Columbia University Students Go on Strike, Issue List of Demands

It’s getting to the point where this is becoming a cliché. College students protest and issue demands so frequently that it has lost all meaning.

Campus Reform reports:

Columbia students go on strike, say Ivy League is ‘vampirically sucking every drop of blood’More than 3,200 Columbia University students have joined in on a strike, demanding a 10 percent reduction in cost and a 10 percent increase in financial aid, as one student claims the Ivy League university is “vampirically sucking every drop of blood.”This is one of five demands that the students listed.Columbia University’s tuition rate for the 2020-2021 academic year is $58,920.The students are demanding that to “alleviate the economic burden on students”, Columbia must “reduce the cost of attendance (including tuition, fees, and room & board) by at least 10 percent.” On top of this, the students want an increase of at least 10 percent in financial aid and the removal of “student responsibility,” or the amount of money the student is expected to contribute to their education through money they pay out of pocket or through student employment.Speaking on behalf of the organizers, Columbia University student Townesend Nelson told Campus Reform that while the pandemic has made economic problems worse, Columbia charged too much even before that.“While the pandemic and consequent recession have exacerbated the challenges students face, students—both at Columbia and around the country—have always struggled to afford to go to school,” Nelson said.He added that the university was able to charge so much because of its reputation. This reputation is what the students are hoping to call into question.

Tags: College Insurrection, Columbia University