Anti-Fracking Lady Gaga Mocks Swing State Voters as Rednecks, Joins Biden Campaigning in Pennsylvania

Oh, look. Another celebrity voting Democrat and showing off the tone-deafness that plagues Hollywood!

Lady Gaga, who is beyond talented and classically trained, posted a video on Twitter of her as a redneck.

She posted the video on Halloween.

She cracks open a can of beer and says:

Hey, this is Lady Gaga. I’m voting for America, which means I’m voting for Joe Biden. And if you live in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Florida, or Arizona, I encourage you to vote. And if you have a friend who lives there, tell them to vote.I’m going to be in one of these states tomorrow. Guess which one I’ll be in. Hint! I used to live there.Cheers to the 2020 election.

I could see this coming off as somewhat, maybe a tad funny, if Lady Gaga worked as a comedian or told us it was her Halloween costume.

But what was the point?

Apparently, Lady Gaga could do this because this is how she lives in Pennsylvania.

Then maybe next time tell us because the video came off as condescending and mean.

I live in Oklahoma. I cannot stand it when people make fun of this state. Granted, I did when I lived in Chicago, but now I know better and I love calling Oklahoma my home.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Culture, Hollywood, Joe Biden