Report: Leaked Database Reveals Nearly 2M CCP Members Working All Over The World
“this database . . . exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK”

Reports indicate that a Chinese database leak has surfaced that contains the names of almost two million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members living and working in major corporations, academia, and governments all around the world.
A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.
Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity.
“It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said.
“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said.
“But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”.
Ms Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies.
“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said.
Watch the report:
If You Wondered-
Why the NBA condemned all who spoke out about Communist China's crack down on Pro Democracy protesters-*If you wonder why U.S. News repeats China's propaganda
*If you wonder why Many in Gov't/Business Act, Sound Promote Marxism &China?
— Lawyerforlaws (@lawyer4laws) December 13, 2020
Sky News continues:
Ms Markson said the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping.
“It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she said.
Ms Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.
“It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China- and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world.
“It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organisations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyse over the past two months, and that’s what we’ve done”.
The Daily Mail reports that “Beijing’s malign influence now stretches into almost every corner of British life, including defence firms, banks and pharmaceutical giants.”
The leaked database of 1.95 million registered Chinese Communist Party members has revealed: 123 party loyalists are employed at pharmaceutical giants Pfizer & AstraZeneca (both firms are developing coronavirus vaccines), according to the Daily Mail.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 13, 2020
Loyal members of the Chinese Communist Party are working in British consulates, universities and for some of the UK’s leading companies, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
An extraordinary leaked database of 1.95 million registered party members reveals how Beijing’s malign influence now stretches into almost every corner of British life, including defence firms, banks and pharmaceutical giants.
Most alarmingly, some of its members – who swear a solemn oath to ‘guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life…and never betray the Party’ – are understood to have secured jobs in British consulates.
Among them is a senior official at the British Consulate in Shanghai. Its headquarters is also home to intelligence officers from the UK security services.
. . . . While there is no evidence that anyone on the party membership list has spied for China – and many sign up simply to boost their career prospects – experts say it defies credulity that some are not involved in espionage. Responding to the findings, an alliance of 30 MPs last night said they would be tabling an urgent question about the issue in the Commons.
Writing in The Mail on Sunday today, former Tory Party leader Iain Duncan Smith says: ‘This investigation proves that members of the Chinese Communist Party are now spread around the globe, with members working for some of the world’s most important multinational corporations, academic institutions and our own diplomatic services.
‘The Government must now move to expel and remove any members of the Communist Party from our Consuls throughout China. They can either serve the UK or the Chinese Communist Party. They cannot do both.’
In a separate article, the Daily Mail reports that a “Chinese ‘state-sponsored spy ring’ sees Communist Party members infiltrate Australian consulate after being placed in western embassies by a government-owned recruitment firm.”
In the U.S. we have seen a series of CCP-related news drop in recent weeks.
Dec 3: @DNI_Ratcliffe in WSJ op-ed says China has targeted members of Congress.
Dec 8: Eric Swalwell & Fang Fang story breaks.
Dec. 9: @SecPompeo says China has infiltrated many U.S. colleges at GA Tech.
Dec 12: Media covers leaked CCP database of 2 million secret members.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 13, 2020
The big question for Americans is who is on the list of CCP members embedded in American corporations, media, and government?
It's time to check that CCP database for familiar American names.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 13, 2020
Who are the 52,000 Americans listed in the Zhenhua CCP database leak?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) December 13, 2020

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Subversion from within is insidious. McCarthy was right about left-wing progress to displace, corrupt our Constitutional Republic, our conservative ideology: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
How many are working for the DNC and GOPe????????????
Leak Exposes Systemic INFILTRATION
of Western Firms By Chinese Communist Party
by Jamie White
December 13th 2020
Database of almost 2 million registered party members reveals how Communist influence reaches
defense contractors,
Big Pharma
Boeing, Airbus, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Rolls-Royce, HSBC and many more companies under influence of ChiComs
The info is based upon a database from April 2016, I’m sure most of these people didn’t return to China like Fang Fang. It would be a good guess that the current number is north of 2 million today.
Show us the list
It’s called “Internet”:
(You’re welcome – if it is still online, when you read my post, of course)…
Thank you; that list contains roughly 8,000 entities. How did you find this and is there somewhere else to look for the rest?
Every Chinese is a spy for their COMMUNIST government.
That’s how Communists governments work.
You got it.
Names named and more to come.
Here It Is: First Section of 8,192 Chinese Communist Party Member’s Names, Positions, Etc. – Leaked to Public
This is a math problem and always has been. China has 5 times the amount of people as the United States, so China can afford to send 2/5 of its top level people here to take over our academic, corporate and political slots – and China will STILL outnumber us with top level people in their own country. Another issue is the idea that the official agents and spies have families with children who are now deemed American citizens under the rule of China. Birthright citizenship, green card citizenship, and immigration citizenship MUST be stripped from these pretenders. I have long predicted that the Chinese are seeking to outright own the American presidency via a birthright child born here but raised in China and imported back when of age.
Sounds like Barrack…..
To be clear, even if agents or spies omit to take an active role (which is a big IF), just taking a passive role of being placeholders preventing American citizens from getting college slots, scholarships, post docs, internships, and employment is incredibly disruptive to Americans and the United States. Now consider, if agents or spies (once placed) take an active role to ensure that stupider (or more compliant) Americans are rewarded over smarter (or less compliant) Americans….
New math anyone?
Most wars begin with military action. China has waged its war for years without firing a shot.
The CCP released a deadly virus on the world, profited greatly by selling us masks, respirators, and sanitizers, and now it appears they are involved in selling us the “cure”. With friends like these…
I don’t think so. We may not notice wars until the shooting begins but, as Clauswitz pointed out, war is diplomacy by other means.
Peace is an illusion. The Cold War was closer to the norm. You might even say that diplomacy is war by other means.
There are currently 350,000 Chinese college ‘students’ studying in the United States. Many of these Chinese college ‘students’ are middle aged adults.
And every one a spy and agent.
Yep, send every single one back.
They’re not as good as Tom Cruise at protecting the NOC list.
The (multi)trillion-dollar question is – is there a Manchurian Candidate?
How is that a question? His name is Joe Biden and it’s not even a secret.
Kamala Harris is a slightly different but no less corrupt case.
“…no less corrupt…”
That is a really tough comparison to make.
Kamala Harris Implicated in Hunter Biden’s China Energy Company Scheme
by National File
December 13th 2020
Our immigration policy allows other countries to take over our country simply by moving here and voting us out of power in our own country. No other countries are stupid enough to do this to themselves. The time to do something about it was the day the Soviet Union fell apart our China policy should have been re-addressed. It’s too late now. The fix is in and we no longer hold the power to save America.
“No other countries are stupid enough to do this to themselves.”
Was it stupidity? I suggest it was not out of ignorance. It was an invasion plan (Trojan Horse) and it worked. Evil? Yes. Stupid? No. It was a surrender by Democrats and GOPe — proxies for the CCP.
Note the Chinese ‘student’ mentioned in this article:
Let’s not forget; “Fan Yang, 34, a naturalized citizen of the United States and Lieutenant in the United States Navy residing in Jacksonville, Florida; Yang Yang, 33, wife of Fan Yang, and a naturalized citizen of the United States residing in Jacksonville, Florida; Ge Songtao, 49, a citizen and resident of the People’s Republic of China; and Zheng Yan, 27, a citizen and resident of the People’s Republic of China.
The defendants were arrested on Oct. 17, 2019, and are currently detained.
All four defendants have been charged with conspiring to submit false export information and to fraudulently attempt to export articles from the United States.”
We’ve had warnings.
Perhaps it’s Hunter Biden operating a “placement” service — all fees paid to his business by the Chinese Communist Party???
Nothing to see here. Just move along. The political views of these folks are none of our business. They have a Constitutional right to have them and such views do not disqualify them from holding high political office in the US. Even the highest office.Ifr you think otherwise you are a racist.