U. Oregon Students Want College Republicans Removed From Campus for Attending ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally

The College Republicans at the University of Oregon recently attended a “stop the steal” rally. Since this event was also supported by the Proud Boys, certain activist students are now trying to get the Republican group removed from campus.

Chrissy Clark reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Students at University of Oregon Attempt to Remove College Republicans from CampusStudent activists at the University of Oregon are attempting to remove the College Republicans from campus for attending a “stop the steal” rally.Members of the university’s student government are working to “deplatform” the club by cutting off its organizational funding and revoking its status as an official campus group. The governing body has yet to dissolve the club, though it unanimously passed a resolution calling for “cultural competency training” for all organizations during a meeting with College Republican leaders. Student activists have since called on the group to condemn white supremacy and political violence, a condemnation it has issued several times.The push to deplatform the group came after members posted a picture of themselves at a “stop the steal” rally. Hanging in the background of the Instagram post were two flags with the Proud Boys emblem on them. The Proud Boys are a far-right political group with similar violent tendencies to Antifa.

I have no interest in defending the Proud Boys, but are we supposed to believe there are no Antifa members at the University of Oregon? Really?

Take a look at this completely over-the-top column which appeared in the school paper, The Daily Emerald:

Opinion: It’s time for the University of Oregon College Fascists to go“We are in no way defending [the Proud Boys],” Isiah De Alba, the University of Oregon College Republicans political director, told the UO student government senate, “in any way, shape, or form.”You heard it there – they do not defend the Proud Boys, despite posing with them for pictures . No need for all of this panic and hysteria; they are not white supremacists!In some corner of the world, maybe, there might be some unreasonable person who still doesn’t feel satisfied in that honest and vulnerable statement. For them, the Associated Students of the University of Oregon unanimously passed a resolution during that senate meeting with the club, condemning white supremacy and requiring cultural competency training for all organization leaders.Clearly, all avenues that lead to white supremacy are covered. Racism has been eradicated from our campus. Our administration must feel so confident in this response that they need not comment on the matter. Because they haven’t. Not a single word. Not a single action. Silence.

Congratulations to the administration for doing nothing. That was the right choice.

The column leads to this predictable conclusion:

There is only one option: the College Republicans must be suspended, delegitimized by stripping its name and punished like all groups immersed in fascist ideology that came before them.

The College Republicans need to stand their ground here and not allow radical progressives, drunk on the power of cancel culture to call for their dissolution.

This is the correct position to take:

All too often, the radical left is allowed to do whatever they want on college campuses and no one says a word.

Case in point, here’s Bill Ayers of the domestic terrorist group the ‘Weather Underground’ giving a lecture at the University of Oregon in 2012. Was there any campus outrage? Were there any calls for anyone or any group to be removed from campus?

The double standard is ridiculous.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Cancel Culture, College Insurrection, Oregon, Republicans