Colleges and Universities Would Get $23 Billion Under Current COVID Relief Bill

Think of all the diversity administrators colleges and universities can hire with that kind of money.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Congressional Deal Would Give Higher Ed $23BA $900 billion coronavirus-relief package, passed by Congress late Monday night, gives colleges and universities another $23 billion in relief aid, which the head of the American Council on Education blasted as “wholly inadequate.”The Senate shortly before midnight followed the House in also approving overwhelmingly a larger $1.4 trillion budget deal to fund the government through next September. The proposed deal also brings an additional $1 billion in spending on medical research as well as major changes to financial aid, including simplifying the Free Application for Federal Student Aid from 108 to 36 questions, and giving Republican education committee chairman Lamar Alexander one of his top priorities days before he retires from Congress.It also includes a number of Democratic priorities, including allowing more incarcerated prisoners to be eligible for Pell Grants. President Trump is expected to sign both pieces of legislationA change in how eligibility for Pell Grants is determined would also make it easier for lower-income students to receive the maximum amount of federal student aid. Alexander and Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the Senate education committee, estimated the changes would mean an additional 555,000 students will qualify for Pell Grants each year and 1.7 more million students will qualify to receive the maximum Pell award each year. About $1.3 billion in capital loans owed to the federal government by historically Black colleges and universities is being forgiven as part of the budget deal.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus