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Student Op-Ed at Vanderbilt U. Says ‘Blue Lives Matter’ and ‘MAGA’ Are Racist

Student Op-Ed at Vanderbilt U. Says ‘Blue Lives Matter’ and ‘MAGA’ Are Racist

“the slogans […] are inherently racist because they condone an America where minorities are systematically oppressed”

Democrats and the media must smile when they read things like this, knowing that their constant rhetoric works on many young people.

The College Fix reports:

Vanderbilt U. student op-ed: ‘Blue Lives Matter,’ ‘MAGA’ are inherently racist

Lest you believe the end of the presidential election, with Joe Biden the apparent victor, will slow down the academic grievance industry, think again.

Vanderbilt University political science major Madison Glenn-Lawson recently made use of her student paper to inform 70 million-plus of her fellow citizens that they’re, yes, racist.

What bothers her specifically are the phrases “Blue Lives Matter” and “Make America Great Again” (as well as its acronym).

“Though they do not specifically spew hateful words,” she says, “the slogans […] are inherently racist because they condone an America where minorities are systematically oppressed.”

Since her move back to campus, Glenn-Lawson notes she’s seen “many people proudly display their Trump merchandise,” and noticed a Vandy police officer donned in a “Blue Lives Matter” mask one evening.

“In both situations,” she says, “my body immediately tightened and I cringed, but I didn’t feel hatred; I felt hated.”

From the piece:

Blue Lives Matter is a derogatory phrase used to invalidate Black Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter isn’t an organization; it has no goal and it is not calling for any kind of action. The slogan is simply used as rhetoric to suppress the voices of the black community when we protest against police brutality. Lives are not blue. You can not equate a “blue life” to my black life…

MAGA is just as ignorant as claiming “Blue Lives Matter.” Make America Great Again” is Trump’s tagline that calls for America to return to its previous glory. I, along with many other black people, find myself wondering when America was at its prime—during the era of segregation or the era of slavery? He stresses the need for law and order when black people are fighting for their lives, but in the same breath, he will tell white supremacist groups to “stand by and stand back.”


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Keep shooting yourselves in the foot. I’ll be glad when these universities put themselves out of business (save for math/science/medical studies).

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to lc. | November 13, 2020 at 1:23 pm

    Were it not for Dept of Ed and Dept of Justice / EEOC enrollment quotas, the student body would be men, women, a few blacks, a few more mestizo “Hispanics”, and Asians, all taking actual majors.

    The quotas mean they need to bring in the blah students, and offer Styrofoam majors for them to take.

With any luck, the local police will put Madison Glenn-Lawson on the “Do Not Respond List” if she ever calls upon them.