China now claims India is original source of Wuhan Coronavirus
This attempt to rewrite history shows that China remains a pariah among nations.

Last week, I reported that China was blaming Italy as the original source of the Wuhan Coronavirus.
Apparently, the level of skepticism was high on that assertion. So now, Chinese officials are pointing to India as the source of the novel virus.
A recent pre-print study, titled the Early Cryptic Transmission and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in Human Hosts, that was about to be published in top medical journal The Lancet, suggested that the Indian subcontinent might be the place where the earliest human-to-human novel coronavirus transmission occurred, three or four months prior to the outbreak in Wuhan.
The study was conducted by researchers with the Institute of Neuroscience under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Shanghai-based Fudan University and the University of Texas at Houston.
“Wuhan is the place where first infection cases were formally recorded, but it does not prove that the coronavirus originated from Wuhan,” Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told the Global Times on Sunday.
Commenting on the latest studies done by a research group from CAS, Zeng noted that it provides the public with another perspective regarding the virus origin, but it is too early to draw a conclusion.
The imagination of both Chinese officials and the scientists that support the state narrative is truly astonishing. According to the new Chinese theory of the virus’ origins, India’s climate and healthcare system are to blame.
From May to June 2019, the second-longest recorded heat-wave had rampaged in northern-central India and Pakistan, which created a serious water crisis in this region. The water shortage made wild animals, such as monkeys, engage in the deadly fight deadly fight over water among each other and would have surely increased the chance of human-wild animal interactions.
Blaming a ‘less efficient’ healthcare system and ‘imperfect’ hygiene conditions, the Chinese scientists say, “As known for all, the hygiene condition is imperfect and the public medical system is less efficient in the subcontinent. Thus, it is conceivable that a virus with flu-like symptom could spread undetectably for several months there.”
In a way, China’s efforts to blame-shift to India makes more sense than its targeting of Italy. We have been covering the territorial dispute along the China-India border, located near the ‘Bhutan tri-junction’, where the borders of China, India, and the tiny Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan meet, since this summer. Now, new satellite images have built-up in this area.
However, so far reasonable people and credible scientific authorities aren’t buying into this new theory.
Claims that the virus had origins outside China are given little credence by western scientists. Michael Ryan, director of the health emergencies programme at the World Health Organization (WHO), said last week that it would be “highly speculative” to argue that the disease did not emerge in China. “It is clear from a public health perspective that you start your investigations where the human cases first emerged,” he told a news briefing in Geneva.
Reports of Covid circulating in Italy in autumn 2019, based on samples from a cancer unit, seem “weak”, said Prof Jonathan Stoye, a virologist at the Francis Crick Institute in London. “The serological data [from Italy] can most likely be explained by cross-reactive antibodies directed against other coronaviruses.” In other words, antibodies found in the cases in Italy had been triggered in individuals who had been infected by different coronaviruses, not those responsible for Covid-19.
“What appears certain is that the first recorded cases of the disease were in China,” added Stoye. “It thus remains most likely that the virus originated in China.”
What is clear from this attempt to rewrite history is that China still remains a pariah, between sending out its infected citizens to destinations around the globe, the massive purchasing of personal protective equipment prior to the surge in other countries, its selling of defective tests and equipment, and its spying on vaccine researchers.

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Have they blamed the Jews yet?
Jew privilege.
The Jews of Indai
You mean the Indian folks from Italy, right?
I think this whole dominion/election fraud is going to blow the lid off so much corruption it’s going to be shocking. burrack hussein personally walking through the wuhan lab, fauci’s involvement, bill gates, all those US taxpayer dollars we would give the chicoms, the world health organization and so much more. They are going to be exposed, pointing the finger at India is a sad attempt at diversion. Our msm is on the brink of exposure too, judging from the way PDJT kicked that prestitutes teeth in on Thanksgiving.
President Trump did in the Communist bribed press?
I missed that. Got a link?
Rock N Rollers Still Rebelling
Iconic rock n rollers Van Morrison and Eric Clapton have had enough of the Nazi, Fascist, Commie, Covid Chinese Kung Flu lock downs.
Van Morrison and Eric Clapton Recorded an Anti-Lockdown Single
Not sure what the fox news glitching is. PBS has the whole presser in high quality but then I’d feel obligated to give you the time stamp and I’m currently multitasking. Thanks for the rock ‘n roll link!
Maybe it’s one of their videos you set to double speed.
There are three levels of war with this…
1) the level of American populace care, mortality and comorbidities (suicide, depression, etc.)
2) the level of saving the economy. What can covid-free isolated people in a destroyed economy do? Can’t sustain people with no intrastructure..only so many dumpsters out there to rummage through.
3) the level of settling scores with CCP. Terribly sorry for the people of China who are under CCP thumb when the crushing of the CCP crushes them. Need to add the CCP fellow travelers around the world and in USA to that list. The Dems have their lists, we have ours.
China blaiming India is just protection.
We should start an office pool. Who will China blame next? My money is on Sentinel Island. They won’t dispute it.
Maybe Canada eh?
Obviously it was the Newfies.
Or, the Quebecsauce. They talk funny, and use too many letters they don’t pronounce.
Blame Canada, blame Canada
It seems that everything’s gone wrong
Since Canada came along
Oh, I do blame Canada for everything. Problem is, Canada is so damned NICE that nobody ever sees them for the nefarious demons they are. Plus, every Canadian I ever knew was awesome, and that is 20+ people.
Tucker had a fact-witness who received political asylum in the USA who stated in an interview that the virus was man made and intentionally released
Why? Maybe to influence an election?????
I highly doubt it was intentionally released. What is clear, however, is that it was intentionally spread to the world (the West, mostly) by the commies, which is “a bio-weapon attack” in anyone’s book.
I’m not chiming in on the validity of her claim, just mentioning that there is a virologist from Wuhan who claims to be a fact witness who says it was both man made and intentionally released.
So if you assume arguendo her claims to be true, it’s not hard to imagine the logic in the wake of the 2020 election.
Don’t worry, be happy. I’m sure China joe will work ceaselessly to see to it that China, Iran and “green new deal” are all returned to their former glory. Even if he has to raise taxes and borrow more chinese money to do it, but only if he gets his cut for “the big guy”.
I hope no one forgets that China INTENTIONALLY spread the Wuhan virus in one of the most underhanded sneak attacks in history. Frankly, Beijing should have been reduced to glass in retaliation, at the very least, but now that China knows that no one is willing to hold them accountable they are going whole hog on the lies and idiocy with no fears of any repercussions, at all … just as the American left has been increasingly doing since Barky slimed into office and notching it all up after they were able to run a full-blown attempts at a coup and insurrection and not a single person was held to account for any of it.
If China is not made to pay for its act of war against us the next time the commies will do more than take advantage of a mild virus that happened to infect their population. THe next time they attack it will be for keeps.
If they’re working backwards from Italy, they’ve skipped Israel and Iran altogether.
Let me know when they blame Hungary.
“The serological data [from Italy] can most likely be explained by cross-reactive antibodies directed against other coronaviruses.” In other words, antibodies found in the cases in Italy had been triggered in individuals who had been infected by different coronaviruses, not those responsible for Covid-19.
This is exactly the correct interpretation. If these people actually had novel coronavirus, it would have spread like wildfire throughout those hospitals due to the high degree of naive immune systems to COVID19 in infirm patients. There is a glaring lack of evidence of any local spread whatsoever suggesting that the cross-reactive coronaviruses were not at all novel but well-penetrant in the population.
The imagination of both Chinese officials and the scientists that support the state narrative is truly astonishing. According to the new Chinese theory of the virus’ origins, India’s climate and healthcare system are to blame.
From May to June 2019, the second-longest recorded heat-wave had rampaged in northern-central India and Pakistan, which created a serious water crisis in this region. The water shortage made wild animals, such as monkeys, engage in the deadly fight deadly fight over water among each other and would have surely increased the chance of human-wild animal interactions.
Wow, if there were ever a not-so-subtle beg to the climate religious zealots to shift blame from China to climate change, there it is! This is pathetic…peer review is non-existent in China because the censorship of the Communist party is not a peer.
And obama is a Constitutional law professor.
And Kamla Harris got where she is not by repeatedly screwing a married man named Willie Brown.
Joe and the Ho are going to go full fascist if they get in. We are going to be in a shooting war rather shortly.
Scientists who created virus blame virus on Indians. Yawn.
Guess the Italy story wasn’t getting any traction.
“This attempt to rewrite history shows that China remains a pariah among nations.”
1- CCP, about 800 families, not China.
2- CCP considers the nations pariahs in China . . .
3- . . . or wants to.
4- It’s a difficult thought to hold in place.
5- Anyhow, the claim is information operations, meant to burn up victims’ time, money, and energy.
Are they going through the countries alphabetically?