China now blaming Italy for starting Wuhan coronavirus pandemic
The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy since September 2019, months before first official case reported in Wuhan.

Now that the election is over, and the media is portraying Biden as the “President Elect” despite looming legal challenges by President Donald Trump, China appears to be looking to lay blame elsewhere for the coronavirus pandemic.
That way, the nation can come in and resume its American-prosperity-draining relationship with what the Chinese hope to be a more friendly administration without the taint of initiating a series of biological release response actions to a new pathogen that guaranteed the virus would circuit the globe.
Reports indicate that China is using a new “study” about the an alleged “hidden spread” of coronavirus, naming Italy as the birthplace of the Wuhan coronavirus.
Officials in Beijing are pushing a new study that suggests the contagion may have been spreading in the European nation as early as September — three months before it was confirmed to be spreading in the long-assumed epicenter in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the Times of London noted.
The Asian nation has also previously questioned Spain about the origins of the pandemic, as well as the US military, claiming it brought the virus to Wuhan in October last year during the Military World Games, the report said.
Chinese state media have now been strongly pushing the idea that the new study by the National Cancer Institute proves that the contagion likely started in Italy, not China, according to the UK paper.
The World Health Organization officially reports that the new coronavirus and Covid-19, the respiratory disease it causes, were unknown before the first cases were reported in Wuhan, in central China, in December, 2019. We began covering the outbreaks in January of this year. Italy’s first Covid-19 patient was first officially recorded in February.
However, the Italian research team looked at samples from patients in a lung cancer screening program and determined the first exposure to the coronavirus likely occurred in September of 2019.
A further specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”.
It showed that four cases dated back to the first week of October were also positive for antibodies neutralizing the virus, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.
“This is the main finding: people with no symptoms not only were positive after the serological tests but had also antibodies able to kill the virus,” Apolone said.
“It means that the new coronavirus can circulate among the population for long and with a low rate of lethality not because it is disappearing but only to surge again,” he added.
However, what the study revealed was that the virus was spreading beyond China earlier than originally thought.
“We know that China delayed announcing its outbreak.
“So there is no telling when it started there, and China has very strong commercial links with northern Italy,” said Giovanni Apolone, at Milan’s National Cancer Institute.

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Arrest Gov. Cuomo and Flip Flop Fauci now!
Better yet, arrest Sessions and Barr.
ALL this chaos and corruption rests squarely in their laps.
They had the power to liberate the nation from titanic corruption and treason. Instead, we discovered they’re in on it.
It’s the next phase
Blue wave
Panic craze
It’s still Wuhan Flu to me
China could have just as easily sent it to Italy via their new Silk Road project which Italy signed onto in 2019.
You don’t even need to blame the ‘new silk road’ – in Italy, the Lombardy (Milan) and parts of Toscany have a large Chinese diaspora, as Milan is the capital of the fashion industry (and the Chinese practically running the textile inndustry over there). So when the returned in drives from their Chinese New Year holidays in China, they brought the WuFlu with them – killing about 40.000 people (in a small country) in just a few months…
Chinese workers in their Milan clothing factories brought the virus from China to Milan.
Biden is a fake president-elect. Worse, he’s a corrupt, treasonous rat. As for Harris, she’s a mere whore, both in the political and sex-for-pay sense of the word, completely beholden to corrupt, treasonous rats like biden and biden’s handlers.
Forget about accepting either one of them ‘winning’ this election. If they get into office, they are dictators, not elected officials.
Overwhelming Majority of Americans
Including A Third of Democrats
Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump
PJ Media, Weasel Zippers, etc.
that’s nice, but the election remains stolen and Barr is doing nothing
Hey, at least they aren’t blaming us Jews. But then, China does not have anti-Semitism baked into its culture. Unlike Europe.
Not many people know this, but Jews are admired in China as moneymakers:
Why Are the Chinese So Obsessed With the Jews?
And leftist Jews think that’s antisemitic!
Now Biden and his fellow travelers who refuse to say “China Virus” will call it the “Italian Virus”. I am going to enjoy watching China convincing the world that the virus was Italian and not from their Wuhan Lab.
Just like Leftists have always done, blaiming their opponents for the actions they are doing.
This is a pathetic attempt at a deflection, but just for the sake of argument let’s say the first cases were in Italy.
This does not absolve China of their handling of the virus when it hit Wuhan and their active suppression of world-pertinent information regarding the virus.
Now all we have to do is explain:
1. How Italian bats transmitted a disease to Italians (who don’t eat Bat Cacciatore)
2. The stunning coincidence that a lab coincidentally located in Wuhan had been working on enhancing bat coronavirus since 2014, under grants from Tony Fauci’s own NIH.
China’s claim seems completely credible to me.
Surely they will now support a full international enquiry so that heir name can be cleared!
Do I hear a chirping noise or is that just my Tinnitus?
I blame Cuomo. Is he Italian? I don’t think so. Most Italians I have met have some love in their eyes and care about other people.
Finding out the truth about Covid, China and the Kennedy assassination are not things that the civilians need to know. Hell, we aren’t even allowed to know how Obama was able to afford tuition.
China blames Italy for c19? Sure. Marco Polo brought it in in the late 1200’s!