Critic Calls U. Pennsylvania Athletics Diversity Initiative ‘Straightforward Neo-Segregation’

Progressives are reversing the work of the Civil Rights Movement. Can they even see it?

Campus Reform reports:

UPenn diversity initiative is ‘straightforward neo-segregation,’ critic saysThe University of Pennsylvania’s athletics department approved a series of diversity-related recommendations from its “Racial Justice Task Force,” including a “permanent shared space for Black student-athletes” which is also open to “allies and non-athletes.”Director of Penn Athletics and Recreation M. Grace Calhoun and the Division of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics unanimously affirmed the task force’s recommendations.Penn Athletics states that “these recommendations have been created as a beginning, not a conclusion” in the process of making the athletics department into a “more diverse, inclusive, anti-racist organization.”The athletics department will create a “permanent shared space for Black student-athletes,” which will also be open to “allies and non-athletes.” This center will also be “open late night and early morning with swipe access,” and include work-study opportunities “funded by the Black Student-Athlete Fund.”Among the task force’s short-term goals is the hiring of an “Athletic Diversity & Inclusion” designee, who will be “solely dedicated to job responsibilities focusing on diversity and inclusion.” In the long-term, the university is recommended to “secure funding for and hire a Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer.”The task force notes that financial restrictions may apply in the short-term and therefore recommended that an existing staff member serve alongside a “group of diverse staff,” which will assist with implementing the task force’s other recommendations…Chance Layton, Communications and Membership Coordinator for the National Association of Scholars, told Campus Reform that “the intention of creating a space marketed for ‘Black student-athletes and club sport athletes’ is straightforward neo-segregation. Racially segregated spaces are not ‘separate but equal,’ and they shouldn’t be — they shouldn’t exist, period.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania