ANTIFA Forces Portland Book Store to Stop Selling Andy Ngo’s Book About ANTIFA

ANTIFA, which claims to be “anti-fascist” (hence the name), once again showed it is fascist.

Members of the group protested Powell’s Books in Portland, OR, because it put Andy Ngo’s book about them on its shelves.

Andy Ngo wrote Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy after documenting the group’s rioting and destruction in cities.

One protester compared his book to Mein Kampf.

ANTIFA supposedly hates fascism but throws a hissy fit when a bookstore sells a book critical of its activities.

They hate fascism so much they terrorize and protest outside the store, forcing employees to escape out the back and close early.

Powell’s Books said it would not sell the book in the store, but kept it on its online catalog.

Powell’s Books is all for free speech as long as it keeps the book online.

Tags: Antifa, Free Speech, Oregon