CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Blasted For Comparing Trump Admin to Nazi Kristallnacht
“It appears the real assault on ‘history’ can be found at CNN, where pundits compare a presidential administration they simply don’t like to one of the evilest and most violent regimes in human history”

Overwrought declarations that President Trump is just like Hitler and that his supporters are (actual) Nazis have become so commonplace that it takes extra effort for anti-Trumpers to be heard. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour took up the challenge and spit out the most vile accusation yet, comparing Trump’s first term to Kristallnacht.
Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was a two-day pogrom that took place November 9-10, 1938. The horrific series of crimes committed by the SA (and by some German citizens) against Jewish people in Nazi Germany resulted in thousands of Jewish businesses, homes, synagogues, hospitals, and schools damaged or destroyed, hundreds of Jewish people slaughtered, hundreds more driven to suicide, and tens of thousands of Jewish men ‘arrested’ and sent to Hitler’s death camps.
9-10 November 1938 | November Pogrom (#Kristallnacht) – a pogrom against the Jews throughout Nazi Germany. Hundreds killed & died by suicide, 30,000 men arrested, over 1,000 synagogues burnt, over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged:
— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) November 9, 2020
Amanpour looks at this unspeakably horrific pogrom . . . and sees the Trump administration.
CNN International anchor Christiane Amanpour is being criticized after she compared President Trump’s four years in office to Kristallnacht.
“This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened,” Amanpour said on air, Fox News reported.
Kristallnacht, literally the “Night of Crystal,” was a series of violent Nazi pogroms that heralded the Holocaust — its name prompted by the broken glass that littered the streets from vandalized Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues and homes.
“It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity and, in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and proof,” Amanpour said.
“After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to normal,” she said.
This is @camanpour on @CNN comparing Trump’s tenure to Nazi Germany. How the hell is this sort of prejudice tolerated on mainstream media?
Third rate rubbish.
— Ben Habib (@benhabib6) November 12, 2020
Note that this was not an off-the-cuff comment but was prepared, edited, approved, and loaded into her teleprompter.
The backlash against this outrageous comparison, and the deranged Trump hatred that inspired it, was swift.
It appears the real assault on “history” can be found at CNN, where pundits compare a presidential administration they simply don’t like to one of the evilest and most violent regimes in human history.
From the moment Adolf Hitler became German chancellor in 1933, Jews in Germany lived under oppressive Nazi policies that started mostly nonviolently. Kristallnacht was an important transition in history, however, marking the time when the Nazis moved away from nonviolent discrimination of Jewish people to far more extreme and lethal policies.
. . . . CNN’s gross comparison of its opponents to the Holocaust and what Kristallnacht represents in German Jewish history belittles one of the gravest human atrocities in recent memory, one that should be taken seriously and remembered solemnly.
While Christiane Amanpour enjoys her elite London life and casually throws around Nazi analogies to Donald Trump and his administration, more Jews, Hispanics, Black Americans, LGBT Americans voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016 and for a GOP candidate for president for decades.
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) November 13, 2020
Despicable. @camanpour compares verbal fact checking of a POTUS to a Nazi pogrom in which dozens of Jews were murdered. Amanpour uses the book burning of Kristallnacht to reach this comparison thus ignoring the overall deadliness and human cost of the night. @CNNPR @PBS
— OJPAC (@OJPAC) November 13, 2020
? Fox’s @HeyTammyBruce weighs in on CNN host Christiane Amanpour’s comments: “How dare they.”
— TV News HQ (@TVNewsHQ) November 14, 2020
DISGUSTING demeaning of the Holocaust by @camanpour, @CNN.
How far the left goes to wrongfully attack @realDonaldTrump is depraved.
Will @cnn do the right thing?
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Likens Trump’s Tenure to Nazi Germany
— Boris Epshteyn (@BorisEP) November 13, 2020

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The Anti-Semitic attacks by accusing their opponents as being Anti-Semitic has got to stop. It can only lead down one path and it’s a evil one.
Tell that to 6 million dead Jews in Nazi Germany. They said the same thing.
Lou Dobbs
Nov 13
Release the Kraken:
vows to expose the Silicon Valley and left-wing corporations that are using their power to help Democrats steal the election from
. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
Andahour is great at self projecting.
What else you expect from an alien, non-citizen who collects art work of the terrorist planes attacking the Twin Towers on 9/11?
Parents, Family, and Siblings. Christiane was born in the Amanpour family to parents Patricia Anne, née Hill, and Mohammad Taghi Amanpour. Her mother possesses Catholic descent, and her father owns Muslim origin from Tehran. Her parents raised her in Tehran until she turned eleven.
She holds UK citizenship.
These people are completely and utterly fucked in the head.
I think we have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves: “how did we allow this?”
WE are the ones who are fu-ked in the head.
But as R. Lee Ermey said: “You’d better unfu-k yourself”!
Now, ask yourself what you are doing to defend your freedom in the upcoming civil war. And it is upcoming.
I’m reminded of that ancient SNL skit. To paraphrase: “Christi, you ignorant slut.”
A couple of thoughts come to mind, every time the Dhimmi-crats make flippant, fallacious and insulting analogies comparing conservatives to German National Socialists:
1) These idiotic analogies trivialize the suffering of Jews and other groups during World War II;
2) The analogies are particularly fallacious and offensive, considering that the contemporary Dhimmi-crat Party welcomes Jew-haters of all stripes among its politicians and its supporters;
3) Goose-stepping, Dhimmi-crat jackboot-nihilist-goons in “Anti-fa” and in “Black Lives Matter have desecrated and vandalized synagogues across America, in their best imitation of German National Socialists in the 1920’s and 1930’s;
4) Idiot Dhimmi-crat Senate candidate for Georgia, Warnock, is a classic black Jew-hater and Jihad-sympathizer/whitewasher/enabler/rationalizer, in the well-worn, traditional Dhimmi-crat mold;
5) POTUS Trump is the first U.S. President with Jewish relatives, a fact that is legitimately cause for celebration, but, which was always ignored by the supposedly “Diversity”-celebrating and extolling Dhimmi-crats and media lemmings.
Sounds much like BLM, and what’s been going on in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Ferguson, etc. Thankfully the death toll has been much lower, but the rest of it seems spot on.
Yes this is the old meme of “The Resistance to Trump is Trump’s fault because it happened on Trump’s watch.” This is how they blame Trump for everything from the riots, to the NY nursing home deaths, even to his own impeachment.
By the way, I don’t get the whole idea that one must never compare anyone to Hitler, or anything to the Holocaust. Trump isn’t Hitler because he isn’t, not because it’s wrong to compare anyone to him. If he were like Hitler in any way, it wouldn’t be wrong to say so.
Pol Pot…. add others around the world that put millions in the grave. As Dennis Prager suggested…. communism is OK because they murdered their own people while Hitler murdered people from other countries.
Praeger is missing the most important distinction. Those killed by communists could’ve saved themselves by joining the communist party or expressing loyalty to the party. In Nazi Germany the Jews had no option to save themselves.
Tell that to all the loyal communists Stalin had killed, often singing his praises to the last.
Gee, when I learned World History in high school in an American school in West Germany, they told me that the Germans rounded up and killed their own citizens. The Jewish communities in Germany had been there for generations. Germany was also regarded as a “Liberal” country, and a democracy.
Yeah, it could happen here, and if the Democrats have their way, it will happen here.
And, just like the Germans, the nominal Democrats will swear up and down they had no idea of any of it.
There was a time when I thought those Germans just might be lying to me, but now that I see what is left out of California news papers, and what California Liberals don’t know, I can understand it.
Ask the Ukraonians about Stalin killing them…..
Maybe they at least wait until the person being accused murders a few, even a hundred before the mass murder accusations?
Haven’t posted this around in awhile
Democide – governments killing their own citizens statistics
I’m waiting for the night of long knives when the national socialists in the democrat party kill off all the commies in their party.
Occasional cortex and Bernie will be the first to go.
Yes, the POS was ‘blasted’. But she got her message our to her useful idiots, and she’ll be on CNN tomorrow bright and early.
She should be blasted – literally.
I’ve had an exceedingly low opinion of CNN since the first Gulf War when they were known in certain circles as a branch of Saddam’s intelligence forces.
It went lower (if possible) combined with something akin to hatred in 2001 when they endangered my children and the families of every other submariner on the US sub firing on Afghanistan on 10/7 by naming the boat. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d been hoping some jihadi(s) would stage an attack near the Sub Base so they could say “see how evil the US is!”
They better hope we don’t end up with a hot civil war, because they’ll be some of the first targets on their side. And I won’t shed a single tear.
CNN was created to serve the purposes of the Deep State and no one else.
Which is why Jeff Bezos may buy it. Perfect match, WaPo & CNN.
Trump is a reverse Kristallnacht, depriving Jew-haters like Amanpour of the destruction of Israel that they crave, so of course they feel it as a Kristallnacht against themselves. Kristallnacht is the measure of the difference between what they wanted and what they got.
CNN has been, is, and shall remain The Most Busted Name in News.
Amanpour is a fool always looking for greater fools to fool. She is worthless.
Amanpour has been a commie from way back. Why does anyone care what she says?
She’s not a commie. Being a commie means you can understand Marx. Although a woman in years, in reality, she is just a silly, needy girl seeking approval from others. Amanpour can’t even understand Groucho let alone Karl. If CNN was stupid enough to allow her to drool without adult supervision, she would drown.
The fact that these people are still here to make these accusations is proof that they are wrong. Were President Donald Trump “Just like Hitler” as they have been saying for four years now, they wouldn’t be around at all. They would have been taken away and exterminated about a week or so after the first utterance.
To think I once considered these prominent news faces as somehow wise, at least through their experiences of covering news around the world.
Now it’s clear they’re worthless liars, at least when it’s convenient.
Hitler isn’t the evilest regime in history.
Kristalnacht was just when Germans started to notice how crazy Hitler was.
Really? If so, I’m not aware that they did anything about it. Jews reported that neighbors they thought they got along with joined in on the attacks against them.
It became very dangerous not to report Jews.
“”All the rest could, if necessary, still be attributed to the inevitable immorality of politics – haven’t all states been responsible for wars? Consequently, all forms of compromise and servility, self-serving contacts and suspect friendship, unworthy statements and acts, and the pure opportunism of the citizens of totalitarian states could still, if necessary, be ascribed to a lamentable self-interest – cowardice or caution – and as human weaknesses appeal to some indulgence on our part.”
Levinas on Heidegger, going on to say why he’s not letting Heidegger off regardless.
You would enjoy this book.
From Good Reads website:
Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed
by Philip Paul Hallie
Lewis Weinstein rated it it was amazing
The story of Chambon is incredibly moving … my wife and I had the experience of visiting the village and feeling the powerful sense of “goodness” which still resides there. This town, in a remote part of France, led by the Huguenot pastor Andre Trocme, was the place of refuge for perhaps 2500 Jewish children, hidden and then moved on to safety.
NOTE: for more detail about Chambon, please see my review of Caroline Moorehead’s “Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France.”
Trump supporters, like the Jews, are not the violent ones.
The difference is that, unlike the Jews of Nazi Germany who were murdered by their neighbors, Trump supporters have the right to keep and bear arms.
When a squishy, wishy-washy, middle-of-the-roader like Tim Pool awakens to the realization that he has to physically protect his family, you know the brownshirts are real, now.
This is why Trump won that election, and it is also why, in addition to the compelling evidence of massive fraud, Trump supporters will not yield this election quietly. We know our lives and livelihoods are at stake: the faschists have openly threatened us.
Has anyone noticed the equivalent stains left by David Frum on his Twitter feed?
David, meet Jesus, one way or another.
Dezis speak truth to facts in the wake of 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests in progress. Wicked.
Oh the dilemma of being a leftist. The message must be heard! Reason need not apply. Everything they say has to indicate how IMPORTANT it is.
And to make things worse, they are constantly having to think of new ways to top each other. So you get idiocy like this, that was only intended to show that she’s one of the good people who hates everything Trump.
She never expected anyone would take her seriously or refer to the actual history! Who does that?
Kristallnacht featured damage to retail businesses. “Mostly peaceful” BLM and Antifa and their friends have done oodles of property damage this year. Last I looked, $2 billion worth. Nobody considers BLM or Antifa to be Trump allies.
A further irony of associating Trump with an anti-Semitic event like Kristallnacht is that Trump has shown himself to be an ally of Israel. Such as moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Maybe she meant it as a compliment. Amanpour hates Israel and loves the Iranian savages who want to perpetrate a second Holocaust.
I understand why this happened. Ms. Amanpour confused Kristallnacht with Kenoshanacht. It’s easy to do.