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Election Day Open Thread

Election Day Open Thread

Just like Hillary demanded, Biden will not concede tonight no matter what, but if he thinks he is the winner, he will declare victory and address the nation.

We’re going to use this space to post what we are seeing about voting trends and other things happening. Help us out by posting what you are seeing in the Comments. The Legal Insurrection “Elections” Twitter Feed is at the bottom of this post.

Updates will be at the top, in reverse chronological order.

(updating by various authors)

Go Away. Just Go Away.

Judge Sullivan Orders USPS Mail Sweep

Biden Camp feeling a little less than confident? 

Got the ‘Rona? No prob! CDC says it’s totes fine to get out and vote. 

I’m super glad we shut down the country for months and put the economy into a death spiral at CDC’s urging, just for the CDC to give the go-ahead to infected folks to break quarantine.

Biden to assume authority even if he hasn’t won

I think there’s a word for this…

Republicans are turning out bigly in Florida

If Pennsylvania is stolen, it will be in corrupt Philly.

Just like Hillary demanded, Biden will not concede tonight no matter what, but if he thinks he is the winner, he will declare victory and address the nation.



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to the full extent allowed by law.


Progress the progressive way.

Taking us from a constitutional republic to being a constitutional banana republic.

Who doesn’t like bananas?

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to LukeHandCool. | November 3, 2020 at 3:45 pm

    Biden Campaign Manager: “…. We Lose Florida, and Pennsylvania…..”

    Hillary Clinton: “….. Lose Heart.”


    BREAKING: Arizona Dems are so worried seeing Joe Biden’s lead slipping away in key battleground state that they sent out frantic texts to volunteers over weekend to ignore previous COVID precautions & go out “knocking on doors” for Biden–even if canvassers have low-grade fevers

    Someone with knowledge of Arizona voting confirms to me that that report is true.

    BREAKING: Reports on the ground show voter traffic in battleground North Carolina — and even blue Virginia — is “slow in urban areas” and “heavy in rural areas,” a positive sign for Trump. (IBD/TIPP Poll going into election had Trump trouncing Biden 67%-30% among rural voters.) – Ace of Spafes

    Democrats In Panic Mode As Long-Held Oregon Seat May Fall To GOP Newcomer Alek Skarlatos Who Thwarted Paris Terror Attack

    Tech Tyranny: Twitter Censors Tom Fitton’s Accurate and Logical Tweet on Voter Fraud to Protect Joe Biden – Gateway Pundit

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | November 3, 2020 at 3:51 pm

      INFORM EVERYONE OF THESE FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      As a sanity check – I went over to the progressive / leftist websites to see how they are reporting the voting activity as of 5.30 EST.

      Huff Post and Drudge are some glee with subdued caution, but far less glee that the Republican websites.

      those are good hints that the results are not flowing to the socialists. Will have better infor by 10pm

      Everyone – have a glass of wine and relax

        Tom Servo in reply to Joe-dallas. | November 3, 2020 at 5:50 pm

        Keith Ellison, Minnesota AG, just tweeted out a plea for Minnesota Dems to get any friends they know to the polls quick. He knows they’re way behind where they need to be, and time is running out.

The former reliable Drudge Report – shows big win for Biden

I emphasize “Former Reliable”

Lets hope drudge (turncoat ) is wrong – wrong big time

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Joe-dallas. | November 3, 2020 at 3:48 pm

    How many trips did dredge take to Epstein’s Island? I don’t know that’s why I’m asking.

    Valerie in reply to Joe-dallas. | November 3, 2020 at 5:06 pm

    The Drudge Report is a business that was sold by its former owner, Matt Drudge and has been run into the ground by its new owner(s).

Just got a call from my friend in Orange County Florida, +2 for Trump at 7am when the polls opened!

Praying for Trump and the Republic!

    Joe-dallas in reply to JDmyrm. | November 3, 2020 at 9:58 am

    Florida looks good –
    But it will likely come down to PA
    The “non Existent voter Fraud”

    enabled by Roberts, Kagan Breyer & sotomayer

      PA will be counting votes for months.

      Trump had 304 electoral votes last time, so he can win without PA.

      I don’t know why anyone expects Trump to lose states he won last time. It’s not like there has been a huge wave of previous Trump voters renouncing their vote. If anything, there has been a wave of Dem & never-Trump voters saying they will vote for Trump this time.

      Are there any union members in the rust belt states who don’t like what Trump has done on trade and bringing manufacturing back?

        MajorWood in reply to Otto. | November 3, 2020 at 1:33 pm

        The unions can tell their members how to vote but I don’t think the membership listens anymore. That 8% spread in Ohio last time was Yuge Trump took 80 of 88 counties and this time I expect it to be 84. 2016 had a large Libertarian protest vote (6% in some counties where the H/T spread was only 2%) and hopefully some of these people have gotten wiser since. I understand their frustration with the Rinos, and those paying attention might realize that “the Donald” is doing as best he can what the Libertarian philosophy calls for in terms of less regulation.

        I don’t know why anyone expects Trump to lose states he won last time.

        Hi Otto, your comment brought to mind this analysis I read yesterday at CTH by Sundance. You’ve sniffed out yet another MSM manipulation. The article is worth the read.

All you hear on the news here in the UK is about Trump claiming victory early. Not a single word about Biden or the Democrat media proclaiming him victor.

I hope for our sake that you guys in America vote Trump in outside the margin of fraud. Otherwise we are just as fucked as you lot will be.

I’m from Florida. I voted early. I voted for America. I voted for secure borders and sensible immigration. I voted for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I voted for religious freedom and the right to life. I voted for a strong military and safe and secure cities. What did you vote for?

    Kepha H in reply to RichieD.. | November 3, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    In deep indigo, extremely gerrymandered Maryland, where my vote was probably trying to swim upstream against Niagara Falls, but I voed the same way: better national security, First and Second Amendment rights, pro-life, enforcement of immigration laws. Voted Coll against Rascal, oops, Raskin.

Grrr8 American | November 3, 2020 at 10:12 am

Don’t assume that we can trust Fox News’ election coverage — recall that in the 2018 midterms it called the going to the Dems before the west coast polls closed and so probably contributed to flipping some R seats to D, especially in CA.

Fox may well be included (see Gateway Pundit link below) to fool conservatives and help enable the “color revolution” narrative that a winner cannot be declared on or immediately after November 3rd.

We already know for certain that we can’t trust any of the other outlets named …

I’m much more concerned with down-ballot than I am with a Trump victory.

It’s been reported many times that more than 33% of attendees at Trump’s 2016 rallies were Democrats. This year it is over 50% and last week it was reported that more than half of them didn’t vote in 2020.

Then there is the Vegas line projecting Trump winning.

And the “Wisdom of Crowds” poll revealing the 49 of 50 states’ voters expect Trump to win. This poll was conducted by asking people who they planned to vote for and who they believe their neighbors will vote for.

It was also reported after the market close yesterday that options positions were showing that the market was handicapping 55% odds of a Trump victory.

I really don’t expect PA to be the deciding factor. Trump will win MI, WIS, MN, AZ, NV, NH and maybe one or two big surprises (WA? OR?).

    James_teh_2nd in reply to Pasadena Phil. | November 3, 2020 at 10:24 am


      Trump is reportedly polling well in NY and ME. I think the pollsters are still modeling based on useless definitions of Dem vs Rep and especially the forever changing make-up of my favorite party, unaffiliated independent. I believe the proverbial pot was stirred in a big way since Trump came in.

    MajorWood in reply to Pasadena Phil. | November 3, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    I don’t expect Trump to win Oregon but it will be way closer than ever before due to antifa in Portland and our idiot governor. Before my little heart adventure in August I was out in the evenings putting up signs saying “Kate and Ted will turn Oregon Red.” I suspect many of the Biden/Harris yard signs in Portland are there just to keep the annoying neighbors away. The nazis were amateurs compared to bent liberals in Portland.

    Hope this informal sense is right, Phil.

Voted Friday, PDJT/Pence and straight Red ticket. Been talking to friends, acquaintances, co-workers and the random stranger for months. Laying out everything from Spygate to Ukraine, cf (U1, Haiti etc.) to color revolutions. Same with social media, news sites, comment sections (LI is my favorite by far). I can not believe how easily the left played along with the flip side of that script with rioting, looting, violence, cancel culture, hate, vitriol… the opposite of the MAGA movement. I was confident in 2016, even more so now. Patriots will hold the line. God Bless the USA.

ScottTheEngineer | November 3, 2020 at 10:37 am

I’m in Michigan. Small rural town. Voted at 7:05am. There was a line of people out the door across the parking lot and into the neighbors yard. My brother in the city next door said it was worse. I’ve been here 15 years and have never seen turnout like this before..
Everyone in the state received an offer to request a mail in ballot. Guess I’m not the only one that rejected it.

Here in Massachusetts, there were only two republican names on the ballot. One for president with four others competing (his name was last on the list), the other was for senator against Markey. All of the remaining choices were democrat incumbents without a challenger.

Pray for President Trump and pray for America

Spent 3 hours, greeting at the polls, here in Wake County (Raleigh) North Carolina. Steady all morning. Would say 6 to 1 Republican advantage. based on voter guides taken.

    Wow! In Wake Co.?
    Let’s hope and pray it’s victory for Trump, Sen. Tillis and Dan Forest (to oust our current, awful gov.).

Paul In Sweden | November 3, 2020 at 10:57 am

Prof. Jacobson posits: “if he[Joe Biden] thinks he is the winner, he will declare victory and address the nation.”

This is something that I have not considered.

Lots of popcorn stocked up for tonight…

This was posted in another thread: (Sorry I don’t know how to link to it, but all the information is there)

Harmeet K. Dhillon
Republicans: We have thousands of staff, volunteers, and lawyers on the ground all over the country. Please HELP US — if you see anything irregular at the polling place — electioneering, not open, harassing or denying poll watchers, report it here!
Incident Report
Formstack Form – Incident Report
10:42 AM · Nov 3, 2020
415 people are Tweeting

The Friendly Grizzly | November 3, 2020 at 11:21 am

I got to my polling station at 7 AM. I then found out, voting began at 8 AM. I returned, and the line was already out the door and down into the parking lot at 7:40. The people at the door relented and opened early. I got through and did my voting and came home via some errands I had to run.

I voted straight Republican. Who knows one of them may have been gay, but I still vote straight Republican. He sure to tip your waitress. On the non-partisan offices attended to vote for men, I specifically did not vote for women with hyphenated names. I also wrote myself in for a city commission seat. They make it easy to do here.

And observation: the biggest poster beyond the 100 foot limit was for the democrat candidate for senator. A scowling black woman looking out from by far the biggest poster in the place. She has a look on her face that says “trouble”. Scowling, me looking, sort of like Maxine Waters but with better hair.

    Straight R in this household, too, except one contest between two D’s. Just skipped that one. A couple other races were non-partisan – scoured the web to read up on the candidates. One was a local education race … Latina woman who cited God, country and family. My girl, check!

    The shy Trump voter thing is real here. You’d be hard pressed to find a Trump-Pence sign, a smattering of Harris-Biden signs. The give away is the sea of Culp for Gov. signs. He’s the sheriff in Republic WA who a couple years ago told the commies in Olympia to take their new unconstitutional gun laws and shove them sideways. That got him national recognition – and locally a rock-star.

      CorkyAgain in reply to MrE. | November 3, 2020 at 1:14 pm

      I’m in WA too and voted R in every race — including Lt. Gov, where I wrote in Joshua Freed.

      WA going R would be a surprising result that would be exceeded only if CA does too. But I keep hoping!

    You look like Maxine Waters with better hair? I don’t know, man, seems like you could sell that better.

    Morning Sunshine in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | November 3, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    There were no candidates for an open school board seat, so I wrote in my name. And then I wrote my name on my husband’s ballot (we were sitting together doing it together; no voter fraud)
    He said: “would you really serve if you won.”
    (2 votes for a candidate would indeed be a long shot)
    Me: Sure.
    Him: even though we are moving?
    Me: yeah – think of the damage I could do in 9 months.

    he laughed.

We have technology that can establish extremely accurate vote tallies.

I’m good with some form of national voter ID as long as there is a physical paper trail directly linked to some attribute of mine. With checks/balances integrated in the system (blockchain etc.)

Votes are too important to be sent into the ether, to be lost, stolen or manipulated. I don’t want my vote to be turned into a key to the hen house handed over to the wolf. Or outright cancelled, corrupted, diluted by illegal/illegitimate voters.

Enough is enough. Time to end voter fraud.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to CKYoung. | November 3, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    A National voter ID with an attribute trace ability. That gives all potential employers, loan officers, police and sheriffs, and the Fibbies a lot to work with.

      My thinking would be in the line of: I voted “XYZ.” If I see my vote ended up as votes for “ABC,” I get to throw the BS flag. Legal firewalls would be built into the system, unlike what we saw with Spygate/FISA. Spygate/FISA were perpetrated on the notion that a national vote would produce a particular outcome, therefore engaging in extremely illegal behavior would be swept under the rug. Only a miracle prevented that. We must never allow the possibility of a system being corrupted so that real votes are corrupted. All the entities you mentioned ALREADY have access to ALL of that information. The only thing that stops them from abusing it is fear of legal repercussions. Remove that fear by electing a biden/harris ticket and we are F’d. Look at Carter Page, PapaD, manafort, Stone, General Flynn and many others.

      The alphabets have us in their sights all already, it simply depends on who is above them on whether they pull the trigger or not. Sad but true, and hopefully we can change that.


      IMO we have that with the Federal ‘real ID’ standards.

      What we truly need is a Federally administered voter registration database for Federal office elections and ballots.

      Simply create the form, everyone goes to the post office in their month of birth and presents their form and their state issued ID, so long as that State is ‘real ID’ compliant, or a military ID or a passport.

      Feds maintain the registration database and can input death data from Social Security and changes of address from postal service. Then do a double check v Federal tax data.

      States would be given a copy for them to incorporate for use in State, County and Municipal elections at their option. However, to receive a ballot for Federal offices a person must present approved ID and be listed on the Federal Voter Registration list.

      All it takes is imposition of political will. States would then be in a very defensive posture during future voter registration challenges in Court should they decline to utilize the Federal database for assistance in meeting their duty to maintain an accurate voter registration list at the State level.

      I agree. I don’t like it.

Here in an extremely lefty area of Brooklyn it looks like everyone voted early. All through the week people waited 3 hrs or more to vote. Today it’s dead. We opened at 6, and by noon we’ve had maybe 250 voters. Since 6:10 am there have been no lines, no waiting.

In Westside El Paso, leans r, at 0900 about a ten to twelve minute wait to vote.

No problems. Our individual machines that one casts their ballot on keeps a running total for that machine. Trump winning about 55% of the vote so far but that is one machine in a r lean precinct. No true solid red precincts in El Paso.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to CommoChief. | November 3, 2020 at 1:01 pm

    I’m surprised the machines have a running total that easily observed. Is there something I’m mis-reading here?

    CorkyAgain in reply to CommoChief. | November 3, 2020 at 1:22 pm

    Is the running total visible before or only after the voter casts his ballot?

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to CorkyAgain. | November 3, 2020 at 1:32 pm

      Should it be visible at all is my question. The press could do a lot of shenanigans with information like that.

        The influence on the individual voter is greatest if it’s shown before he casts his ballot.

        But I agree, it shouldn’t be shown either way.

          MajorWood in reply to CorkyAgain. | November 3, 2020 at 1:49 pm

          In Oregon there is a rule that tax measures can not pass if less than 50% of the eligible voters vote. So if one is against a measure, they can either not vote for it hoping the 50% minimum isn’t met, or vote against it assuming the 50% will be achieved. As such, nasty tax increases used to get put on the primary ballot until the 50% rule was enacted. Now they show up in November. But what disturbs me is the election bureau releasing results about how many ballots have been turned in. That in and of itself is an early reporting of a result and should be banned.


        You only see the tally from the machine that you use. You don’t see the tally from the precinct ‘tabulation machine’.

        Again the totals I stated were for MY machine at 0900ish. I didn’t see the tally on the other seven machines in the building.

        Anyone trying to extrapolate meaningful data from these is going to be disappointed. Especially since we began using in 2017 and this is the first Presidential election cycle to use them.

        Heck, even if I go at the exact same time next Presidential election the voters who came in front of me this year may not vote next cycle. Any attempt to utilize the data to analyze a trend is not going to work. Too many variables.

          txvet2 in reply to CommoChief. | November 3, 2020 at 3:10 pm

          Wow. Completely different system here. All computerized – you show your ID and get your eligibility confirmed and receive a numerical code to enter into the computer at your voting station. Voting is entirely by touch screen and it doesn’t seem to do anything you described as far as showing totals.

        Yes, that doesn’t seem right.

        In NY the only running total that is visible is how many votes have been scanned on that machine, today and since voting started. No indication of how voting has gone until the taped are printed after we close at 9.

        Close The Fed in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | November 3, 2020 at 4:21 pm

        Disagree. Being visible after you vote could keep them honest. Get a voter that says the count was 4101 at noon, and another voter that says it was 3822 at 1 p.m., would give evidence of fraud.

        I like it! As long as you may only see it AFTER you vote!

      CommoChief in reply to CorkyAgain. | November 3, 2020 at 1:47 pm

      Displays running tally live as you vote so:
      Candidate A – 57
      Candidate B – 31

      Thus you can see the tally before selecting. Then in the ‘ballot review’ post selection but prior to pressing the ‘final selection made print my ballot’ button the tally is shown again.

      Our process:
      Sign in/validation of voter registration and ID
      The registration table prints out a barcode and blank ‘ballot’
      You go to a machine and insert the ‘ballot’
      Then the various election /candidate choices are displayed
      Make selection via touch screen
      Upon completing review the whole thing/make changes
      Then hit the print button
      Take printed ballot selections on the previously blank ‘ballot’ and run it through yourself into the precinct tally machine

      We got these new machines in 2017. Super easy to use. No one touches the ballot but the voter.

      Hope that addresses your question and Grizzly question.

        Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | November 3, 2020 at 2:14 pm

        That means you can see the totals before someone votes and then after, and know how they voted!

          CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | November 3, 2020 at 6:58 pm

          Not really. Not at all.

          The machines are all visible, no curtains. Plenty of space between machines and distance from the ‘on deck’ circle waiting for the next open machine. Too far to observe.

          Once the previous voter prints out the ballot the machine is ‘dormant’ until the next voter inserts their ballot. No ability for poll workers to view what the previous voter did. Also any attempt at shenanigans would be in plain view.

          Since a voter moves from the ‘on deck’ circle directly to the next open machine I don’t see a practical way to game that in order find out a particular voters choices. Too random.

          You would need to know the vote total on a particular machine prior to your ‘target’ casting a ballot as well.

          So to glean any info on a particular voter you would have to know in advance which machine would be randomly open, if more than one machine open which the ‘target’ would choose. Then get someone positioned to vote both immediately prior to the ‘target’ and immediately after the ‘target’.

I’m shocked, shocked that Philly folks are electioneering inside the polling place.

    txvet2 in reply to zennyfan. | November 3, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    I don’t know why they’re bothering, since they’re not going to let any Republican poll watchers in to watch the vote counting anyway.

It’s not just Election Day, it is also payback day and Americans have quietly suffered the media, blm, anarchy and outlaw governments, long enough.

Can’t wait to see Trump decimate the federal payroll and to cutoff subsidies to the cities that have capitulated to lawlessness and taken up social justice.

    I hope, that with his victory speech, Trump acknowledges the people’s mandate is “justice” and follows up with 4 years of demonstrating same.

Just cast my vote! First election I can vote in – I’m in Arkansas so most of it was moot, much more important to vote on the issues.

    WestRock in reply to alexm. | November 3, 2020 at 5:29 pm

    No, we voted for Trump 4 years ago. And I hope you voted for French Hill if he represents your district.

I’m not going to be able to follow the action much today. I have a zoom meeting to plan my mom’s funeral, which I’m sure the governor of kali won’t let me attend. Also, I’m trying to avoid homelessness later this week.

Please give if you can. Or share this on social media and help me get the word out.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 3, 2020 at 1:26 pm

In the down-ballot races, do any Californians have a feel for those four Orange County congressional seats going back to the GOP or are they forever lost to vote harvesting?

People around here stood in line the first week of early voting but by the time I voted late in the second week, things were pretty dead. I just took a driving tour of a half-dozen polling places this morning and they were all dead.

Voted early Friday. About six people in line, eight people filling out ballots. Took around fifteen minutes total including the scanning of my driver’s license, got a nifty pen out of it (Kansas is giving them out for free to mark the paper ballots in ink), and was right back out the door. Masks not *required* but most people were wearing them because we’re generally polite people around here. Kansas is so Trump except for Lawrence and most of KC. Hope he gets over 300 Electoral votes by tonight. The Dem reaction videos will be epic.

Will someone here be reporting reliably on number of electoral college votes?

This seems important eh….

Voted early in person.

The wife and I did early voting here in the FL panhandle, as the early voting location is much easier for us than the on-the-day. I’m very confident about the turnout for Trump.
However, a strange constitutional amendment made its way onto the ballot and I know not how: To change our primary system to, essentially, California’s. I sure hope that is defeated! How can anyone think that’s a good idea?

Voted in Pa here at pm, walked right up and in and out in 4 minutes. It’s all in timing

Update: almost 10 hours after opening, at a site serving 7 election districts (each with approximately 1000 registered voters), with 5 scanners open, we have scanned a total of 380 ballots. 5 more hours to go.

    Is that the total registered voters including early voting , or how many are left after early voting?

      Milhouse in reply to rdm. | November 3, 2020 at 4:47 pm

      Impossible to tell, without going through the book and counting them by hand. During early voting this site served many more districts, I don’t know how many, and scanned 19,000 ballots.

Poll worker in PA claims to have tossed out over 100 Trump ballots:

smalltownoklahoman | November 3, 2020 at 4:03 pm

Voted early this morning, straight R, first time I’ve ever voted straight party down ticket. I felt like this election is one where no matter how nice an individual Dem candidate may be I just cannot risk giving their party even a smidgen of support. Their party needs to return to sanity before I’ll ever even consider possibly supporting another one of them.

So Mill, you cant see how many of the 7k voters voted early either in person or by mail, but less than 400 in 10 hours. EP is big time blue so maybe that is not real bad news???

Happy retirement anniversary to Hillary Clinton today!

DieJustAsHappy | November 3, 2020 at 4:38 pm

HRC: The mask is a big big improvement. Stay with it and don’t let anyone tell you any different, including Dr. Fauci!

New from Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night”

Isn’t that just a tad asinine?

Jen O’Malley is part of the problem. I’m not voting for any more Democrats until they clean house.

In every previous election I voted straight Democrat. This year I voted straight Republican. I’m not telling my friends.

One story today reports that O’Biden started off by defiling a church with his presence and then went to visit a cemetery.

The cemetery part is the closest thing to yet, to Joe’s reality.

The Delaware creeper is a shovel ready project.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 3, 2020 at 6:35 pm

Some on here have seen me refer to a friend of mine who is a leftie but capable of thinking, rather than just parroting talking points.

I received an email from him. Hew voted mostly Democrat, but also voted for Republicans he felt are doing goods work and should be retained. For all I know, they are not good Republicans, but at least my friend did not vote straight party.

The polls are about to start closing. Get ready for a tsunami of “Biden is outperforming expectations” blather from the Joseph Goebbels media.

    well from watching various followings all day, voter turnout seems to be rather low in this cycle

    for both sides but in this case it helps the Democrats alot more

    we had alot of early voting and votes by mail but if the early trends is favoring a low election day turnout in votes cast, then I can’t see Trump pulling this off

    so if THAT holds true, Trump will need to win the swing vote in specific states by a 6-4 or 7-3 margin to get a second term

    you have to remember in 2016, Trump won states by single percentage margins

    that won’t cut it in 2020

    the Republicans are not looking good (atm) in outperforming what they did 4 years ago

    still early to call though… but that is just what I’ve been seeing

I am monitoring at:

Self-updates every few seconds, very straight-forward.
Easy to see..

NYT giving 95% Chance of Trump winning Florida..

“AP Politics: BREAKING: Joe Biden wins Rhode Island”
Funniest “news” I’ve seen all day.
Who’s next — the District of Columbia?

Rhode Island and Vermont.
I am worried…

There must be some kind of mental block for Virginia, where Trump is blowing Biden’s doors off, but they won’t call it.

    Olinser in reply to snowshooze. | November 4, 2020 at 2:06 am

    They’re trying to maintain enough ‘open’ states so that they can call it for Biden and then act like Trump stole it while they frantically try to manufacture votes.

NY was called for Biden as soon as the polls closed before any votes counted.

Why should D.C. get an Electoral vote?
They aren’t even a State…

Projections have already been blown out.