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Drake University President Calls Out Prof Who Said Republicans Should ‘Suffer’

Drake University President Calls Out Prof Who Said Republicans Should ‘Suffer’

“I was just pondering how much hatred I feel towards all the Republican a**holes. They need to suffer.”

It’s so rare that someone in academia would get even noticed for saying something like this. How refreshing.

The left constantly claims to be against hate. Many of them are actually seething with hatred.

Campus Reform reports:

‘Unacceptable’: Drake president addresses prof calling for Republicans to ‘suffer’

After Drake University Associate English Professor Beth Younger proclaimed her “hatred” for Republicans on social media, the university president addressed the controversial comments in a school-wide email on Wednesday.

Younger tweeted on October 26th, “I was just pondering how much hatred I feel towards all the Republican a**holes. They need to suffer.”

President Marty Martin’s email to the Des Moines, Iowa university community called the comments “unacceptable.”

“The social media posts from a Drake faculty member that have been widely shared over the past week are in conflict with values articulated in our Statement of Principles,” the email read.

“We expect and indeed promote and celebrate vigorous political debate on our campus and across our community,” said Martin. “However, when that debate takes the form of demeaning speech, the speaker must hear and understand that such behavior is not welcome at Drake University.”

On January 7, Younger also targeted Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) who led the charge on objecting to the electoral college certification, responding to his tweet with “F*** off you piece of s***.”


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“But I love my fellow Americans, unlike you Republican traitors who deserve to die in a house fire.”

the speaker must hear and understand that such behavior is not welcome at Drake University

So what did you do about it, oh President? Nothing, I presume?

    By making a public statement opposing that conduct, President Martin has done more for the cause of academic freedom — at far more personal and professional risk — than you’ve ever managed.

    Milhouse in reply to randian. | January 31, 2021 at 1:26 am

    What can he do, other than denounce it?

      gibbie in reply to Milhouse. | January 31, 2021 at 5:44 pm

      See Charles Negy. But you’re probably referring to actions which could be taken without losing his job.

      Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 2, 2021 at 3:23 pm

      Negy couldn’t be punished for his speech, which is why they spent 8 months looking for something they could punish him for. And he will almost certainly win in court anyway.

She is quite the eloquent twat.