Student Newspaper at University of Texas Gives Hiring Authority to Diversity Director

Watch the mainstream media follow this model within the next five years. It’s a perfect way for the left to enforce ideological purity.The College Fix reports:

University of Texas student newspaper gives hiring authority to diversity directorDo you want to join The Daily Texan? Be prepared to explain how your hiring will promote diversity … to the person responsible for promoting diversity.The student newspaper, which is not independent of the University of Texas-Austin, updated readers in its Thursday edition on its efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the Daily.The Daily‘s Diversity and Inclusion Board announced that its director will serve as the gatekeeper for who gets hired:

To further ensure fairness in hiring, the diversity and inclusion director will take on the role of hiring director at the beginning of the semester to help the managing editor in overseeing hiring and recruitment.

Applicants can expect to answer to this person indefinitely. Parent organization Texas Student Media, which is overseen by the Moody College of Communication and has its own diversity and inclusion body, has revised its governing documents to make the diversity director a permanent position whose stipend reflects those of “similar roles in the newsroom.”

A new “Diversity and Inclusion Handbook” lays out new “permanent fixtures” at the newspaper, including a staffwide demographic survey, “objectivity training” and “coverage tracking.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Media, Texas