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Anti-Fracking Lady Gaga Mocks Swing State Voters as Rednecks, Joins Biden Campaigning in Pennsylvania

Anti-Fracking Lady Gaga Mocks Swing State Voters as Rednecks, Joins Biden Campaigning in Pennsylvania

“What exactly is the message here? It’s condescending to Americans as a whole.”

Oh, look. Another celebrity voting Democrat and showing off the tone-deafness that plagues Hollywood!

Lady Gaga, who is beyond talented and classically trained, posted a video on Twitter of her as a redneck.

She posted the video on Halloween.

She cracks open a can of beer and says:

Hey, this is Lady Gaga. I’m voting for America, which means I’m voting for Joe Biden. And if you live in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Florida, or Arizona, I encourage you to vote. And if you have a friend who lives there, tell them to vote.

I’m going to be in one of these states tomorrow. Guess which one I’ll be in. Hint! I used to live there.

Cheers to the 2020 election.

I could see this coming off as somewhat, maybe a tad funny, if Lady Gaga worked as a comedian or told us it was her Halloween costume.

But what was the point?

Apparently, Lady Gaga could do this because this is how she lives in Pennsylvania.

Then maybe next time tell us because the video came off as condescending and mean.

I live in Oklahoma. I cannot stand it when people make fun of this state. Granted, I did when I lived in Chicago, but now I know better and I love calling Oklahoma my home.


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Hopped up 4×4…. with street tires. Fake as the person being photographed.

No one said celebrities were smart…

What a waste of beer.

Look at me- I’m a redneck just like you. Got my 4X4, cracking open a Bud Light, wearing camo- look man, I’m just like you. And I’m voting for Biden, for Amurica. Plus the boots- WTF is that supposed to be.

This might be the most insulting and condescending ad I’ve ever seen. This ad alone might send PA, MI, and MN over to Trump despite the enormous Government-sanctioned vote fraud which has been and will be occurring.

    henrybowman in reply to markymark. | November 3, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    I gotta say, those pink-trimmed boots say “authentic redneck” to me.
    I got some neighbors in cutoffs and manure-encrusted Payless flats who could reduce her to a bawling tweener from ten yards.

Guns- Nope.
Bibles- Nope.
Bitterness- Yep.
Antipathy for hose that do’nt look like her- Yep, in droves.

Looks like gaga only hit 50% of burracks “bitter clingers” sentiment, the last two she got accidentally. So self unaware.

These people have hate in their hearts for those not like them.

I think Weird Al Sums her up pretty well here:

2smartforlibs | November 3, 2020 at 9:11 am


mister naturel | November 3, 2020 at 9:13 am

gee, i thought it was harpo marx hugging biden

This is the typical self-congratulatory narcissism and self-reverence that characterizes Dhimmi-crats at-large. Hollywood “celebrities” possess the same traits, amplified to an even more odious and noxious level.

I’m picking out my POTUS re-election victory cigar from my Tupperdor, and, a dram of Scotch to go with it. I will probably go with a Nicaraguan maduro by Perdomo, and, Ballnatine’s 17-year-old blend, one rare bottle from the 43% ABV batch, before they reduced it to 40% ABV. Cheers and here’s to another four glorious years of POTUS and his policies.

    CKYoung in reply to guyjones. | November 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    Literally a picture I put together and posted somewhere (8k) of grilled steaks, whiskey, a cigar, a 1911, and Old Glory (along with a few other symbols of Freedom). ‘Murica, F YEAH.

      guyjones in reply to CKYoung. | November 3, 2020 at 12:42 pm

      If ever there was a night to savor all of the stuff that you mentioned, tonight and tomorrow night will be it. Let us embrace the blessings of liberty, and, give thanks and appreciation for them. Unlike the ingrate Dhimmi-crats, who can never find enough things to criticize about the U.S.

SeekingRationalThought | November 3, 2020 at 9:33 am

It’s always amusing to watch someone jumping the shark. Thanks.

G. de La Hoya | November 3, 2020 at 9:37 am

I have enjoyed Goo Goo’s music in the past and as an educated gentleman red-neck 😉 I may have to reconsider 🙂

    G. de La Hoya in reply to G. de La Hoya. | November 3, 2020 at 9:40 am

    I’ve cancelled Springsteen because he’s a dead beat dad that left his wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack 🙂

    G. de La Hoya in reply to G. de La Hoya. | November 3, 2020 at 10:02 am

    I’ve cancelled Neil Young because he’s a hippie dippy whiner, got red bud growing out his ears, and the Lord only knows why he just ain’t right in the head. Bless his heart 😉

I remember being a lurker here during the Superbowl she did the halftime show. Virtually everyone talked about how nice it was that she was trying to make peace. They all virtually ignored the history of the first song she sang “This Land is Our Land”.

I didn’t doubt that she knew the history of the song as it was part of the reason that the Weavers , no I am not defending the action, were blacklisted, and musicians generally know the history of folk music.

She got away with it once, why not try again. Except that she really isn’t that smart and couldn’t avoid laying it on way too thick.

Come to any rural area in the Old South and say that. After the Good Ol’ Boys get over your initial fake dazzle, they’ll put you in your place with an experience you’ll likely not forget.

One arrogant female, that.

It is a condescending, tone-deaf ad, and what a pity this did not run weeks ago! Lady Gaga might have delivered a landslide to Trump no margin of fraud could overcome.

buckeyeminuteman | November 3, 2020 at 10:12 am

Lady Gaga is ugly as sin.

Redneck? She looks more like a B-list pro-wrestler.

Anacleto Mitraglia | November 3, 2020 at 11:45 am

Only two things come from Oklahoma…

lord, does she shop at goodwill?–she looks like some homeless derelict with sunglasses–she obviously doesn’t know a damn thing about serious 4x4s either–what an arrogant clown she is

    henrybowman in reply to texansamurai. | November 3, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    You will notice, she absolutely couldn’t bring herself to arm up properly. Probably would have melted like the Wicked Witch just touching one.