Biden Pick for UN Ambassador Gave Speech at Confucius Institute at Savannah State U. in 2019

Last year, we finally reached the point where some Republican lawmakers were calling for an end to Confucius Institutes on college campuses, over the claim that they spread propaganda for the Chinese Communist Party.

Now we have this.

Campus Reform reports:

Biden’s UN ambassador nominee under fire for campus remarks at Chinese Communist-funded institutePresident Joe Biden’s nominee for U.N. Ambassador is facing pushback for a 2019 speech at the Confucius Institute at Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia.During her Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday, Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she “truly regrets” speaking at the Chinese-funded institute at Savannah State University, a historically Black college, calling it a “huge mistake.”Republican lawmakers questioned her stance on China. Sen. James Risch of Idaho, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called her past China remarks the “elephant in the room.”Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called the speech “cheerleading for the Chinese Communist Party.”Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) expressed shock at her lack of understanding of Confucius Institutes.Campus Reform has previously reported that experts have voiced concerns over Confucius Institutes on college campuses across the country. While the Chinese-funded institutes are marketed as educational centers to promote Chinese culture, U.S. intelligence agencies have called them “propaganda centers” of the Chinese Communist Party.Thomas-Greenfield said her acceptance to speak was due to her relationship with Savannah State University and not the institute itself. She claimed this decision was part of her commitment to young Black students, hoping to inspire their consideration of a career in foreign service.

Tags: Biden Administration, China, College Insurrection, United Nations