UMass-Lowell Prof Claims There’s No Evidence Antifa Plans Violent Attacks

It’s amazing how many people on the left will tell you not to believe what you see with your own eyes.

Campus Reform reports:

Prof claims there isn’t any evidence that Antifa plans violent attacksWhen asked during an interview about terrorist organizations in America, a professor at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell said that there isn’t any evidence that shows Antifa qualifies as such a group. He also said that there isn’t evidence that proves Antifa plans any of its attacks.During an interview with The Lowell Sun, Professor of Criminology and Terrorism Studies at UMass-Lowell Arie Perliger, answered questions about his new book about far-right terrorism when he claimed there isn’t any proof that Antifa has been involved in organized violent attacks.In Perliger’s new book, American Zealots: Inside Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism, he discusses the history and culture of domestic terrorist groups on the far-right. The description of the book characterizes the far-right as, “…white supremacists, antigovernment groups, and antiabortion fundamentalists…”While discussing terrorism on the right side of the aisle, the interviewer asked Perliger if there is terrorism on the left side.Perliger said that, in the past, he has studied “nationalist, left-wing and religious groups,” but stated that Antifa is not organized.“As for Antifa, currently there is no evidence that the group was involved in any planned campaign of violent attacks,” Perliger said.Perliger told Campus Reform that he does not define Antifa as a terrorist group and says “if new data will show differently then, as any reasonable person does, I will need to reevaluate my views.”

Tags: Antifa, College Insurrection, Massachusetts