Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump

As we watch Democrats and their many friends in media melt down over Trump’s challenges to the 2020 election over alleged voter fraud, it’s important to remember where we were four years ago after Trump’s surprise 2016 victory.

Not only were Democrats claiming that Russia stole the election for Trump, they harassed members of the Electoral College in a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from being certified as the winner.

In December of 2016, Mark Moore reported at the New York Post:

Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop TrumpElectors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday.The bullying is overwhelming Sharon Geise’s tech devices, but not her resolve to support Trump.The Mesa, Arizona, grandmother woke up Wednesday morning to more than 1,500 emails demanding she not carry out her legal duty to vote for the president-elect.“They just keep coming and coming,” Geise told The Post, estimating she’s received more than 50,000 emails since the election. “They’re overpowering my iPad.”…Reports of GOP electors being badgered have been reported in numerous states, including Georgia, Idaho, Tennessee, Arizona, Utah and Michigan.Like Geise, Republican Patricia Allen of Tennessee told The Post she’s been bombarded with 2,000 emails, 120 letters and five phone calls all urging her to switch and vote against Trump. But Allen, 74, said that despite the “siege,” she’s not budging.

One elector told CNN he was getting death threats:

A college student from Michigan said Wednesday that he has received death threats after being chosen to cast an Electoral College vote for his state in December.Although the presidential election was won by Donald Trump on November 8, it’s not official until December 19, when all 538 members of the Electoral College will come together to cast their votes.Michael Banerian, the youth vice-chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, will be one of his state’s 16 electors. The honor of being selected, a role typically bestowed to recognize a person’s service and dedication to their political party, has come at a price, Banerian told CNN’s Brianna Keilar.”Obviously, this election cycle was pretty divisive. Unfortunately it’s bled over into the weeks following the election and I have been inundated with death threats, death wishes, generally angry messages trying to get me to change my vote to Hillary Clinton or another person, and unfortunately, it’s gotten a little out of control.” Banerian said.Banerian said he has been threatened with violence.”I’ve had people talk about putting a bullet in the back of my mouth. I’ve had death wishes or people just saying ‘I hope you die.’ Or, ‘do society a favor, throw yourself in front of a bus,'” he said.

Michael Moore went on MSNBC and told Chris Hayes that electors “absolutely” should go against rules and tradition to stop Trump.

Professor Jacobson wrote about this at the time, noting that it was a multi-pronged approach:

The one thing you must understand about the unfolding media-Democrat Electoral College coup attemptWe are witnessing nothing short of an attempt to steal the election by some Democrats and a very supportive mainstream and leftwing media, by causing Electors in the Electoral College to go rogue and vote for Hillary, or at least not vote for Trump.The first excuse for this tactic after the election was made by people like Prof. Lawrence Lessig. At least he was honest in his call to have the Electors stop Trump because he didn’t like the result and thought Trump would be a horrible president on a host of issues.Honest, but severely misguided.Call that Operation Flip the Electors, Part One.As it became obvious that the recounts demanded by Jill Stein and supported by Hillary would fail to change the outcome, a new and thoroughly dishonest media narrative developed — that Trump could not be allowed to take office because Russia “hacked the election.”

Michael Tracey collected some screenshots from 2016 which serve as a helpful reminder:

Maybe the left could spare us all their shrieking about threats to our democracy.

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Media, Trump Derangement Syndrome