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U. Colorado-Boulder Introduces ‘Critical Race’ Course About Whiteness

U. Colorado-Boulder Introduces ‘Critical Race’ Course About Whiteness

“explain why phrases like ‘All Lives Matter’ and ‘Blue Lives Matter’ are racist”

This is left wing political indoctrination disguised as the pursuit of scholarship.

Campus Reform reports:

CU Boulder introduces ‘critical race’ course about ‘whiteness’

The University of Colorado Boulder is offering an online course called Anti-Racism I, targeted at beginners who have “never taken a course in critical race or ethnic studies.”

The three-week Coursera-based course was created by CU Boulder doctoral candidate Shawn O’Neal and ethnic studies professor Jennifer Ho. Ho also serves as the director of the Center for Humanities & the Arts at the university.

Anti-Racism I serves as an introductory course for “anyone who is interested in learning about race/racism in the US who has never taken a course in critical race or ethnic studies or affiliated fields (indeed, who may not know what the fields of critical race studies or ethnic studies are), who has never read a book about race/racism, or attended any race equity or diversity trainings on the topic of race/racism.”

Following completion of the course, one would have learned how to “critically discuss ‘whiteness’” as well as “explain why phrases like ‘All Lives Matter’ and ‘Blue Lives Matter’ are racist.

Students will also be taught to “recognize the concept of White privilege that all White people have whether they want that privilege or not and to differentiate between White supremacy as a systemic concept vs. White supremacists (who are professional racists like the KKK).”

Anti-Racism I also teaches students to “accept the unequal history of race and racism in the United States that has created racial hierarchies that has disenfranchised Black Americans” and “share with others the true foundations of United States’s histories beginning with the acknowledgement of settler colonialism and the rewards that White people have received due to White supremacy and Black oppression.”


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 22, 2020 at 10:45 am

How much COMMUNIST CHINESE money are they taking?????

Top U.S. Universities Caught Underreporting Funding From China, Other ‘Foreign Adversaries’

The Federalist

This course appears to violate the University policies involving racial stereotyping and denigrating people on the basis of their race. Of course, the rules don’t apply to leftist “woke” courses.

It’s good to know their arguments backwards so you can blow the arguments up. However I wouldn’t pay them any money; the stuff is all easy to find now.

“This is left wing political indoctrination disguised as the pursuit of scholarship.”

I disagree. I don’t think it’s disguised at all.

“‘explain why phrases like ‘All Lives Matter’ and ‘Blue Lives Matter’ are racist'”

Because we just don’t care any more. Call us any names you want. We’re not going to apologize for being alive and for having created one of the greatest countries in history. If you don’t like it, it’s time for you to leave.

just consider the opportunity to learn all those new synonyms for ” bullshit ”

white supremacy=bullshit

critical race theory=bullshit

white privelege=bullshit