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Gender and Women’s Studies Library at U. Wisconsin Publishes Reading List on Whiteness, Microaggressions

Gender and Women’s Studies Library at U. Wisconsin Publishes Reading List on Whiteness, Microaggressions

“The school says it regularly creates these kinds of reading lists in response to requests from students”

These programs are driving the very division and hatred they claim to be trying to remedy.

FOX News reports:

University of Wisconsin library publishes reading list on ‘whiteness,’ microaggressions

In an effort disrupt what it calls “whiteness and white supremacy in libraries”, the University of Wisconsin’s Gender and Women’s Studies Library has published a reading list for students that includes sections on “Whiteness”; “Microaggressions”; and “Decolonizing Research and Knowledge.”

The school says it regularly creates these kinds of reading lists in response to requests from students, though others tell Fox News these kinds of efforts to raise awareness on the history and impact of racism are in reality fostering greater division and racial animosity on campus.

“I think they’re sort of contributing to racial tensions rather than trying to lower tensions and create a solution,” Matthew Iverson tells Fox News.

“One thing that I’ve seen in classes is students are kind of being told that, you know, all white people are the problem and that’s creating this really weird division and hatred towards other races.”

Iverson, a senior and chairman of the school’s chapter of the Young America’s Foundation, says he and other students raised concerns about the reading list with the school’s administration – citing several articles on the list that promote the controversial Critical Race Theory – but were essentially brushed off.


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The Friendly Grizzly | January 25, 2021 at 6:45 am

Gender and Women’s Studies with a library on whiteness and microaggression. isn’t this “whiteness” stuff best left up to the ethnic studies departments? They might resent the encroachment on their grievances.

JusticeDelivered | January 25, 2021 at 9:53 am

It seems to me that Whites are facing constant macro aggressions, and that it is time to respond in kind. When e are done with the macro treatment, they will understand that their micro complaints really don’t matter,.

I wonder if “Stuff White People Like” is on their list. I hope it is, because they would likely put it on without reading it first, and then would end up dismayed that it is the best mockery of all things “liberal” ever published. Seriously, read it, but do understand that if you are an LI regular, then you are clearly “the wrong kind of white person.” 😉