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Tulane University Offering Course in ‘Feminism after Trumplandia’

Tulane University Offering Course in ‘Feminism after Trumplandia’

“unprecedented dystopia for women”

Trump Derangement Syndrome is going to linger in higher education for a few years.

Campus Reform reports:

Tulane University offers ‘Feminism after Trumplandia’ course

As universities around the country continue to confront and reckon with Donald Trump’s presidency, Tulane University in New Orleans is offering a course titled “Feminism after Trumplandia” during the Spring 2021 semester.

According to its course description, the class, taught by Professor of English and Communication Studies Kate Baldwin, is being offered because, after Trump’s election, “many worried that a new era of precarity for women had begun.”

The course claims that Trump’s actions as president, including the “defunding of Planned Parenthood,” the “Muslim ban,” his “assault on pro-choice legislation,” the rescission of “protections for transgender students,” and even his “own history of sexual assault” present an “unprecedented dystopia for women.'”

Labeling Trump’s presidency a “reign,” the course description goes on to argue that the “Kavanaugh hearings,” “evil media men,” “Jeffrey Epstein, “Amy Coney Barrett,” and “Ivanka,” among others, have caused a “more robust” and “multifaceted” form of feminism to emerge in response to such “ravages of assaults.”

Also part of the description is a list of authors from “feminism’s archive,” whose work will be incorporated into the course’s curriculum and whose ideas students will be encouraged to draw upon for their required 10-15 page term paper. One of the individuals listed is Angela Davis, a former Communist Party leader and prison abolitionist who has likened the prison system to slavery. After being listed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List, Davis was arrested and prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder in 1972, in connection with a courtroom shooting that left several people dead.


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The Friendly Grizzly | December 15, 2020 at 10:52 am

Another formerly serious college becomes silly.

empiricallyobvious | December 15, 2020 at 8:30 pm

I am a graduate of Tulane. I have not in a dozen years donated, and will not in the future, donate to the University. They veered hard left in the last 2 decades and it is virtually unrecognizable as a place of higher education. They are however, a highly woke “Center of higher indoctrination”.

This course will help a student have a career how? (Unfortunately, a neighbor’s son is now a freshman there.)

the “Muslim ban” […] present an “unprecedented dystopia for women.”

In what whackjob universe does this person live? There is no place Islam rules that isn’t a dystopia for women, why would keeping them out of this country bother somebody who allegedly cares about women’s rights?