

American troops stationed in Germany have to start questioning who they are defending, and from what.

Same question goes to all American troops: will you point your guns at us at the orders of an corrupt, compromised president beholden to Communist China?

Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors: on January 20, you will become mafia enforcers, not troops.

    Joe Biden will be president in 11 days and he has the senate we have no influence on foreign policy.

    He could theoretically bring troops home from pointless wars and from protecting Germany but he is 125% focused on promoting the misinformation that he won a landslide but had the election stolen from him so is too busy being a jackass to do anything useful with his last days.

      txvet2 in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 2:26 pm

      What he should have been doing is setting up courts martial for the generals who disobeyed his order to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 3:03 pm

      Danny, get a mirror. Do you see a jackass, dumb and stubborn?

      Turtler in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 3:41 pm

      “He could theoretically bring troops home from pointless wars”

      I’ve always been more on the interventionist/hawkish (or dare I say “Neocon”) end of Trump’s conservative coalition. But you’re not going to find many “pointless” wars, and if you don’t see the point look at where the points are wedging at.

      “and from protecting Germany but he is 125% focused on promoting the misinformation that he won a landslide but had the election stolen from him”

      How is this misinformation?!?!

      The information adds up. Biden’s vote tallies don’t. In what world are we supposed to believe Biden won more votes than Obama?

      But ONLY In tightly controlled Democrat-machine ruled urban centers IN SWING STATES?!?!

      That’s an awfully specific subset now isn’t it?

      Moreover, Biden will usurp the position in a few days. Meaning that what Trump does can easily be undone by Biden et. al’s puppet masters, as Biden will be (“supposedly”) the new Commander in Chief.

      Basic F-king civics. Do you understand it?!? OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!!

      The only way to do what you hoped was for him to follow a similar policy to what he has: fighting the stolen election tooth and nail. But apparently it isn’t going to go far enough.

    You aware of that Twenty-Nine Palms survey (1994)?

    “Among its 46 questions, the Marines were asked if they would be willing to swear to a United Nations code of conduct and if they would fire on Americans who refused to turn over their privately owned weapons to the government.”

    . . .

    “Cunningham’s own survey results demonstrate that there is solid opposition to converting the U.S. military into an adjunct of a New World Army. Yet his outrageous suggestion provides the globalists with an opportunity for circumventing that opposition. If implemented, it would undoubtedly be, not an end in itself, but another ominous step toward the abandonment of the traditional role of the U.S. military. Yet there is good reason to believe that these subversive plans will never be accomplished — as the heroic stand of Army Specialist Michael New amply demonstrates.”

    You KNOW that this sort of thinking is taking place among the Democrats.

      “You KNOW that this sort of thinking is taking place among the Democrats….”

      Democrats? Hell – it’s taking place among their ChiComm handlers.

      This will be the end.

      randian in reply to fscarn. | January 9, 2021 at 9:52 pm

      It already has, that’s why they’ve floated the idea of a national police force. No, not the FBI, they’re more of an investigative force. While local police might hesitate to round up or fire upon their neighbors, a bunch of NYers might have less hesitation doing so in Arizona.

More thanks to Trump for his being a complete jackass.

Any large rally has a risk of something like this happening.

Make it a rally based on telling people to be furious because of a fairytale election landslide stolen from you and you might get a riot. Infiltrators certainly didn’t help but at heart Trump is at fault.

And he didn’t just hurt the cause in America he empowered the leftist agenda in Europe to.

He is a complete jackass. I would have been open to him 2024 in November 3rd now he is a complete non-starter to me he is an ass.

    Paul in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 3:04 pm

    Go away troll

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 3:05 pm

    Becoming more of jackass, one post at a time.

    Unlawful acts were done by BLM and Antifa, funded by Soros.

    Turtler in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    “More thanks to Trump for his being a complete jackass.”

    Trump is a jackass but far from a complete one.

    And moreover the fact that we had a Congress Critter writing up American legislation for this the day before shows it wasn’t Trump. These bastards would be looking for any excuse they have.

    “Any large rally has a risk of something like this happening.”

    REALLY NOW?!?!

    Forgive me if I don’t remember this sort of stuff happening in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, or even the large scale pilgrimages to Mecca (hardly a demographic known for being exceptionally peaceable and averse to violence). So this is projection.

    “Make it a rally based on telling people to be furious because of a fairytale election landslide stolen from you and you might get a riot.”



    Do you think that Joe Biden won a higher proportion of the Vote than Barack Obama, but only in a handful of crucial swing precincts in swing states, almost all of which are democrat dominated and immensely corrupt urban centers like Philadelphia and Atlanta?

    Yes or no.

    This should be a very simple question.

    “Infiltrators certainly didn’t help but at heart Trump is at fault.”

    No, at fault is the inability of the Law to enforce it, and that chiefly lies with the regional authorities 9Largely dDem) who have not put a muzzle on actual rioting. Particularly notable are the DC Authorities who allowed far worse than this in their own city.

    If you want instability, let one side of the pot simmer and you’ll soon find it spreads to the other.

    “And he didn’t just hurt the cause in America he empowered the leftist agenda in Europe to.”

    You really are deluded, aren’t you?

    I’m not a Trump Cultist. I am far too hawkish and interventionist. But this is victim blaming writ large.

    “He is a complete jackass.”

    No, you are.

    And what you are doing is disgusting.

    “I would have been open to him 2024 in November 3rd now he is a complete non-starter to me he is an ass.”

    Oh, and I’m VERY sure that the johnny come lately anonymous in the comment section who is quick to gaslight about the nature of the electoral fraud evidence has SUCH a valuable contribution.

    Go away. You’re a complete ass and non-starter when it comes to justifying your arguments.

    And the “rationales” you give are incoherent and stupid, such as arguing that Trump could “bring the troops home” while ignoring that even if he did, Biden (or rather whoever is controlling him) could immediately send them back out.

    Because Basic Civics.

    alaskabob in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    The Obama “Apology Tour” really cemented good relations.

    Sanddog in reply to Danny. | January 9, 2021 at 4:54 pm

    It’s not surprising that leftists don’t believe in personal responsibility.. since everything is always someone else’s fault. This was NOT a fraud free election. We’ve never had one of those in my lifetime. Pointing out that obvious fact isn’t inciting violence. Trump was speaking a mile and a half from the Capitol building. The mob that formed and breached the barricades was already there when the protesters were still at the Ellipse listening to Trump. The people who entered the Capitol didn’t do it because of Trump’s speech… they weren’t even there to hear it.

    Danny, your mommy is calling you for dinner. Go.

2smartforlibs | January 9, 2021 at 2:43 pm

Ever notice how all the jackbooted tactics never apply to the immigrants they let overrun the country?

For years and years we’ve been told how the EU is the world’s leader in private data protections for it’s citizens.

Now we’re being told that the EU wants our raw private and personal data for PreCrime Analysis.

Germany’s hate speech laws, as actually enforced, are Sharia in disguise.

The left worldwide is going to use this as the impetus to pass even more authoritarian laws.

    txvet2 in reply to Sanddog. | January 9, 2021 at 5:38 pm

    My sympathy is for those countries in Eastern Europe who had such a brief taste of freedom before it’s being snatched away again. None for France, Germany and other countries who are voluntarily giving theirs up.

Obama EOs are carved in stone…. Trump’s in sand… got it.

Working title for Merkel’s new bill — ‘Enabling Act II’.

Angela Merkel: You can take the girl out of East Germany, but you can’t take East Germany out of the girl.