Stanford Apologizes to Departments for Following Trump’s Order on Critical Race Theory
“I want to apologize for the great deal of disruption and concern the circulation of this checklist has caused in the Stanford community.”

If Joe Biden is sworn in as president in January, expect higher education to pursue critical race theory with even greater zeal in the coming years.
The College Fix reports:
Stanford apologizes for telling departments to follow Trump executive order on race and sex stereotyping
Some college diversity training programs are likely to make broad-brush assumptions about certain races and sexes, such as that white men have unconscious bias against others and are collectively responsible for white men’s historical actions against minorities.
Given President Trump’s executive order that bans federal money from trainings based on critical race theory, Stanford University asked its departments to review their diversity training programs to ensure compliance with the order. (How the order, which took effect Saturday, affects colleges is a matter of ongoing debate.)
The “checklist” it published was deeply unpopular – so the university rescinded it and apologized, The Stanford Daily reports.
Departments should remove language that “one race or sex is superior” to others, that America is “fundamentally racist or sexist” and that meritocracy is inherently racist or sexist, among other concepts, according to the checklist.
While employees can “independently” raise the concepts prohibited by the order, “the training program or workshop [should] not endorse and advocate for the existence of such concepts,” according to the memo. Trainings can still “inform workers” or “foster discussions” about stereotypes, though.
It told departments that the concepts of critical race theory, white privilege, “system [sic] racism” and “racial humility” may be subject to review. A Stanford spokesperson told the Daily the checklist was released prematurely.
Provost Persis Drell released an obsequious statement last week that goes well beyond simply releasing a memo that hadn’t undergone full review (so she says). It’s opening an investigation:
I want to apologize for the great deal of disruption and concern the circulation of this checklist has caused in the Stanford community. [President] Marc [Tessiere-Lavigne] and I are deeply unhappy that the document could have been produced and circulated without an understanding of how damaging it would be.

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There are a large number of colleges which are no longer acceptable for our children and many businesses which no longer deserve our patronage.
First question I ask on campus virtual tours for my high school junior is whether there is a mandatory class in critical race theory. One person pretended not to know what it was. I explained, in detail and then marked it as a no on my list. Eventually my son and I will compare lists, and discuss but right now our lists match. He marked the school off his list for another reason though.
I would urge everyone to actually read the Trump Executive Actions, They are well-written are are completely neutral. It is always wrong to use sexual and race stereotyping. People should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
Training programs using critical race theory attack groups of employees (federal employees and people funded by federal grants) based upon their race and sex. That is a bad idea.