Do you ever get the sense that some college courses are designed by a generator that takes random left-wing talking points and arranges them in different combinations?The College Fix reports:
Penn Native American literature course will explore capitalism’s role in climate changeThe University of Pennsylvania will offer a course in the spring semester that combines a study of literature, Native American history and climate change.The course, titled “Imagining Environmental Justice,” will challenge students to address the question “what does environmental justice look like in a world where the effects of colonialism and climate change are unevenly distributed,” according to the description. Students will explore this idea through “novels, film, nonfiction, and poetry.”A copy of the one-page syllabus, obtained by The College Fix, promises a deep dive into the problems of capitalism.The course will engage “with texts by Indigenous North American, African American, Palestinian, and South African writers and creators will highlight diverse ways of relating to land, water and nonhuman animals,” in a way that “challenge(s) capitalist and colonial logics of extraction.”It’s housed under the Program in Environmental Humanities at the Ivy League institution. The class may be used to fill a requirement for the Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor.A course description on the English Department website said:
This course asks students to comparatively and critically reflect on literary, filmic, and nonfictional narratives that engage in different ways with the question of justice. Course materials highlight not only instances of spectacular environmental catastrophe but also more subtle effects on bodies and landscapes, attending to the complex ways that environmental crisis intersects with race, gender, and sexuality. The class will enable participants to translate these ideas into practice by producing public-facing content through creative modes of inquiry. Ultimately, we will strive to understand how various forms of artistic and creative expression might enable us to imagine more equitable futures.