CA Gov. Newsom ignores his COVID lockdown rules, attending 12-person dinner party at The French Laundry

Gov. Gavin Newsom was forced to apologize Friday after a news report surfaced that he attended a fancy dinner party honoring a top political adviser, which occurred as the governor is discouraging households from gathering together for their own parties during the upcoming holiday season.

The Democratic governor, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and people from several other households gathered outside this month at The French Laundry to celebrate the 50th birthday of lobbyist Jason Kinney, a longtime friend. The dinner at one of the world’s most exclusive restaurants was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.While Newsom’s office said the outdoor meal hewed to protocols, the governor conceded that he erred in joining the gathering.”While the First Partner and I followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, I should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner,” Newsom said in a statement.

The rank hypocrisy in the wake of new lockdowns is working out as well as you would expect.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, cancelled plans for an in-person dinner for new Democratic members of Congress after a viral tweet showing the tables being set up for the event sparked backlash amid the moralizing posturing on following coronavirus restrictions.

Pelosi deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill initially doubled down on how “safe” the event was supposed to be, tweeting, “Our office strictly follows the guidance of the Office of Attending Physician, including for this dinner. To be a further model for the nation, this event has been modified to allow Members-elect to pick up their meals to go in a socially-distanced manner.”However, Hammill later followed, “Members-elect are now picking up their boxed meals and departing the Capitol. There is no group dinner. Members-elect are in DC already for orientation.”

Residents of Oregon and New Mexico may want to keep an eye on their states’ leadership: New restrictions and stay-at-home orders are being issued. The governors are threatening fines and arrests.

The governors of Oregon and New Mexico ordered near-lockdowns Friday in the most aggressive response yet to the latest wave of coronavirus infections shattering records across the U.S., even as many of their counterparts in other states show little appetite for reimposing the hard-line restrictions of last spring.“We are in a life-or-death situation, and if we don’t act right now, we cannot preserve the lives, we can’t keep saving lives, and we will absolutely crush our current health care system and infrastructure,” Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico said in imposing a two-week stay-at-home order.Oregon Gov. Kate Brown ordered a two-week “freeze” starting Wednesday, under which all businesses will be required to close their offices to the public and mandate work-from-home “to the greatest extent possible.”While most Oregon stores will remain open, gyms, museums, pools, movie theaters and zoos will be forced to close, and restaurants and bars will be limited to takeout. Social gatherings will be restricted to six people.The Democratic governor warned that violators could face fines or arrest.

It appears the biggest turkeys this year are being served up to us by moralizing, hypocritical power-crazed politicians.

Tags: Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Progressive or Parody?, Wuhan Coronavirus